Well fellers! It's been a while eh? Anyway, just gettin caught up, im actually up on things believe it or not. I was in last week but pulled out friday, went from S to F fri, so im up 3% in a week. Im happy about that. Im siitin outside in this Texas heat downing a few cold ones. I hope everyone is doin good, hope your accounts are doin better.
Birch, hey (wavin hysterically) ! Hope your doin good, I see your posting alot and i read em, thats great! (I dont always agree with birch, but i find his tenacity and zeal for perpetual positive news refreshimg in a world of negativity) Anyhoo.... I have a garden going, Tomatoes, green beans,purple hull peas,jalepenos,and a hybrid hot banana pepper, oh and some kinda wierd cilantro.
I wanna post my medium to long term outlook. Basically things suck! I cant for the life of me see how europe is going to get above water anytime soon, the numbers are so big it is scary. The governments baught themselves time back in 09' 10' nothing more, politicians like post-poning things so they can loot/pilfer then hand it off to the next a**hole to rinse wash repeat, BUT NOW! I believe it has FINALLY caught up to them (world leaders) and we are going to see some MAJOR SH*T hit the proverbial fan. I think current politicos are like deer in the headlights just wondering what to do, when its obviouse to the average joe schmuck with half a brain that the brick wall is about 100 yards up ahead! Put your helmets on folks because this bus is about to hit full speed, and were all on aboard together......i give this whole f'ing system another 2-3 years and we will be all hurtin somethin serious! (Holding beer up!)