Zebra's Story

I retired 31 Dec 10 and did not receive my 448 hours of AL sell back until 7 Feb 11.

I worked for NASA and all I could carry over annually was 240 hours. So I did not take annual leave (I was sick some, muhahaha) in 2010 and sold back 448.

As of this date I have not received any OPM paydays.

Social Security, TSP and Military pay have their acts together and were Johnny on the Spot!
Well Well..........I got paid! Retired Dec 31, 10 and I notice this morning there was a directo deposit as of yestereday Feb. 23, 11

Better late than never, but OPM really blows canal water, if you know what I mean.
Well Well..........I got paid! Retired Dec 31, 10 and I notice this morning there was a directo deposit as of yestereday Feb. 23, 11

Better late than never, but OPM really blows canal water, if you know what I mean.

HIP HIP HOORAY!!! Almost in time for next month's check. :)
It was a partial payment (approx 70%), but I am now happy knowing that I am at least in the system.

Yee Haw!:cheesy:

I'm glad we don't have to listen to you whine and complain anymore. :laugh: Did you suspend your health ins and go completely TriCare? Or are you looking at approx 70% including the deduction for ins?
No I kept my gov. BCFS because my wife hates TriCare. But that could change. but as you know it is costing me tons of bucks; when Tricare would only cost what BCFS cost a most for a year. I retired as a GS13 step 10 and my workup sheet bascially informed me of a certain figure which is about 30 percent less in which they paid me, if that makes any sense!

I'm glad we don't have to listen to you whine and complain anymore. :laugh: Did you suspend your health ins and go completely TriCare? Or are you looking at approx 70% including the deduction for ins?
Interesting to hear that Z. I am in the same boat.

There is something about the inconvenience of never being able to speak with your PCM, never knowing who is your PCM month to month, no appointments available this month and when you call at opening time the first of the month getting a busy signal and when you get through being told your PCM is booked for the month...that just makes some not like tricare. The ONLY way to ever get an appointment is through tricare on line.

Once you get in it's ok but those E-3/4s manning the phones sure are good about making it near impossible. I doubt they are acting on their own inititive.

I do not love tricare though I do use it.
Well surprise surprise! I got another OPM payment on March 1. So that means I really am in the system now. Two pay days in two weeks, sweet. I guess they are trying to catch up with me.

So having retired 31 Dec 10, Now OPM, TSP, and Social Security are paying me regularly, plus AF retirement.....
All is good!:D
Happy for you, Z. hope the long-delay stories here become less frequent-for positive reasons.
Z, you get your OPM PIN number yet? I sent them an email back on Feb 10 and they replied that day that I would be getting it within 7 - 10 days. Now by my calculations those 7 - 10 days were about 16 days ago. :notrust: Went to the OPM site and their FAQ's say not to request a PIN if you've already requested one. :confused: DUH?

Oh well, hurry up and wait! How's the fishing?
No brooksmd i have not, but I was informed that it will take a month or two after they start paying you partial paychecks.

Fishing has been great (Crappie), but weather has turned nasty this past few days. I did buy myself a Bass Tracker 17 pro, used!

"Retirement is like being on a perpectual vacation or perpectual Honey Due work days"!
Well another month as gone by and I thought I would drop by to say, retirement is awesome. Also say TSP rocks, they are always on time (I am taking monthy payments); the same with social security. I am receiving partial OPM payments, but here it is the first of April and I have yet to receive my package and pin number. In other words OPM really lags, why can they take notes from TSP and SS?

"Retirement is like being on a perpectual vacation or perpectual Honey Due work days"!
Zebra checking in: As I near the end of my 4th month of retirement (awesome by the way; having such a good time and life thus far), OPM has yet to square my pay and Brooksmd, I have yet to receive the retirement package and Pin Number!!! How about you????

Wife turns 62 this Friday and her first to be receive in June!
Nope Z nothing here. Figure we got a couple more months, +/- a half dozen. Lol. But aside from that, life is great. Have settled into a routine. What doesn't get done today, well there is always tomorrow.

Wife: "What did you do today?"

Retired husband: "Nothing."

Wife: "That's what you did yesterday."

Retired husband: "I know. I wasn't done yet."
Hey Z and anyone else recently or soon to be retired. Talked to one of my former managers, who retired Oct 2010,
this morning. His end of April check from OPM was his first corrected one with adjustment for previous months.
Plus he got his booklet with all the pay info a few days later. So it looks like it is still taking 7-8 months for OPM to
get things straight. Guess we're looking at July/August. Just thought I'd pass that along.

Wife: How long is it going to take you to pressure wash the patio?

Me: Oh, should be done sometime next week.

Wife: What's taking so long?

Me: Get dizzy looking up while I'm doing the ceiling. Have to sit down till dizziness goes away. lol
Ok, approaching six months since I retire and I am still receiving partial pay; just saying............be prepared! OPM Sucks canal water.......big time!