Zebra's Story

When I retired, Feb 28 2010 by the way, there was big backlog of postal workers that were rifted. There was about a eight month delay in full retirement and SS suppliment. I think with the pay freeze and top five years rumors there may have been record retirements in Dec.
Plus the big influx of goverment workers after the freeze was lifted in 85 are now becoming eligible to retire with bought back military time.
With the threat of going high 5 I had NSSC run numbers for a 9/30 or 12/31 retirement. Just got the results today. I heard OPM was taking 6-12 months to get out full retirement payments. If Congress passes a high 5 there could be a whole lot of Federalies retiring in one big swoop.
Checked this morning and my first partial retirement deposit from the USPS or OPM, whatever and who cares as long as it's there, was in there. Still waiting for PIN from OPM. Looks like first SS will be the last Wed or Thur of this month. Did you fax your paperwork to TSP? Just wondering since when I talked to them they said to expect 2-3 weeks after they get the paperwork. In your case it looks like they were pretty quick. And like you, "Ahhh, life is good."

Just wondered what percentage OPM gave you on your first partial retirement deposit. Also retired same day as you and got a 33% partial deposit on 1/31.

Later, Vol46
I have not been paid yet, but if they ever decide to send me something, I will let you know. NOT impress with OPM, but I expected lousy service because I have been review this forum for several years, so it is not a surprise. I am impressed with TSP and Social Security............they were right on the money and on time.

Just wondered what percentage OPM gave you on your first partial retirement deposit. Also retired same day as you and got a 33% partial deposit on 1/31.

Later, Vol46
Just wondered what percentage OPM gave you on your first partial retirement deposit. Also retired same day as you and got a 33% partial deposit on 1/31.

Later, Vol46

Looks like it was about a 1/3. But then they also withheld for health ins. No PIN yet so can't go to the OPM website to get a look at what is going on.
During the processing time period they don't withhold dental or eye glasses insurance payments but the provider will send you a bill when it's due.
Looks like it was about a 1/3. But then they also withheld for health ins. No PIN yet so can't go to the OPM website to get a look at what is going on.
Yeah, would be good to know what they withheld. The good news is, it only took about a couple of weeks to start receiving my TSP funds after they received the paperwork.

Later, Vol46
There's no way that I have enough money set aside to go 6+ months with little money coming in.

How soon did you guys start your retirement papers before actually retiring?
Believe it or not it was 6 days, I almost messed myself!:D But to finish the whole things was 7 Months.
Believe it or not it was 6 days, I almost messed myself!:D But to finish the whole things was 7 Months.

I'm hoping to have about 400 hours of AL to turn in. If that check shows up within a month of retirement I think it will hold me over for a couple of months. :worried:
You will probably start getting your partial check (80%) about then, you can make it!:D
During the processing time period they don't withhold dental or eye glasses insurance payments but the provider will send you a bill when it's due.

USPS must have something different, as I got letters from both vision and dental providers that they will continue coverage and will not bill me but wait until OPM has my retirement straight and then collect. Here is the statement from the letters:

"We will not begin deducting premiums from your annuity until your annuity amount is finalized and your regular annuity payments begin. After the first deduction occurs, we will adjust the deduction amount in order to collect any premiums we could not collect in the prior months. You will receive a letter explaining this adjustment process before we collect the missed premiums."
Fortunately my wife is a nurse in civilian life plus an O-4 in Air National Guard, loves both jobs and not ready to retire so we aren't feeling any burden from the OPM delay. Plus don't have to tap TSP yet.
When I retired, Feb 28 2010 by the way, there was big backlog of postal workers that were rifted.

Wasn't a rif. They offered a $15,000 buyout for early retirement. Had a buddy get it for retiring 1 month early. Already had his papers in and date set. Sweet deal. Talked to him about 8 months later and he had just gotten his first full annuity payment. Over 30,000 USPS employees jumped on it.
Is it true that USPS folks can carry over 750 hours of Annual leave? Boy I wish I could have done that! :rolleyes: