XL-entLady's Account Talk

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I just moved from 100% G to 75% G 25% F. We'll see if it was okay or dumb, moving forward from here.

I actually kind of have 4 IFTs a month in a way, because I manage both my and my husband's TSP accounts. So as long as I don't move them both at once, I have 4 moves a month. And I'm in positive territory for the year as a whole. Right now the G Fund safe haven with just a nibble at F Fund to try to get a little ride up feels best for me. I think the markets are on the way down overall and will continue that way until at least summer's end.

In my work I talk to senior managers of large corporations on a fairly regular basis. It costs them big bucks if they prepare responses to RFPs my (now former) agency puts out. I've talked to several companies lately who are deciding not to respond to the RFPs because they don't have the cash flow to prepare the responses, even though there is a possibility of gaining several million a year if they are successful. :worried:

Extrapolating from that, it sounds to me like C Fund will continue to have a rough time overall for a while, and the smaller companies (S Fund?) could be totally squeezed by the twin pinchers of tighter credit and higher fuel costs.

It doesn't feel like it will get any better until the politicos start trying to artificially jack things up just before the election. ;)

For me, it boils down to the fact that the monetary system is just an idea that everyone has agreed to believe in. And with the subprime mess dragging the financial picture around at home and the oil mess dragging the picture around abroad, I think there are going to be some changes before the dust settles.

That's a long winded way of saying that I think I'm going to stick pretty close to G for a while. :o

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I just moved from 100% G to 75% G 25% F. We'll see if it was okay or dumb, moving forward from here.

Sounds like a very good plan.

I actuallly kind of have 4 IFTs a month in a way, because I manage both my my husband's TSP accounts. So as long as I don't move them both at once, I have 4 moves a month. And I'm in positive territory for the year as a whole. That is excellent! Right now the G Fund safe haven with just a nibble at F Fund to try to get a little ride up feels best for me. I think the markets are on the way down overall and will continue that way until at least summer's end. Then you are doing very well to follow your heart and that's the bottom line.

In my work I talk to senior managers of large corporations on a fairly regular basis. That means you are "the cat's meow". It sounds like fascinating work. It costs them big bucks if they prepare responses to RFPs Hmmm :confused: I don't recall RFPs in any of the chemistry, physics, biology, anatomy and physiology, or principles of internal medicine classes. Neither is it connected with psychiatry, psychology, or the various fields of brain research. But I'd love to hear more about it. my (now former) agency puts out. I've talked to several companies lately who are deciding not to respond to the RFPs because they don't have the cash flow to prepare the responses, even though there is a possibility of gaining several million a year if they are successful. Now you remind me of what I tell everyone about the TSP: If you don't feel you can afford to contribute then YOU NEED TO CONTRIBUTE THE MAXIMUM - YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO NOT CONTRIBUTE. In a way it's sad that money has to be such a central feature of our lives - but there is no doubt that helping any company gain millions would be such a wonderful endeavor. It sounds like a job you would be perfect for.

Extrapolating from that, it sounds to me like C Fund will continue to have a rough time overall for a while, and the smaller companies (S Fund?) could be totally squeezed by the twin pinchers of tighter credit and higher fuel costs. That's what I'm hoping for :) I would be thrilled with buying a ton of shares at the bottom of the barrel.

It doesn't feel like it will get any better until the politicos start trying to artificially jack things up just before the election. This is indeed a very unique election year. From Oil and it's impact on gas, food, roads...to an Economy that appears to be getting knocked down, with little to no strength to get up...To a 6 Trillion dollar war that is way drawn out and everyone's tired of...to mounting global tensions...and everything else. I would not be surprised that anyone representing change would win the election - and that will likely be the major turning point in global (and certainly - economic sentiment)

For me, it boils down to the fact that the monetary system is just an idea that everyone has agreed to believe in. Well then that's just another reason why I admire you so much. You tell it like it is and you're right on target. And with the subprime mess dragging the financial picture around at home and the oil mess dragging the picture around abroad, I would go a little deeper on this one. This is what is meant to be the accepted belief and we all can live happily with this - because the SubPrime Mess is largely over. But the BOTTOM LINE is the FED and the underlying organizations that should have kept the economy "in check" are the very ones who fueled this disaster and let it run wild. The "Oil Mess" is largely due to the "sinking dollar" and once again it is not OPEC or the foreign organizations which brought this into being. I think there are going to be some changes before the dust settles.

That's a long winded way of saying that I think I'm going to stick pretty close to G for a while. :o


Lady, all I can ask is that the grandkids always remember you as "the Sweetheart" and that all of you have a wonderful 4th of July celebration. May love and happiness flourish in your homes and throughout your communities.

Have a great one!

Steady :cool:
Hmmm :confused: I don't recall RFPs in any of the chemistry, physics, biology, anatomy and physiology, or principles of internal medicine classes. Neither is it connected with psychiatry, psychology, or the various fields of brain research. But I'd love to hear more about it.
Steady :cool:
Steady, didn't mean to be cryptic. RFP stands for "Request for Proposal" and it's a term I use so often I forget that it's not standard in the real world.

Thanks for stopping by my MB home, and for your kind words. Hope your daughter is feeling better!

Take care, my friend!
Hi all,
My July 4 weekend away from the MB turned into 3 weeks when my new granddaughter, Samantha, decided to arrive early. I've been taking care of three very active grandchildren while Samantha's parents have been with her at the hospital. But she was discharged yesterday and will be doing well as soon as she gets rid of her 'baby tan' and passes her bili-rubin test. :) So I have lots of catching up to do on the MB!

Today's markets were just nuts! I'm in 100% G (after being 75% G and 25% F most of the month) and have been for about a week, although I didn't have time to change my MB allocation until this weekend. And I'm looking at the moving averages and trying to decide if it's time to jump back in or not. Because G Fund feels like going backwards with the recent rise in prices, but as a retiree I worship at the alter of capital preservation! :rolleyes: Yep, I'm a chicklet.

And yes, I remember that we were originally talking about little square pieces of candy coated gum. But I prefer the visual of little balls of fluff scurrying for cover at the first sign of stormy weather. So I'm choosing the "alternate spelling." :laugh:

My records show that the 28 dma is now G up 0.1%, F down 0.4%, C up 0.4%, S up 1.6%, and I up 1.0%. (Congratulations, my friend Steady!) And now I'm wondering the same thing that others are: is it an early start to the autumn comeback? Or a quick pause before another plummet. My crystal ball is in the shop for repairs and I'm out of IFTs until August anyway. So maybe the trend will be more apparent in a week when I can think of getting back into the game.

In the meantime, I'm glad to be back 'home' so I can reconnect with you all again.

Hi all,
My July 4 weekend away from the MB turned into 3 weeks when my new granddaughter, Samantha, decided to arrive early. I've been taking care of three very active grandchildren while Samantha's parents have been with her at the hospital. But she was discharged yesterday and will be doing well as soon as she gets rid of her 'baby tan' and passes her bili-rubin test. :) So I have lots of catching up to do on the MB!

In the meantime, I'm glad to be back 'home' so I can reconnect with you all again.


Congratulations and welcome back :D
Congrats Ms Lady..I'm sure you are a wonderful granny...Be sure to let us see some pictures soon..
That's great XL...Now, will someone punch the bear in the nose and the bull in the $$$$...Hope we all make a few bucks..

congrats lady

this should be old hat for u since u have grands already. by your dialogue u sound young,vibrant and cheery not 2 say that u aren't !!!! just did not picture u as a granmother. now u must send pics. i look forwrd 2 that dayof being in the grand club, but not 2 soon, sons 17 and 20 they have plenty of time before kids. enjoy your grands !!!!

Hi all,
3 weeks when my new granddaughter, Samantha, decided to arrive early. I've been taking care of three very active grandchildren while Samantha's parents have been with her at the hospital.


It seems to me that having grandchildren is probably the greatest honor of all - and down the line I am very much looking forward to this.

It sounds like you already had 3 wonderful darling grandchildren that are full of life - with endless energy - evolving into stong independent children - soaking up everything around them. And now comes the darling of darlings SAMANTHA - fragile and pure - but wholly complete and ready for all the stimulation that fills the house. It all sounds incredibly fulfilling and I'm thrilled for you.

Hey - just noticed 3 gems in a row
Good morning, all!

James48843 has been posting his "traffic jam" economy indicators. And here is another unofficial indicator from my neighborhood.

Over the last few days I've assisted with some preliminary stuff on another RFP (Request for Proposals). We received interest from about 25% more companies that we ever have before. Now that doesn't mean that all those companies are going to spend the thousands of dollars it will take to actually submit a proposal, of course. And we won't know how many of them submit a response for a couple of months. But it's a WAY better indicator of interest than we ever dreamed we'd get!

For what it's worth,

You are a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air.

Wow, I love it here.

Thank you for being so precious and allowing me to disperse with the unknown dreads of wondering what's happening with this Fund or That and for that matter not even wanting to look at the charts. Because you are right :cheesy::laugh: - the minute to minute stuff is insignificant. The foundation is forming - the worst news by far has already been dealth with and we are on the way to recovery.

Recovery is the end result of a Correction. For now I believe we are in the blending process and will have a little of both but everything points to a strengthening - recovery process.

You may have heard the saying: Be Right - Sit Tight; Be in - to Win; and Stay in the Boat - and Stay Afloat. Well all these are life at it's best - and having comfort - without any fear. It's wonderful to be able to sit back and know that in the long run things will work out for the best.

Love ya,
Good morning! I just checked my spreadsheet that gives me current prices vs moving averages and here's what I found:

As of COB yesterday:

G Fund is at it's 14 day average, 0.1% above its 28 day average, 0.2% above its 50 day average, and 1.0% above its 200 day average.
F Fund is at its 14 day average, 0.4% below its 28 day average, 0.2% below its 50 day average, and 0.9% below its 200 day average.
C Fund is 0.1% below its 14 day average, 0.3% above its 28 day average, 2.2% below its 50 day average, and 5.8% below its 200 day average.
S Fund is 0.2% above its 14 day average, 1.1% above its 28 day average, 2.0% below its 50 day average, and 3.0% below its 200 day average.
I Fund is 0.1% above its 14 day average, 0.2% above its 28 day average, 2.2% below its 50 day average, and 6.1% below its 200 day average.

That's a lot less red than the last time I looked at my chart. I am 100% G and am trying to decide where and when to position myself with my first IFT of August. I'm thinking that S fund might be the place to be. But I'm like Squale and don't want to burn my IFTs too early next month.

Thanks to all who sent their good wishes yesterday. Today is a bit better :o and I'm sure that all your good thoughts are part of the reason why. I appreciate you! {blowing kisses} :laugh:

What an interesting month for markets this has been. As of COB today:

G Fund is at it's 14 day average, 0.1% above its 28 day average, 0.2% above its 50 day average, and 1.0% above its 200 day average.
F Fund is 0.4% above its 14 day average, 0.3% above its 28 day average, 0.4% above its 50 day average, and 0.2% below its 200 day average.
C Fund is 0.4% above its 14 day average, 0.9% above its 28 day average, 0.4% below its 50 day average, and 4.8% below its 200 day average.
S Fund is 0.5% above its 14 day average, 1.4% above its 28 day average, at its 50 day average, and 1.9% below its 200 day average.
I Fund is 0.2% below its 14 day average, at its 28 day average, 1.8% below its 50 day average, and 6.2% below its 200 day average.

F Fund has crossed over its 50 day average, and it is on the verge of crossing over its 100 day average.

You all know I'm in capital preservation mode, and I'm in G Fund now. Here's what I'm thinking.

(1) August is not usually a great month historically.
(2) The last week has been enough to make a person motion-sick. And,
(3) I'm not expecting any huge things to happen to the market until September, when the ruling party will start trying to artificially prop a big gain into the market to boost the November election.

My heart is telling me to bet on C and S. My brain is telling me to bet on F! .... So I'm staying in G for a few days! :blink:

What can I say! :embarrest: I'm the #1 Perma-Chicklett! :laugh:

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