XL-entLady's Account Talk

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Hi all,

I can definitively say that the stock market will be going up sharply between now and the end of June. That’s because I’m 70% in G and have made my two IFT’s for June already. So equities have to reach for the sky in the next two weeks because I can’t jump on that train!:p

I’m so glad to be back from Manhattan! I was staying at a hotel right on Times Square, and it was too surreal for me! Getting elbowed out of the way at a subway station. Learning that taxi drivers drive with their windows down so that they can lean the entire top half of their body out the window to yell, “Get the f*** out of the way!” Finding out that the best item to buy in the whole Food Emporium is a piece of chocolate torte called “Sex During Blackout” cake! I and the other 14 members of my work group got a private tour of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Wow, what a way to remember what’s important in life! :D Trying to get a TENS unit through security at LaGuardia with the rest of my carry-on luggage is not an experience I’d like to do again soon, however.:suspicious:

We were chatting on this MB recently about what Salt Lake City was like. It was an interesting study in contrasts for me yesterday during my flight home. At LaGuardia I reached across the security table to get an empty bin and a man who mistakenly thought I was going to grab his bin snarled, “This is my **** bin, you get your ****in’ own!” Then I arrived at my plane out of breath in SLC because I’d had to run through the airport because my flight from Atlanta was late. So I stepped into the plane at SLC and three men leaped to help me stow my carry-on before I was clear into the aisleway. Totally different mindset!

I’m home for a week now before I’m off again for a bit. I hope that will be enough time for me to get my fix of things like Silverbird’s intelligent thoughts, Luv2’s thoughtful insights, Squale’s smart humor, and Steady’s illuminative bursts. (Thanks, Steady, for the PM’s that kept me sane for the last 2 weeks.) I’ve really missed you all!!

Sounds like a great trip. Did you get a chance to visit Central Park or the Met? New York has so much cool stuff to see. It's been about 5 years since I was there last and my wife and I loved our stay. Glad you had a chance to enjoy the Big City...:D

Hello-o-o-o? Anybody out there? :worried: Four posts in the last 4 hours. That's empty enough that it feels ... um-m-m ... spooky! :o

This is my first summer in the MB, and I've been gone for 2 weeks. Is this normal? Everyone else too busy with summer stuff - play or work - to post?

If so it's going to be a l-o-n-g summer. Show-me, Buster, Birch, SB, dear friends like CorMaGa, Steady, Luv2, and everyone else on the MB are just too fun to miss! But I'll try to be patient!;)

I actually took myself away from the market today and spent three hours pulling up crab grass. Now that was invigoratring - but it won't come back either.
Hello-o-o-o? Anybody out there? :worried: Four posts in the last 4 hours. That's empty enough that it feels ... um-m-m ... spooky! :o

This is my first summer in the MB, and I've been gone for 2 weeks. Is this normal? Everyone else too busy with summer stuff - play or work - to post?

If so it's going to be a l-o-n-g summer. Show-me, Buster, Birch, SB, dear friends like CorMaGa, Steady, Luv2, and everyone else on the MB are just too fun to miss! But I'll try to be patient!;)

Hey Lady friend..Glad you're home from the Big City...Following Birch's lead..looks like thing are ready for a huge rise...;)
New York is awesome to visit... went to college there but wouldn't want to live there... I'm from the South anyway so back here in Atlanta is where I belong... glad your back... DA FIREANT>>>>
Confession time. Today I proved myself to be one of Birch's chickletts. In the last two weeks, every fund but G has crossed it's 50 day moving average, and F, C and I have crossed their 200 day moving average. It felt like the robot was waving its hands around yelling, "Danger, Will Robinson!"

I was already 70% G, but I moved everything to safety this morning. Yes, I know, I'm such a chicken!:embarrest:

I've only made 1.5% this month but I wanted to protect that. With health care costs climbing every day, preservation of capital is a big deal for me. But it's like making it rain by washing your car. I've probably just assured a big bounce in equities for the rest of you to enjoy.:blink::laugh:

Confession time. Today I proved myself to be one of Birch's chickletts. In the last two weeks, every fund but G has crossed it's 50 day moving average, and F, C and I have crossed their 200 day moving average. It felt like the robot was waving its hands around yelling, "Danger, Will Robinson!"

I was already 70% G, but I moved everything to safety this morning. Yes, I know, I'm such a chicken!:embarrest:

I've only made 1.5% this month but I wanted to protect that. With health care costs climbing every day, preservation of capital is a big deal for me. But it's like making it rain by washing your car. I've probably just assured a big bounce in equities for the rest of you to enjoy.:blink::laugh:


A 1.5% GAIN - sounds like a "gold mine" to me.

Capital preservation is the key to achieving great wealth. If I were in your boat would probably have done the same thing.

But for those who took a significant dive - the buy and hold strategy is the best hope of either breaking even or "comming out ahead".
A 1.5% GAIN - sounds like a "gold mine" to me.

Capital preservation is the key to achieving great wealth. If I were in your boat would probably have done the same thing.

But for those who took a significant dive - the buy and hold strategy is the best hope of either breaking even or "comming out ahead".
Is it July already Steady?...LOL ...Welcome back mate.:)
So as of COB yesterday:

G Fund is at it's 14 day average, 0.1% above its 28 day average, 0.2% above its 50 day average, and 0.9% above its 200 day average.
F Fund is 0.3% above its 14 day average, 0.2% above its 28 day average, 0.4% below its 50 day average, and 0.5% below its 200 day average.
C Fund is 1.2% below its 14 day average, 2.9% below its 28 day average, 4.1% below its 50 day average, and 3.5% below its 200 day average.
S Fund is 1.0% below its 14 day average, 2.1% below its 28 day average, 2.1% below its 50 day average, and 1.7% above its 200 day average.
I Fund is 1.7% below its 14 day average, 3.5% below its 28 day average, 5.8% below its 50 day average, and 4.4% below its 200 day average.

LOTS of RED there folks! I have gradually moved everything into G over the last couple of weeks, and have no IFTs left until July.

I'm trying to look at my TSP account decisions as if the account was a new one every morning. The balance is new, no wins and no losses. No historical trading prejudices. No old positions that I have to prove right. Just look at the current market situation and try to decide what's best for the account over the next few days going forward.

The IFT limit is a serious downer and if I ruled the world it wouldn't be a factor. But then if I ruled the world, dark chocolate would be one of the basic food groups!:toung:

Tomorrow I'm back on the road with no internet access for a few days. You all keep the world spinning, and I'll see you in a week.

The IFT limit is a serious downer and if I ruled the world it wouldn't be a factor. But then if I ruled the world, dark chocolate would be one of the basic food groups!:toung:

If you ruled the world it would be Heaven on Earth. :);)

Have a wonderful trip!!
Good morning!

I've unbuckled my seatbelt and am back from my latest contract trip. And from looking at the numbers, it appears that we ALL should have had our seatbelts fastened last week!:rolleyes:

As of COB yesterday:

G Fund is at it's 14 day average, 0.1% above its 28 day average, 0.2% above its 50 day average, and 1.0% above its 200 day average.
F Fund is 0.5% above its 14 day average, 0.5% above its 28 day average, at its 50 day average, and 0.1% below its 200 day average.
C Fund is 2.7% below its 14 day average, 5.1% below its 28 day average, 6.6% below its 50 day average, and 6.3% below its 200 day average.
S Fund is 2.9 below its 14 day average, 4.9% below its 28 day average, 5.3% below its 50 day average, and 2.0% below its 200 day average.
I Fund is 2.2% below its 14 day average, 4.2% below its 28 day average, 6.5% below its 50 day average, and 5.2% below its 200 day average.

WOW, LOTS of RED! I am 100% G and am trying to decide where to position myself with my first IFT of July. And I'm wondering about the F Fund.

Do you see the movement in the figures above? It looks like the only accounts that are moving in positive territory are the super safe G Fund, where inflation eats my G pennies, and the F Fund. Is that F Fund swing the start of something interesting? Or just a blip on the charts? I noticed that Sugarandspice, our current Fearless Leader, thinks F fund is the place to be right now.

So do I follow her lead, and the nudgings of my own number crunching, and move some of my G pennies over to F Fund? Or do I stay in safe haven for a while longer?

What are you all going to do now that a new month, and new IFTs, are approaching??

Even a small, short term (1-2 %) reversal in the stock funds for the month
of July should be a leg up, compared to the (F) Fund. But when to go in ?
Thats the real trick !
Even a small, short term (1-2 %) reversal in the stock funds for the month
of July should be a leg up, compared to the (F) Fund. But when to go in ?
Thats the real trick !

Great point, SB! One I'll be thinking about a lot, and I'll be reading everything I can get my hands on, too. Big - possibly costly - decisions ahead. :o

I was just visiting your thread to catch up on what's been going on in the last week. Lots of excellent information there. I thank you for the time and thoughtfulness you put into your MB home!

WOW, LOTS of RED! I am 100% G and am trying to decide where to position myself with my first IFT of July. And I'm wondering about the F Fund.

So do I follow her lead, and the nudgings of my own number crunching, and move some of my G pennies over to F Fund? Or do I stay in safe haven for a while longer?

What are you all going to do now that a new month, and new IFTs, are approaching??


I would say the most important thing is "follow your heart" and let that be your most central decision maker. That you were in G Fund is wonderful and you should feel great about that.

You may want to hold off a bit - but F is probably a fairly good move. The overall dynamics are essentially the same, and that is why I kept saying over and over to expect a downward trend and to certainly expect new lows. BUT WHAT HAPPENED?? - WE WENT THROUGH OVER 2 MONTHS OF CONTINUAL GAINS.

So I kept admonishing myself for not getting back in sooner. So when the Martets took a very huge upturn I went in at the top of the slide and remain on the board.

My point is: If we are due for a rally - it will likely last more than 2 or 3 days. If that happens you're better off out of F and in C/S/I.

Well I certainly hope the very best for you - and WELCOME HOME !!
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