The way I left my account is basically a set-up to start practicing Squale's "less than 1%" DCA idea. My TSP is currently invested as follows: 94% G Fund, 3% C Fund, and 1% each in F, S and I Funds. Lady
Welcome Home Lady.
A few things to remember;
1)Thanks you for honorable mention within your post.
2)Should the Market or any individual fund end the day positive, its best
to let your account ride without the IFT. This would increase your Acc't
percentage for the next day. This is hard to do with the 12Noon deadline.
Should you do a <1% IFT and a fund ends up positive, in essence, you'll
be lowering your shares in that fund. Where you might have had 1.08%
in the (S) Fund, you would have lowered the (S) back down to 1% and
thus lowering your share amounts.
3)Should the Risk Funds end up mixed (some up,some down) you add
shares to the funds that end negative AND lower the shares in the fund
that ends up positive.
4)Should all of the funds end up negative, you'll be adding shares to each
fund which in turn takes shares out of the (G) Fund to do this.
5)If you think we've seen the bottom or we're close to the bottom, thats
one thing, but you posted that we may not have seen
THE bottom. If that
holds true, then your finger should be on the trigger to bail at a moments
notice unless you plan on making this a long term strategy.
The above is based on what I do when I've run out of regular IFT's and
I want you to know, that if I bailed on last Tuesday I'd be up +6.87%
MTD. Wednesday and Thursday I made my <1% IFT's and got hammered
with a -2.45% loss. On Friday, I did it again and picked up a +.71% gain.
I'm now at +5.01% MTD. So you see, I'm hoping for at least two more
positive days to catch up to where I was on Tuesday. But one last thing
may come into play by Friday, Mutual and Hedge Fund Redemptions. So
please be careful. If your percentage amounts are lowered for testing
purposes (just to see how this works) I wish you all the luck in the world.
I'm in at 5%(C) 5%(S) 5%(I) when the Market opens. If the Futures hold
green and we see consistancy up to 11:40am, I may just let it ride with
the expectations of a positive closing.