XL-entLady's Account Talk

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I'm gearing up for another big project that will take me out of communication off and on for the next six weeks.

Because I'm going to be out of town on election day, I went in to see about voting early and found out that my voter registration was all screwed up. :blink: So I'm fixing that. But that was something I would have ordinarily never thought to check. Glad I didn't find it out when I went in to vote on election day!

If you care about this election, are you registered to vote? Are you sure? :worried: :laugh:

I'm gearing up for another big project that will take me out of communication off and on for the next six weeks.

Because I'm going to be out of town on election day, I went in to see about voting early and found out that my voter registration was all screwed up. :blink: So I'm fixing that. But that was something I would have ordinarily never thought to check. Glad I didn't find it out when I went in to vote on election day!

If you care about this election, are you registered to vote? Are you sure?
Sorry to hear you'll be out...BE SAFE and hurry back....You and L2R will be missed when you're in Say hi to me at Steady's house!

And fix that vote registration thing. Hurry!

I'm registered and certified here....ready to pull my trigger on democracy and fire my vote off! Have a great weekend!:cool:
It's strange.....in that anyone that describes themselves as 'Excellent'

...........................would usually be totally the opposite

This place will miss you immensely...wow...6 weeks without Lady.

I hope it's one of your best projects ever and goes beyond everything.
wow...6 weeks without Lady. .
Thank you for your kind words! I didn't mean to leave the wrong impression. I'm going to be in and out from now until mid-November, but I will be on the MB some. I just won't be super-glued to the keyboard like I usually am. :toung:

For example, teleconferences half a day today, out from mid-day Monday until Thursday night next week, etc. etc.

But you can't get rid of me. I'll be checking in often! :D

Take care all,
As I mentioned before, for the next few weeks my time on the MB will be extremely limited due to a big project I'm working on. I'm already having withdrawal symptoms!

Because there are so many new folks on the site, I thought I'd take a second and post an article that was a huge help to me while I was formulating my trading strategies. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

"Increase Your Odds with Multiple Time Frame Analysis
by: Brian Shannon
Two or more time frames are better than one when it comes to technical analysis. Here’s how to make the most of time frames...."


And another big thanks to Show-me for his Market Videos thread idea!


I hope everyone who has time to find the good stuff will take a second to post it there. And I'll look forward to the time when I can help find and post them instead of only being one of the readers!

Several of our TSPTalk family are having a tough time with issues unrelated to the markets and our TSP accounts. My thoughts and best wishes to you all! You all take care of yourselves now. You can't fill your bucket from an empty well.

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On this "feel bad day" I just wanted to take a quick second to post my little bit of "feel good news." Today is the 36th anniversary of the day I married my best friend. :)

He says he married me young to raise me right! :cheesy:

On this "feel bad day" I just wanted to take a quick second to post my little bit of "feel good news." Today is the 36th anniversary of the day I married my best friend. :)

He says he married me young to raise me right! :cheesy:

Grats grats grats! :D
On this "feel bad day" I just wanted to take a quick second to post my little bit of "feel good news." Today is the 36th anniversary of the day I married my best friend. :)

He says he married me young to raise me right! :cheesy:

Congrats LADY, Many more good years to follow, I'm sure!!!!!!!:nuts:
Thanks Lady,,,,,, Hurry Back,,,,, I'll be patient because I bought
anti-itching powder and I'm keeping it dry for a while. :toung:
Good morning, my MB family, I'm back from my short trip and it feels like the world changed while I was gone. I said just before I left that the markets had at least another 20% to go down, but I didn't expect it to all happen in one week! :(

First of all, my thanks to Silverbird, Frixxxx and Nnuut for the good wishes, and thanks to Squale and Nasa for the shout-outs. It's amazing how much I miss everyone while I'm gone on these trips!

As for the other reason we're all here - the market talk - I think that we have the pieces in place now so that stabilization can occur, but I think that people and their hedge funds and their computers ALL have to quit panicking before we can actually have that stabilization. And I don't see that happening until we get down to the next strong support line, and that is 800 on the S&P. (If we break through that support line, start stocking up on food staples, and I'm not sure that I'm kidding with that statement.)

I'm in G and have been for some time, so I am meeting my goal of capital preservation. I firmly believe that we are going to see a big day upward soon, but I probably won't be in the markets for that first boost up. That's because, since I think there is still so much downside coming, I'm going to just plan on losing the first big tick up, because if I lost 10% then it would have to gain double that just to make up my loss.

What I'm saying here, for any new folks who might be reading, is that if I have a $200 TSP account and I lose 50%, then I have $100 left. But then I have to make a 100% gain on my $100 to get back to my original $200. So I'd rather lose the first big up day than keep riding down while trying to catch that up day.

That's my long-winded way of saying that I think TSP Executive Director Greg Long was wrong when he strongly encouraged people to stay out of G Fund now. Yes, the markets will come back, and yes, they will come back strongly when they do. But you have to preserve your capital in the interim. Telling all TSP participants that they shouldn't have jumped to G in the last while is like telling people to stay on the Hindenburg after the flames have already started.

Bottom line is that I think there is still some down-side in the markets and I'm not going to try to guess when the first up day is so I can be in the market when the up day happens. I will wait until a short-term moving average tells me that there has been a trend shift and then I will climb back aboard.

But then, don't follow me; I'm lost. :laugh:

Bottom line is that I think there is still some down-side in the markets and I'm not going to try to guess when the first up day is so I can be in the market when the up day happens. I will wait until a short-term moving average tells me that there has been a trend shift and then I will climb back aboard.

I've been looking at the share fund prices and I can't believe what a bargain C Fund looks like. Blue light special! :blink: It's really hard not to nibble some of that. Even if it does take another 10% or more ride down. Birch, at these prices, I might be abler to stomach being a 'buy and holder' for a while. :laugh: Hm-m-m-m.

Lady, Lady, Lady,


Well, the market couldn't surprise you. Now that F, C & S funds are cheaper than G, anything could be a steal.

I'm glad to hear you're safe and preserving that capital. Mr. Long sent me through the roof with his letter but I ranted on that already:embarrest:

I'm staying out at least one week more because I don't think we've seen bottom. I predicted 8500 but had to revise my numbers to 7500 because I didn't count on the Nikkei and FTSE being on the same rollercoaster ride.

Good Luck, and If you don't hear from me again today, HAVE A GREAT 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!!
Hi Lady,

Welcome back, even if it is for a little while. I saw that you also think the funds are a steal at this price. I am dipping in a little toe to the tune of 12%. That is probably the extend of my comfort zone. Take care. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.
That's my long-winded way of saying that I think......

Very few have your sweetness and charm.

I cringe when I see this stuff...I really do.

Well I've got 4 in the hospital needing a thorough work up which will take a good part of the afternoon and probably 20 charts to catch up on.

Did not want to leave without telling you how special you are to me (and obviously many others).

My plate is so full - I'm wearing down but I just wrote a note to remind me to PRAY FOR LADY - TO HAVE A 3.

It's weird that I would pray you would have any pain (and I feel terrible saying this) but a 3 for you is WONDERFUL - so I promise I'll do that when I get back...and over the weekend.

Take care,
...I'm wearing down but I just wrote a note to remind me to PRAY FOR LADY - TO HAVE A 3.

It's weird that I would pray you would have any pain (and I feel terrible saying this) but a 3 for you is WONDERFUL - so I promise I'll do that when I get back...and over the weekend.
Thank you, thank you, my sparkling brother Steady! You're so right. A 3 day is a gift! :)

Please don't let these days dim that luminous person that is you. Better times are coming! ;) In the interim, we should all take care of what we can control and let go of what we can't. :cool:

Hope you have a special weekend. Take care,

I thought this might be of interest. (The article isn't as scary as the title is. ;))

Why You Should Fear the Future

By Richard Gibbons
October 3, 2008

"Remember when everyone was quoting Baron Rothschild, saying, "Buy when blood is in the streets"? Well, this is it. We're in the Wall Street equivalent of Kill Bill meets Jurassic Park. It looks like it's all over but the spurting.

Warren Buffett knows how to play this game. He's buying, and he says that in five or 10 years, "we'll look back on this period and we'll see that you could have made some extraordinary buys."

But when the market drops 9% in a day, it's hard to react logically, like Buffett -- and not, say, curl up into a quivering, sniffling ball. Here are five ways to help you achieve your goal....."


A quote from an article I thought might be of interest, entitled “A Little Perspective, Please”:

“What can the past tell us about where the stock market is going next?

Grantham: Historically, when a market bubble has popped, it has almost always overcorrected. But after the tech bubble burst in 2000, the stock market didn't hit the lows it should have.
Before it could, the housing bubble and tax cuts that followed 9/11 kicked off the biggest sucker rally in history, from 2002 to 2006. So I think the market isn't cheap yet. There is more pain coming. I don't think we'll hit the low until 2010.

Swonk: But even though the market is turbulent and scary today, we're still looking at a pretty favorable environment over the longer term for stocks. Productivity growth is accelerating - we all know this, of course, because we're working harder for less money. Rising productivity leads to rising corporate profits. That, historically, has been highly correlated with a bull market.

What's your advice to investors now?

Grantham: Understand that the market may recover for a while and then go to a new low. One of the lessons I have learned over the years is that things can get a whole lot more extreme, both up and down, than you ever dreamed of. So we may drop another 30% before we hit bottom.
Keep telling yourself every night that you're a long-term investor and don't look at daily stock prices. And it's not too late to shift some of your money to high-quality blue chips. Emerging markets are probably no longer too expensive either. If you had 80% of your stockholdings in blue chips and 20% in emerging markets, you'd have a pretty reasonable portfolio to ride out the bad times.

Gordon: Psychology is central in these kinds of markets. Don't panic, that's the No. 1 rule, and think long term.”


A 30% drop from current levels would be about 2,500 more points down - the way we've been going we could do that in 4 days or so. I'm going to treat this calamity like it was 1987 and selectively buy all the way back up - locking in my gains as I go.
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