wwwtractor's Account Talk

Tracker standings

Hey www, just noticed that SawBonz decided to make things interesting for you at the wire...looks like a close finish shaping up. Congrats. on a killer year.

Gulf petro-powers to launch currency in latest threat to dollar hegemony

The Arab states of the Gulf region have agreed to launch a single currency modelled on the euro, hoping to blaze a trail towards a pan-Arab monetary union swelling to the ancient borders of the Ummayad Caliphate.
hehe, not the Gulf single currency idea again! The Saudis wanted the Riyal, Kuwait wanted the Kuwati Dinar. Then they tried to create a basket of currencies - it was a basket case. It's nice sentiment. Even if they are able to agree on some sort of formula, it will take years to implement. There is no instant currency here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Congratulations on your returns for the year and good luck for the next year of investing for your future.

I enjoy reading all the comments but most are way beyond my understanding. I tend to try to keep things simple and do not have time to develop extensive financial models. I thought seriously about making some moves this year based on the MACD and Williams indicators but could not bring myself to go to the Fund G or F. I believe that dollar cost averaging is a good idea which will get your average cost per share lower over the long term. I have been putting all new contributions in the Fund I and hope to increase my contributions this year to a higher level as I am about 10 years away from retirement.

I do not believe that anyone can predict the future but some can make a good guess I suppose but others are just lucky like me. I was surprised to notice that this year that about 20% of my pay was overtime. You would think that management could see that it is less expensive to hire new help than to keep paying overtime but I suppose I should not be giving hints of ways to lower my income. hehe:D

Happy investing.

NYSE Announces First-Quarter 2010 Circuit-Breaker Levels

Circuit-breaker points represent the thresholds at which trading is halted marketwide for single-day declines in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Circuit-breaker levels are set quarterly as 10, 20 and 30 percent of the DJIA average closing values of the previous month, rounded to the nearest 50 points.

Click link below for details:
Federal Reserve Board

The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday announced preliminary unaudited results indicating that the Reserve Banks provided for payments of approximately $46.1 billion of their estimated 2009 net income of $52.1 billion to the U.S. Treasury. This represents a $14.4 billion increase over the 2008 results ($31.7 billion of $35.5 billion of net income). The increase was primarily due to increased earnings on securities holdings during 2009.

Federal Reserve Board

[SIZE=-1]Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and based on information collected on or before January 4, 2010. This document summarizes comments received from businesses and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is not a commentary on the views of Federal Reserve officials.

[/SIZE] Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated that while economic activity remains at a low level, conditions have improved modestly further, and those improvements are broader geographically than in the last report. Ten Districts reported some increased activity or improvement in conditions, while the remaining two--Philadelphia and Richmond--reported mixed conditions. The last Beige Book reported eight Districts with increased activity or improving conditions and four Districts showing little change and/or mixed conditions.

Re: Federal Reserve Board

Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated that while economic activity remains at a low level, conditions have improved modestly further...

Reports from the FED and from the Gov in general are always going to sound upbeat.

1)We are in the worst state of being since the Great Depression.
2)No one is expecting the US economy to ever go back to the 'good ole days' -- Unemployment will remain higher indefinately
3)FED - has been out of ammo before Obama came on board...you can't lower the Rates below ~~ 0 ~~

The greatest Goal - of 09 - was to bring everything so low you could only go up -- but going up is going to be very slooooow

Despite all this -- the Markets will hold and move forward ;):)
Well, actually this one is closer to 1985...not the Depression. BTW, both lingered over a time

The greatest difference between Silverbird and the overwhelming bulk of Financial Analysists and Media Talking Heads -- is that she is incredibly smart and a vastly independent thinker. The others are largely wrapped up in the Media Frenzy -- and pretty much get caught up in the same BS.

So although I've heard over and over how much our current economic conditions are very close to the Great Depression ---

-- When (and if ) Silverbird says it's closer to 1985

That's good enough for me !!
Dollar Decline

Government going deeper into debt.

The White House said the increase "is critically important to make sure that financing of federal government operations can continue without interruption and that the creditworthiness of the United States is not called into question," according to an official policy statement.
The White House said the increase "is critically important to make sure that financing of federal government operations LIKE GROSS TRAVEL ABUSES can continue without interruption
Ice and snow in the South

It is snowing on the Gulf of Mexico which is about a once in 10 year thing. I just had to pour hot water all over my air source heat pump to melt the ice from the coils. It was starting to look like my solar bird fountain avatar.

We hardly ever have to deal with ice in the South but it looks like the next week may be our time. Schools and businesses are closing for today as there are no snow plows or ways to deal with ice on the roads here.
I was in training at Keesler AFB in early '73 when one of those snow/ice storms blew through.

An Airman I went to school with got killed when his car got stuck on the railroad tracks just south of the triangle area. There used to be a gate there by the Chapel. The crossing was very steep on both sides and he got hung up on the top and hit by a train.

Another memory is following a local driver out Popp's Ferry Road. She couldn't get over the bridge, which had a small rise in the middle. Traffic was backing up as it was student shift change time and a lot of married Airmen lived in trailer parks on Popp's Ferry. Some of us Airmen tried to push her across. It was so icy you could hardly stand and she just kept pressing harder on the gas when the wheels started to spin. Finally she allowed one Airman, who had a southern accent by the way:laugh:, to drive while the rest of us pushed the car to the top.

Nothing against this older lady, her driving, or her distrust of Yankee Airmen. She had likely never driven on ice before and relations between us students and the locals weren't real good in those days.:(

So be safe and stay home if possible.

Keesler's command got beaten up in the press a little for even having the first (“A” 0600-1200) student shift report. They canceled the the B and C shifts. We figured it was because a decision would have had to have been made around 0400 and none of the senior officers were up yet.:laugh:
Fidelity ETF

Pick your favorite and tell me why you like it.

I am trying to decide the best place for the highest return over the next 10 years for a Roth account. I set my account up at Fidelity for the free ETF trades. I consider any information your opinion and not investment advice. I am all in the Fund I for TSP so I was wondering about diversifying to the next best fund. I still consider the dollar to be headed for the pits although everything is relative these days so I am not sure how that will compare with the rest of the world.

Here are the options:

iShares ETFs are commission-free?


Russell 1000 Growth (IWF) Get quote for IWF. Opens in a new window.
Russell 1000 (IWB) Get quote for IWB. Opens in a new window.
Russell 1000 Value (IWD) Get quote for IWD. Opens in a new window.
Russell 2000 Growth (IWO) Get quote for IWO. Opens in a new window.
Russell 2000 (IWM) Get quote for IWM. Opens in a new window.
Russell 2000 Value (IWN) Get quote for IWN. Opens in a new window.
Russell 3000 (IWV) Get quote for IWV. Opens in a new window.
S&P 500 Growth (IVW) Get quote for IVW. Opens in a new window.
S&P 500 (IVV) Get quote for IVV. Opens in a new window.
S&P 500 Value (IVE) Get quote for IVE. Opens in a new window.
S&P Mid Cap 400 Growth (IJK) Get quote for IJK. Opens in a new window.
S&P Mid Cap 400 (IJH) Get quote for IJH. Opens in a new window.
S&P Mid Cap 400 Value (IJJ) Get quote for IJJ. Opens in a new window.
S&P Small Cap 600 Growth (IJT) Get quote for IJT. Opens in a new window.
S&P Small Cap 600 (IJR) Get quote for IJR. Opens in a new window.
S&P Small Cap 600 Value (IJS) Get quote for IJS. Opens in a new window.


MSCI ACWI (ACWI) Get quote for ACWI. Opens in a new window.
MSCI EAFE (EFA) Get quote for EFA. Opens in a new window.
MSCI EAFE Small Cap (SCZ) Get quote for SCZ. Opens in a new window.
MSCI Emerging Markets (EEM) Get quote for EEM. Opens in a new window.


Barclays Aggregate (AGG) Get quote for AGG. Opens in a new window.
Barclays TIPS (TIP) Get quote for TIP. Opens in a new window.
iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate (LQD) Get quote for LQD. Opens in a new window.
JP Morgan USD Emerging Markets (EMB) Get quote for EMB. Opens in a new window.
S&P National AMT-Free Municipal (MUB)

I guess I could get a different exposure to the International arena with some of the other international funds.
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