Wolverine Account Talk

Going to hang in S for now.

Will suck it up again down or suck it up going up, whichever comes first. :D

Thanks Again To All
Went to more of a CP mode since last week and I am 50%...G...50%...S as of now.

Did not feel like going more in for Monday. Will let it be for now and go from Monday and see about going all in for maybe Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thanks Again To All.
Since this is Fed day, lets have a little sing along. :D

Jingle Fed, jingle Fed, jingle Fed rock
Jingle Feds swing and jingle Feds ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of Money
Now the Fed hop has begun

Jingle Fed, jingle Fed, jingle Fed rock
Jingle Feds chime in jingle Fed time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Fed Square

What a bright time, it's the right time
To Fed the night away

Jingle Fed time is a swell time
To go gliding in a multi-Fed sleigh
Giddy-up jingle Fed, pick up your feet
Jingle around the Fed

Mix and a-mingle in the jingling Fed
That's the jingle Fed,
That's the jingle Fed,
That's the jingle Fed Rock

Well, looks like a big party this weekend at the Hamptons. LOL

Just a quick look see at what I am looking at here today.

We have now re-traced 50% back up on the SPX between the high in December and the low in December. That gap has been covered today. Looks like we gapped up a bit today also. That means another gap to be filled sometime in the future again.

We still have that gap back in November to be filled as of yet also. That would mean a downside coming to fill that.

I am not sure about Monday with much to the upside again. Maybe a little pull back. If any upside Monday, I don't think much.

I really don't see a sustained upside for long though. Just seems to be too many unsolved things to get through as of yet with it all.

I went 50% G 50% S at the beginning of last week. I am still in that mode as of now. Not sure If I want to go all in now for Monday or not. Today was the day I should have gone all in and did not. LOL

Just some bits and pieces here.

Thanks Again To All
That pretty much hedges all the bets!.........:nuts:....:D
Has a good weekend & Christmas!

I am not sure about Monday with much to the upside again. Maybe a little pull back. If any upside Monday, I don't think much.
That pretty much hedges all the bets!.........:nuts:....:D
Has a good weekend & Christmas!

LOL :nuts:

It's great when a plan comes together ain't it? :D

Yes, have yourself a great weekend, be safe & a great Christmas.

Well, I made yesterday with only half in what I would like to make every month.

I just may take it and sit out a bit now again.

Things are still not solid as far as I am concerned.
Decided to go 100% F and see what goes around here for a bit.

Trying to adapt to these new rules coming into play with all this.

So, I have made two IFT's this month now and would only have one left and that would be to the G if I have it right.

We shall see.

Thanks again to all.
I should have warned Y'all I was going all in for today. LOL

If the markets start to dive today, and continues for a bit, you can blame it all on me ok.

But, if they can stay withing periscope depth, maybe we will make a bit this month.

I kinda expect some pullback anyhoo. But, I can sure join the game at the darndest times for sure. LOL :D
Well, the Bone Headed move I made last Thursday, was just that for sure. LOL

I actually thought it was Friday and was going to make a decision what to do at that point. Busy week I guess, and the brain cells were not all attached. LOL

I got ahead of myself no doubt, and would not have gone in if I had waited until Friday I do believe.

Anyhoo, Will now ride this a bit and see what goes. What will go probably will be less in my TSP account. LOL

As Always, Thanks Again To All.
Wow it has been a long time since i have posted in here....LOL..

Trying to find my way around again..........

I have been 50% G....50% C.....Since May.......Not sure when i will go 100% in.........

What a circus this all is again..........