wht00ss account talk

By the way, each time the market has had one significant down day since early April it has then immediately reversed and rallied to a new 52 week high. It will be interesting to see if this pattern works once again next week. :nuts:

I wonder if the negative news we seem to have now was also present in the past instances. It seems that further advance has to now be based on exuberance and faith.

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." -PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, 1985

"I am convinced that there is no smarter, handier, or more adaptable body of troops in the world."
- Prime Minister of Britain Winston Churchhill

"No one should pass an American in uniform without saying “Thank you, we are grateful.” Always mindful that they are prepared to risk all their dreams so that all of us can reach ours.”
- Secretary of Defense, William Cohen
at the Memorial Ceremony for the service members that died aboard the USS Cole.

"I have just returned from visiting the MARINES at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!" -GEN. DOUGLAS MACARTHUR, US.ARMY

"The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of MARINES. LORD, how they could fight!" -MAJ. GEN. FRANK LOWE, US.ARMY

"Remember, whatever you write, this was no retreat. All that happened was that we found
more Chinese behind us than in front of us, so we about-faced and attacked."
- Chesty Puller, USMC, speaking to reporters after the battle out of the Chosin Reservoir, Korean War - (THAT'S WHERE I SAW MY FIRST COMBAT 3rd battalion 5th Marines)


The market seems to be mildly oversold by some measures with the 10-day moving average of the put/call ratio about 100% which at this level has preceded some nice rallies. We can only hope. :nuts: M&A keeps helping out with the 95.5 B hostile bid by RBS for ABN Amro being another one.

The market seems to be mildly oversold by some measures with the 10-day moving average of the put/call ratio about 100% which at this level has preceded some nice rallies. We can only hope. :nuts: M&A keeps helping out with the 95.5 B hostile bid by RBS for ABN Amro being another one.


Well at least today ended up suprisingly to the upside.

Let's hope it continues for tomorrow.

"Remember, whatever you write, this was no retreat. All that happened was that we found
more Chinese behind us than in front of us, so we about-faced and attacked."
- Chesty Puller, USMC, speaking to reporters after the battle out of the Chosin Reservoir, Korean War

:D - If it's good enough for Chesty Puller, ...
No matter what the data has been recently people have been putting a positive spin on it but with all the data out tomorrow on inflation and employment I'm betting people are going to be looking for any excuse to take profits so it could get ugly. :sick:

We will see.

Interesting read on what the so called smart money is doing:


Originally Posted by Spaf
If ok with tsptalk you "Marines" could have a market talk "Crying-Buying-Yelling & Selling" thread! Show-me is a Moderator (ex-Marine). But, ya gonna havta run it by Tom first!..........................Spaf

Originally Posted by Show-me
We prefer "former Marine". Save the ex for the wives that don't understand us. LOL :nuts:

As Show-me knows once a marine ALWAYS a marine even to the grave - not to get too serious.

As an addition my orthopedic doc has given me the okay to start hitting the golf ball again after this last hip replacement so let me see where do I want to be in front of a computer or relaxing on a golf course (OK maybe not always relaxing but doing alot of %#@$$!! damn frustrating game and enjoying the 19th hole as well.)? I'm sure you get the idea.

Just want to say I've enjoyed the intereaction and am muchly impressed with the level of knowledge on this board - definitely a fine group of people.

I will post my IFT's from time to time but good luck to everyone and may we all reach our financial goals. (Bill and Warren Buffett I'm sure will be looking over their shoulder.) ;)

On a personal note my son in law (father to 3 of my granddaughers and loving husband to my very special daughter) passed away yesterday from a heart attack at 53 years old SO DO NOT EVER TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED AND USE YOUR TIME WISELY AND DON'T EVER WASTE IT.

Best to all


My condolences to you and your family. Good advice you gave too all of us. " DO NOT EVER TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED AND USE YOUR TIME WISELY AND DON'T EVER WASTE IT".

Take Care, and God Bless you and your family. I will say a pray for all.

My condolensces to you and your family.

Ironically, my girlfriend's brother, 57yrs old, had a heart attack yesterday as well.

He survived and underwent bypass surgery today.

There is no guarantee that we'll see tomorrow.
Thanks to all for the kind words - It helps to really understand where your priorities should lie.

It's been a tough week with the monkey wrench being those damnable bonds! I thought they would eventually break 5% but not this quick.

The last time the yield on the 10 Year Note rose above the 5% level (points B to C) this was followed by multi week correction in the Dow just over a year ago (points D to E). Thus keep a close watch on the yield in the 10 Year Note in the days ahead. If the yield were to rise above the 5% level and stay there this could lead to a more substantial correction in the market much like we saw in 2006.

Just make sure you have your stops set nice and tight if you are still in the market.


