Weekly Tally - Helpful or Hurtful?

Weekly Tally - Retain or Scrap

  • Keep publishing the Weekly Tally

    Votes: 29 90.6%
  • Stop publishing the Weekly Tally

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
I received the following from M_M:

I understand the monthly tally, but to post it every week I think is over doing it. I've learned that trying to make so much in one week with TSP is just plain stupid. I think doing a weekly tally is making people move around more than they should so it's not really helping anyone here.

M_M makes a good point. In reality, returns over a very short period don't mean a whole lot. However, for me, watching how the market changes, how people react to those changes, and how successful some people have been with their strategies is interesting.

That said, I don't want to negatively impact any one's returns (or retirement). PM me if you'd like to be removed from the tally. It won't impact your tracker status.

In addition, the attached poll allows you to vote for or against a weekly tally. Majority rules!-----Rokid

My opinion is that you are doing a great service to everyone. On a weekly basis they can see what works or does not work. Everything in life takes some sort of disciple to be successful. If some are making to many move it is their choice and perhaps your tally will show them that. Ewguy does the tracker weekly and should we shut him down also? I think not. Some people may be being hurt by seeing the tally or tracker weekly but also some may be benefiting from it.

The tracker and the tally can be used as a great tool to show everyone what is working and what is not working. IFT are a choice each individual makes for themselves and if some are unsuccessful absolutely no blame should be laid at yours or Ewguy's feet. JMHO:D
Man! don't talk FOOL! Love the weekly Tally!!:D
Keep up the good work it's a beniefit to all of us.:p

I agreed with you and show-me totally. I found the information is useful for my allocations and it led to my success this year so far. I think it should be continued.

Ewguy is doing a great job and so did MM when he was a tracker. Your tally is really helpful and thanks for your hard work. In my opinion, if one found the information is not helping, just ask for delisting from the tally.

Might I suggest posting ones weekly win/loss percentage instead. Or perhaps adding it to the tally. That would save me some time doing it myself. :D
This is my whole post BTW.........trouble happens when you post part of something..........

Rokid, can you take me off your weekly tally please. I understand the monthly tally, but to post it every week I think is over doing it. I've learned that trying to make so much in one week with TSP is just plain stupid. I think doing a weekly tally is making people move around more than they should so it's not really helping anyone here.

This does not include the weekly tracker which think is helpful.


You didn't receive it, I posted it. Big difference......:)

I received the following from M_M:

I understand the monthly tally, but to post it every week I think is over doing it. I've learned that trying to make so much in one week with TSP is just plain stupid. I think doing a weekly tally is making people move around more than they should so it's not really helping anyone here.

M_M makes a good point. In reality, returns over a very short period don't mean a whole lot. However, for me, watching how the market changes, how people react to those changes, and how successful some people have been with their strategies is interesting.

That said, I don't want to negatively impact any one's returns (or retirement). PM me if you'd like to be removed from the tally. It won't impact your tracker status.

In addition, the attached poll allows you to vote for or against a weekly tally. Majority rules!-----Rokid
:confused: I am confused.:confused:

What's the difference between the weekly tracker and tally?:D

What? You make a big comment earlier and you don't know the difference? Are you democrat? :p

I make one little statement about being remove from the WEEKLY tally and it becomes a big issue.

Guess I'm just a fool...........
Weekly Tracker spreadsheet....good. I really use it to see quickly what positions people who I follow are taking. I don't really pay attention to the returns on a weekly basis.

Weekly Analysis of Tracker....interesting. I really look at it to compare how the front runners have done that week. Yes, I'm competitive but I work hard to try and take emotion out of the way that I trade. I don't think it effects the way that I trade. I do have to admit that the first year I did make some bone head trades trying to maximize my return for tally purposes. I can see milk_man's point and he is correct from a returns point of view. I can see how it may affect how aggressive some people are.

Monthly Tally... biased (since I help put it together). I really don't pay any attention to the monthly highest gains except to be able to pat people on the back. I like that Tom gives out a cup even if I haven't gotten one yet...maybe someday. I do pay attention to the long term gains -- last 12 months and year to date. This has helped me to know who to pay attention to. I'm impressed most by the people with the highest returns yet have the fewest moves on a long term basis.
What? You make a big comment earlier and you don't know the difference? Are you democrat? :p

I make one little statement about being remove from the WEEKLY tally and it becomes a big issue.

Guess I'm just a fool...........

Wow.......I sensing some hostility over there. My comment are mine and apparently you don't agree and feel the need to lash out at me or to stifle me. Sound like a familiar MO.

My question was rhetorical. The "WEEKLY Tracker" and the "Tally" are both doing a similar function just in a different format.

As far as being a democrat........from one who is constantly complaining about personal attacks. What was that.............funny or your version of a personal shot?:D
:confused: I am confused.:confused:

What's the difference between the weekly tracker and tally?:D

The weekly tracker is a Excel spreadsheet we maintain that tracks the IFT moves of all TSPTalk members who wished to be tracked. I now maintain the weeky tracker.

I email the weekly tracker to Tom, rokid and FundSurfer. Tom uploads the weekly tracker each weekend to a special subfolder for members to download. Rokid uses the weekly tracker to publish the weekly and monthly tally reports. FundSurfer publishes a monthly report.
The weekly tracker is a Excel spreadsheet we maintain that tracks the IFT moves of all TSPTalk members who wished to be tracked. I now maintain the weeky tracker.

I email the weekly tracker to Tom, rokid and FundSurfer. Tom uploads the weekly tracker each weekend to a special subfolder for members to download. Rokid uses the weekly tracker to publish the weekly and monthly tally reports. FundSurfer publishes a monthly report.

So we have a weekly tracker that is post weekly with everyone's ytd and monthly. POSTED WEEKLY MILK. Posted in Excel......something we may not all have or want to download the viewer to their PC. Rokid just compiles it to make it easier for everyone to visualize. What's the big freak'n difference for pete sakes!

LOL This is ridiculous and typical of a certain member. We don't need you looking out for all of us. We are grown ups!

Thank you Ew and Rokid for what you to are doing I hope stay the way it is.
Weekly Analysis of Tracker....interesting. I really look at it to compare how the front runners have done that week. Yes, I'm competitive but I work hard to try and take emotion out of the way that I trade. I don't think it effects the way that I trade. I do have to admit that the first year I did make some bone head trades trying to maximize my return for tally purposes. I can see milk_man's point and he is correct from a returns point of view. I can see how it may affect how aggressive some people are.

Want to find out what makes us competitive? It's all in the genes. Here's an interesting read: Selfish Genes And Mellow Monkeys. Near the end of the article, it shows a glimmer of hope for humanity...if we could only learn from the mellow monkeys. :nuts:
The weekly tracker is a Excel spreadsheet we maintain that tracks the IFT moves of all TSPTalk members who wished to be tracked. I now maintain the weeky tracker.

I email the weekly tracker to Tom, rokid and FundSurfer. Tom uploads the weekly tracker each weekend to a special subfolder for members to download. Rokid uses the weekly tracker to publish the weekly and monthly tally reports. FundSurfer publishes a monthly report.

The Tracker and the tallies have become somewhat a SOP on the board! They take a lot of volunteer time. Many members find them helpful and appreciate the work done by the respected members.....;)
However, they are all optional, a gift in a box. If someone doesn't want to open the box, they are not compelled too. If it helps peek in....:nuts: If it hurts, don't peek!....:eek:
I voted to keep the weekly tally. That said, if you guys start feeling like this stuff is too much work, this would be a good thing to consider eliminating. Guess we'll wait until that happens though.

Thanks for the work you guys do.
I like all tally whether its weekly or monthly. I think everyone here is educated enough to make their own decision concerning their moves. Thanks everyone in participating and helping one another. Here is a big hug from me to all of you... HUGZ...