Weekly Account Tally Talk

Thanks alot. I am not going to pretend to act like I know alot about the market but I try and pay attention to alot of the members on here who do. And hopefully I learned my lesson about being greedy because I took a beating last summer. Hopefully this will be over soon and we can get back to making some money.
Oh what a difference a week makes! Most of those gains are gone at this point. Thanks Tom.

Congratulations to the top 10 in February!!
See complete lists on www.tsptalk.com/tsp-tracker.html

Top 3 have been PM'd to claim their monthly prize of either a TSP Talk travel mug or laser pen.

1 -Fundsurfer 3.05%
2 -BigJohn 2.74%
3 -ATCJeff 2.67%
4 -sugarandspice 2.65%
5 -Sonny 2.55%
6 -Cheapshot 2.54%
7 -ChemEng 2.49%
8 -Safetyguy 2.40%
9 -LA Guy 2.38%
10 -vic 2.33%
Regarding the Weekly Return Tracker(not Rokid's, the other one), I can never open it. It tells me I need Microsoft 2000 Small Business something or other. I don't know what that is.

Sorry you are having trouble opening the Weekly Tracker spreadsheet. Do you have Microsoft Excel 2000, XP, or 2003? You need that Excel software or the free Excel viewer. The alternative is the free “Open Office” software that you can download. What web browser do you use? Some members have problems opening the large (2.5 MB) Excel file, so instead they download it. Sounds like you need to download and install the free Microsoft Excel viewer.

You can download the tracker file by right clicking the "*Current Weekly Tracker" link, and then choose "Save Target As" from the drop down menu. In the next window choose the directory location (top or side of widow) where you want to save the file, then left click the "Save" button at lower right on window.

Regarding the Weekly Return Tracker(not Rokid's, the other one), I can never open it. It tells me I need Microsoft 2000 Small Business something or other. I don't know what that is.

Thanks Ew,

My husband needs to reinstall some stuff....he's been messin' round with it.

Hey, to all who are up 5% and more, way to go, that is amazing considering all events!

To us all who have beat all the funds, congrats to us also.

To those who are so knowledgable, who somehow are way down on the list, I can't even imagine how that happened, maybe ya'll know.....it makes no sense to me.....but ya'll will be at top before too long. So don't give up and leave the board please.

"The cream always rises to the top."
"Our mission is simple: We want to maximize our Thrift Savings Plan retirement accounts and help others along the way."

Sometimes it helps to go back and look at the mission statement.

Congrats to everyone making money!

Congrats to me for being sweet 16 again (the absolute best year ever!)

I'm very upset. I don't understand the weekly tracker. I don't see any names. What does it do?

GeorgiaGal you're not the only one that had difficulty finding the names. They are tabs at the bottom of the page (You can see 12%'s tab at the bottom right). Hit the arrows in the far left corner of the screen to scroll the names to the right. The names go in alphabetical order.

Was this what you were asking about?
Thank you. I did find the names on the tabs at the bottom, by clicking the arrows on the bottom left.

But now I don't know what they correspond to or what they mean.

I have my pixle set on 800 and my font set on large, maybe causing me to miss something.

I see all the columns of numbers for different funds, but don't know how they correspond to the names on the tabs at the bottom.

Your pixel and font setting may be interfering with you view. Scroll the tabs left or right then click on the tab name you want to view. That persons individual tracker should come up and you will have to scroll left and right to see it all. The controls are on the bottom right side, opposite the tab controls.