Valkyrie's Account Talk

Question for others... Can you talk politics in your federal / military offices? I know you can't campaign, but what about discussions on the job? Any rules there? Thanks.

Just have to understand your audience... but I try to avoid it unless I know the other person's political flavor...
You can under the rules stated previously but it is just not a good idea.

Most of the complaints around here come under the “hostile work environment” rules. Sometimes under the “third party offense” rule. You just never know who is listening. If you should utter a prohibited word half under your breath (like when IT pushes an update and all your shortcuts disappear from your desktop and applications that worked yesterday no longer do) there always seems to be someone standing just outside your cubical who takes offense. At the same time we are continually lectured about eavesdropping from another cubicle being prohibited.

If you should discuss something considered “political” by some and a passerby overhears it, you are a hostile employee.

A couple of stories about how it works.

During the 2008 election someone took it upon themselves to take the POTUS official photograph from the lobby wall because “he is running for office and it violates the Hatch act”. It eventually was recovered and placed back on the wall. I never actually heard who did it but rumor is this person had three or four protected classes under EEOC rules So apparently it was “OK”.

Sometime before 2008 I observed an interaction between two employees. One employee was known to be right in political views. The other was left. Both were outspoken. (aka loudmouths)

The left person entered the right person’s work area and said something like “I see your buddy Bush f**ked up again”. The reply was something like “I don’t have time for a liberal right now, I have a job to do here”.

I admit there was some hostility and a statement about doing what you were hired to do.

IMHO the background of the two jobs was left leaner was on every committee possible and was apparently in charge of measuring work space for his union. Right leaner had a very technical programming job and truly was busy.

A hostile work environment complaint was filed by left leaning person along with a couple of “third party offense” complaints by people I never noticed were present. I was never asked anything about the event by anyone who investigated it.

Right leaning person was verbally reprimanded and threatened with a week off without pay. His offense-using offensive language. The offensive word-liberal. Apparently if fell under harassing or discriminatory language.

So discuss politics all you want at work, just remember everything you say may be considered offensive to anyone lurking around or the person you are talking to.


It should be noted for readers that:

  • "Hostile Work Environment" is a term of art with regard to civil rights laws. IOW, it has a specific meaning in that regard. While most EEOC discrimination complaints that are initiated have nothing to do with EEOC discrimination, uninformed management usually fears them nevertheless.
  • Also, 'management' at any particular location may incorrectly believe an act or omission is actionable under the law/greivance-procedure/etc. and govern themselves as such. 'That don't make is so," however.
  • Passively overhearing a conversation is not eavesdropping. (The talking party has no reasonable expectation of privacy in your scenario. Also, the hearing party is under no obligation to 'turn off' their ears, leave, or speak in that scenario.)
  • The mere civil discussion of politics is not actionable where there is no adverse action upon the complainant.

Even so, while the federal laws are clear, even if not read or understood by management nor the employees, there may be (for certain types of agencies/military: CIA, NSA, etc.) agency rules/regulations/etc. that apply. They would not override the law, however.

There may also be a collective bargaining agreement with different, additional rights/prohibitions. It likewise would not override the law, however.

If the employees (and supervisors) don't know their rights, supervisors (and executives) can pretty much do whatever they want and make up any rules they want. I'm not saying everyone in every situation should fight the powers; just at least be aware of your proper rights and know that there is proper recourse should you choose to enforce your rights.

Supervisors and Managers enforcing their made-up-rules may find themselves in a Bivens Action, Federal Tort Claim, or an OIG investigation or other such forum provided by agency procedures and/or a CBA.

Other federal laws, not enforced by EEOC, also prohibit discrimination and reprisal against federal employees and applicants. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) contains a number of prohibitions, known as prohibited personnel practices, which are designed to promote overall fairness in federal personnel actions. 5 U.S.C. 2302. The CSRA prohibits any employee who has authority to take certain personnel actions from discriminating for or against employees or applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability. It also provides that certain personnel actions can not be based on attributes or conduct that do not adversely affect employee performance, such as marital status and political affiliation. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has interpreted the prohibition of discrimination based on conduct to include discrimination based on sexual orientation. The CSRA also prohibits reprisal against federal employees or applicants for whistle-blowing, or for exercising an appeal, complaint, or grievance right. The CSRA is enforced by both the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).
Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination: Questions And Answers

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and the above is not legal advice.

Most of the complaints around here come under the “hostile work environment” rules. Sometimes under the “third party offense” rule. You just never know who is listening. ... At the same time we are continually lectured about eavesdropping from another cubicle being prohibited.

If you should discuss something considered “political” by some and a passerby overhears it, you are a hostile employee.

... I never actually heard who did it but rumor is this person had three or four protected classes under EEOC rules So apparently it was “OK”.

... A hostile work environment complaint was filed by left leaning person along with a couple of “third party offense” complaints by people I never noticed were present. I was never asked anything about the event by anyone who investigated it.

Right leaning person was verbally reprimanded and threatened with a week off without pay. His offense-using offensive language. The offensive word-liberal. Apparently if fell under harassing or discriminatory language.
NASA.... so did they lie about actually having men on the moon also??
What part of "Thou shall not lie -God" do they not understand?


A new record ‘Pause’ length: Satellite Data: No global warming for 18 years 8 months! )The head of a congressional committee on science has issued subpoenas to the Obama administration over a recent scientific study refuting claims that global warming had “paused” or slowed over the last decade.

Analysis: NASA Has Nearly Doubled Global Warming By Data Tampering Since 2005 – ‘Almost half of claimed global warming is due to data tampering by NASA over the past 10 years.’
Cold Sun Rising

Cold sun rising - The Nation

Around 2000, the PDO Index started to blow cold again, possibly causing global warming to "pause", as the mainstream scientists describe it. IPCC-affiliated scientists as well as Nasa and the NOAA attribute the pause to other factors. This is when the plot thickens.

Solar cycle 24 - two cycles prior the cycle that's expected to bottom out into a Maunder Minimum - was weak. In 2013-14 it reached its maximum far below average. Meanwhile extreme cold-weather anomalies have occurred around the world. Last year "polar vortices" slammed into the central US and Siberia as a third hovered over the Atlantic. All 50 US states, including Hawaii, had temperatures below freezing for the first time in recorded history. Snowfall records were broken in cities in the US, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and elsewhere. Southern American states and central Mexico, where snow is rare, got heavy snow, as did the Middle East.

This past summer the cold didn't let up, with more temperature records across the US and rare summer snows seen in Canada, the US and China. Birds have migrated early in the last two years. Antarctic sea ice set a new record in 2013 and it was broken again in 2014.

Not even Thailand was immune. In 2014 Bangkok hit its coldest low in 30 years, while 63 lives were lost in the North.

Scientists at the Climate and Environmental Physics and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Berne in Switzerland have recently backed up theories that support the sun's importance in determining the climate on Earth. A paper published last year by the American Meteorological Society contradicts claims by IPCC scientists that the sun couldn't be responsible for major shifts in climate. Judith Curry, chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, rejected IPCC assertions that solar variations don't matter. Among the many studies and authorities she cited was the National Research Council's recent report "The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate".

Global cooling?

Around 2000, the PDO Index started to blow cold again, possibly causing global warming to "pause", as the mainstream scientists describe it. IPCC-affiliated scientists as well as Nasa and the NOAA attribute the pause to other factors. This is when the plot thickens.

Solar cycle 24...

More: Cold sun rising - The Nation
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Unless there's an even nuttier selloff tomorrow, looks like you and just a handful of others will win the prize for catching the falling knife!

If the bottom wasn't today, then I wouldn't be surprised to see a 1000 point swing tomorrow in the Dow...a 400-point gap down, then a close 600 points up.

It's a mess, but here's a sample chart that shows we're at a low similar to previous panic lows:
Print SharpCharts from
"We're not seeing a demand slowdown in oil," Cohn said. "What we're seeing is a massive oversupply of oil. So we're now having to price oil at such a level that we can actually price in all available on-land storage, and then we'll move to floating storage."

Goldman COO: Oil drop is 'confusing' markets - Yahoo Finance

hanging in there I'm only down 1.5% for the yr. still in C
A big run up is around the corner.

"Take another look at the previous chart and notice the action back in
August 2000 and in early 2008, when we entered the last two bear markets. You
can see the two instances in which the S&P 500 fell below its 20-month EMA
and snapped back up to test the breakdown level.
This is important because even if the market doesn't snap back right away
this time, it will rally at some point. And it's normal for the market to come
back and test its breakdown level. So we're likely to see the S&P 500 rally
back up to its 20-month EMA line at some point. I'm betting it happens sooner
rather than later."

Growth Stock Wire | Stock Market Analysis, Market News & Stock Picks
Interesting article and good questions.

Will this tank the dollar vs other currencies? it has dropped already.

I doubt it Valkerie. If Iran decides to use only Euro's, that may have some minor impact on the dollar but remember that they have been under a trade ban for years now, and that means they haven't been selling a whole bunch of stuff on the open market legally (meaning they would trade for cigarettes if that was all they could get). There are transactions costs with any currency. If they use the Euro, it's because they have struck a deal which probably reduces their costs and increases their profit margins. I see the action as limiting the growth of the dollar in a new market, so there may be some impact to the EUR\DOLLAR relationship. But what happens if Europe tanks (i.e. national banks default on bonds, - think Greece, Deutche Bank, etc) and the Euro tanks. Now it takes more Euros to buy a dollar. The dollars stays strong and is the currency of choice. That is a more probable scenario in my opinion given the current financial situations of the US and Europe. Only time will tell.

With dollar dropping I fund the place to be?

Another good question. I think that if the Yen\Dollar relationship were the only players the answer would be simple. But the Yuan is now also in the "basket of currencies" and if the yuan devalues (and it will), what impacts will we see. When the Yen is down, our SPX is generally up. When the Yen is Up the SPX is generally down. Somehow the impact of the yuan needs to be included in the equation to determine the true risk if China's actions impact the I Fund. The other big issue to me regarding I Fund is volatility. Is your money safer in a more volatile fund or a more stable fund. It's a personal risk\reward question. Just my 2 cents. Others in the forum have much more knowledge of I Fund and FX.

How will this affect the price of oil and our markets?

Again my 2 cents is that until OPECs open market policy decision is changed, oil will remain cheap for the forseeable future. I saw yesterday that Iran signaled to OPEC that it would be willing to discuss limiting production. That means they are hurting, as is Russia, Venezuela, etc. When it gets painful enough, there will be some agreement to do something and then watch oil pop up to where it was faster than your head can spin. This has been a move to close down American oil development (fracking, oil shale, clean energy ethanol, etc) because those programs are becoming very effective and disrupting OPEC revenues. But they have a problem, even if they limit production, they must produce and sell at a price cheaper than we can produce and sell. How it all gets resolved is beyond me, but it will. Personally I like things just the way they are right now. Employment is high, inflation is low, and wages are reasonable. If oil prices go up too much too soon, much or all of that will be evaporated and Main Street loses but Wall Street wins.

These are just my opinions. Others have good perspectives on your questions. I hope they provide you some feedback.

"Stop worrying about a stock market crash. It isn't going to happen. At
least, not yet.

The stock market's "crystal ball" has turned bullish. There's a good chance
the S&P 500 will be higher one month from now than where it is today.

The price difference isn't enough to suggest that we're about to see a
rip-roaring stock market rally. But it is enough of a difference to suggest the
S&P 500 could put on a decent bounce over the next month or two – perhaps
back up to the 20-month
exponential moving average
near 1,970.

Then we can start worrying about a crash."

The Stock Market's 'Crystal Ball' Just Turned Bullish
time to get OUT! back to G COB

"If you jump in too soon, or if you hang on too long, the bear will wipe you out."

And the VIX option prices – which, last Thursday, were clearly slanted in
favor of lower volatility, and were one of the main reasons we
were looking for a bounce
– have now shifted in favor of higher volatility
in the short term.If we were still in a bull market, I probably wouldn't be so picky about
things. All of these indicators got oversold enough to justify some long-side
exposure. Even if we were early on the trades, the strength of a bull market
would bail us out of any continued short-term decline.

But this isn't a bull market anymore. It's a
. And bear markets aren't as forgiving.
None of the indicators we typically look at got oversold enough last week
to suggest this is a sustainable rally in stocks.

Growth Stock Wire | Stock Market Analysis, Market News & Stock Picks
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