out of the markets before Sept 13, 2015
Mark this date for potential disaster
While Cahn prefers not to speculate on what, if anything, might befall America on Sept. 13, 2015, it will be the next
Shemitah year – which occurs on Elul 29 every seven years on the Hebrew calendar. It is a time when debts are to be forgiven and the land, in the agricultural communities of ancient Israel were to be given a rest.
Sept. 17, 2001, was the beginning of the economic calamity associated with 9/11 and the lowering of interest rates by the Fed resulting in the collapse of the stock market Sept. 17, 2001 – Elul 29 on the Hebrew calendar. Likewise, Sept. 29, 2008, marked the next big crash. Sept. 29, 2008, also fell on Elul 29.
Mark this date for potential disaster
September 2015
Recently I shared about Sir Isaac Newton’s 300-year-old end-time prediction. I will not reiterate here what I said but I will summarize his rationale at the end of this message. In a nutshell, if interpreted correctly,
Newton looked to September 23, 2015 – this year!
To my surprise, I discovered a respected contemporary scholar who is also looking to September 2015 for a major prophetic event, specifically,
September 13, 2015, the end of the current Shemitah cycle. The Shemitah Year is the seventh of a biblical seven-year cycle of years, which is prophetic.