TSPIntel's Account Talk

New Moon Tomorrow 5/28/2014

I know... I know... I know... Tomorrow is New Moon... and I should get out of the S-Fund and park into my favorite
G-Spot. Nevertheless, My FREE Cosmic Indicator, The True Historical Seasonality, is Stretching The New Moon Effect till June 5th (Moon 1st Quarter) but not anymore longer. My exit point without any doubt is June 5th, 2014. I will keep increasing and enjoying PROFITS till then :)

I moved 100% to G - Fund Effective End of Day Today... My indicators pointing to correction till next Full Moon... :)

JTH, not at all... We R in the same boat... U will catch up in no time with the F.... I usually do not mess with it... but U R in an outstanding place... U got all my respects for your outstanding technical analysis... Remember this year is mid-term Presidential the worst of the four or eight... my indicators are only shown five more moves this year... max of 20% or so... so we may max at around 30%... keep in touch.... :)

JTH, not at all... We R in the same boat... U will catch up in no time with the F.... I usually do not mess with it... but U R in an outstanding place... U got all my respects for your outstanding technical analysis... Remember this year is mid-term Presidential the worst of the four or eight... my indicators are only shown five more moves this year... max of 20% or so... so we may max at around 30%... keep in touch.... :)

Am I correct to think we have a full moon?

well then, here's to another saturday morning waking up in shredded clothes with no memory of the last six hours and spitting fur out of my mouth.

Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk... I didn't mean to call you that! The car is in the front yard, came in through the window last night, and your gone... :laugh:

Let's begin with the New Moon and Full Moon dates, let's then apply the eight years presidential cycle, then let's apply the true match seasonality, and finally apply the "quant model" developed and let's profit from the prognostics below. There are all yours for the rest of the year. :)

FROM: G-Fund TO: S-Fund and FROM: S-Fund TO: G-Fund
1. ENTER 7/3/2014 (Moon 1st Q) EXIT 7/30/2014 (Full Moon)
2. ENTER 8/112014 (Full Moon) EXIT 9/2/2014 (Moon 3er Q)
3. ENTER 9/11/2014(Full Moon) EXIT 9/19/2014 (Moon 3erQ)
4. ENTER 10/27/2014(New Moon) EXIT 11/4/2014 (Full Moon)
5. ENTER 11/20/2014(New Moon) EXIT 11/28/2014 (Moon 1st Q)
6. 12/11/2014 (Moon 1st Q) 12/31/2014 (Moon 3er Q)
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :)
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Summer surfboard to surf.

It is summer and we as Cramer said: it is time to use our surfboard and do some surf on waters waves of the market... Just be cautious :)

K: The Low entry point of 07/03/2014, 07/07/2014 will repeat before options expiration date (3er Friday of every month) around or just after Full Moon... it may be cautious to wait and enter until then instead... The dates provided are not written in stone nor they are from any "Bible" nor "Gospel". They are just an indication for time to enter and exit... Remember I came with those dates when I was drunk after many Margaritas, Piña Coladas, Many Mimosas and Bellinis... Market sense must be still applied... I will keep in touch w/U and will email U my own enter date. I also will posted on the Auto-Tracker as possible. :)
Re: FULL MOON Supported by Fed, Seasonality and Quant Alpha Search (Entry Point)

JTH, I did not hesitate to go 100% S-Fund all the way to next New Moon... :)
Re: FULL MOON Supported by Fed, Seasonality and Quant Alpha Search (Entry Point)

JTH, I did not hesitate to go 100% S-Fund all the way to next New Moon...