TSPIntel's Account Talk

Re: 100% I-Fund New Moon is Comming and Full of Green

100% I-Fund. 1. The trend is ease (Fed will not allow the market to collapse. 2. The Historical Data indicate bullish till New Moon. 3. New Moon is pushing Green into the market in order to light out. Beside the alignment of the Sun, Mars, Earth and Moon... and the eclipse of bloody moon... (a lot astrological BSs)... 4. no bad news... Putin do not have the "spherics" to attack Ukraine in the near... in my opinion... and everyone has one in their behind... is time to ride the bull at the rodeo for at least few days... :)

Folks have been waiting for you to comment on the Blood Moon, oh do tell...
Re: 100% I-Fund New Moon is Comming and Full of Green

Konakathy: it is always nice to hear from U. Enjoy The Moon. Siempre es agradable oir de Ti. Disfruta La Luna :)

1. Fed is worry about deflation (no-inflation - way to inject $$$) instead of inflation (way to raise interest). 2. Earning Season looks decent and True Historical Season Bullish. 3. The Moon is going into New Moon on April 29th and is pushing and pumping $$$ into the market big time (kind of emotional cycle to invest for hedge fund managers - smart money). 4. No bad news in the air... all four conditions point bullish big time... :)

Fed STILL on bullish sider; Moon and Earning Season STILL on the bullish favor; Real Seasonality STILL bullish all the way thru May; Bad News STILL False; Bottom Line: STILL BULLISH THIS WEEK... :)

Fed STILL on bullish sider; Moon and Earning Season STILL on the bullish favor; Real Seasonality STILL bullish all the way thru May; Bad News STILL False; Bottom Line: STILL BULLISH THIS WEEK... :)

Did birchtree pay you to post this message? :D

Good Question konakathy... I love your sense of humor... :) I got a bit going with birchtree...If the dow gets to 24K before it hits 12K, I drink a beer in his name and if the dow gets to 12K before it his 24K He drink one on my name...:) out of the records... do not let no one get excited.... my system, out of the TSP, have been predicted the highs and lows of all the indexes to the cent everyday for the last quarter.... without not even one missing time... I have become a real quant... no BS... I can proof it with data that my system returns 69% a year... I have been happy camper this last quarter... :) and I think I will for a while... :)
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Ah, selling on the 1st Quarter. So, are you going to buy back in again on May 21 when the moon is in its 3rd Quater? :D

Thank U for asking. I appreciated. All moon cycles give you profits but not all moon cycles are the same or have the same intensity to pull out or inject in $$$$ into the market... remember the moon cycle is just one of the 4 components of the total market final price result. The others are the Fed ease or tie, the true historical seasonality, and the moving market news such as unemployment, etc. Summer moon cycles are different from Winter moon cycles... and so on... by the end of June market may have a 13% correction from its high... bottom line I do not have a definitively answer to your question since everyone situation is different. I will look for opportunities with my indicators and execute per them accordantly. I usually post my moves on the auto tracker and here... I wish U the BEST on your TSP moves. :)
Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

Is it any Class Suit going on against the TSP for not notifying their members in advance about the Password Change and for locking thousands of members accounts and denying access to their members accounts turning into losing thounsands of dollars? :confused:
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

How are you being locked out? I just logged in and it just asked me to change my password: 10 - 32 characters including at least 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character (and they list the acceptable special characters). This is better than most government passwords I deal with. I'm still waiting for the site that asks me to include at least 1 non-printable character or a character from the Klingon character set. :)
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

Is it any Class Suit going on against the TSP for not notifying their members in advance about the Password Change and for locking thousands of members accounts and denying access to their members accounts turning into losing thounsands of dollars? :confused:

I have not had any problems either. In fact, I have changed my new password twice.
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

How are you being locked out? I just logged in and it just asked me to change my password: 10 - 32 characters including at least 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character (and they list the acceptable special characters). This is better than most government passwords I deal with. I'm still waiting for the site that asks me to include at least 1 non-printable character or a character from the Klingon character set. :)

Don't forget squirrel sounds... :nuts:
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

How are you being locked out? I just logged in and it just asked me to change my password: 10 - 32 characters including at least 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character (and they list the acceptable special characters). This is better than most government passwords I deal with. I'm still waiting for the site that asks me to include at least 1 non-printable character or a character from the Klingon character set. :)

Just called TSP because I was locked out yesterday after 3 attempts to log in. Yesterday, I thought I was the problem, but then couldn't log in thgis morning either.

Here's the scoop: if your current/old PW has >8 characters, only type in the 1st 8 characters and you will get access to a page that tells you to change your PW that meets the new guidelines (1-32 characters or whatever, etc.).

Why in the world they limited old PWs to 8 characters max at the same time they required everyone to change to a "new rules compliant" PW is something a genius smarter than me will have to explain!
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

Wow, I didn't know you could type in a password greater than 8 characters before. They used to say it had to be exactly 8 characters and no special characters. I don't think they even distinguished between upper and lower case. How is that for making it easier to crack? This change is long overdue.
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

Just changed my PW; they provide a strength meter! I had to back out the squirrel sounds though ;) Logged in as usual, directed to the change password function, set a new one and kept going.
Re: Is it any Class Suit Against TSP going on?

I did not have any problems but some co-workers did and they were asking...