TSPIntel's Account Talk


I still am confused about this theory. As to being in equities it's wax out, wane in?

moon full, market low, wax on equity...............moon new, market high, wane off equity
wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off
PO old, himself tell me, process reverse must you...74 time repeat, out loud you must, inner voice no

New Moon Cash Off Equity (Take Profits) -
Full Moon Cash On Equity (Get On Invest). :)

moon full, market low, wax on equity...............moon new, market high, wane off equity
wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off, wax on wane off
PO old, himself tell me, process reverse must you...74 time repeat, out loud you must, inner voice no

Thursday Full Moon. Friday New Fed Chief and Options Expiration Day. Government Shutdown by the End of the Month? I am playing conservative and getting out.
Way to GO!

Yes, I have decided, and I am going to do an Inservice Withdraw, Roll Over my TSP Balance to a Traditional IRA at 59-1/2. I will continue being a TSP member, putting my full contributions and getting the agency matching. Can't wait. :)
Re: Way to GO!

Yes, I have decided, and I am going to do an Inservice Withdraw, Roll Over my TSP Balance to a Traditional IRA at 59-1/2. I will continue being a TSP member, putting my full contributions and getting the agency matching. Can't wait. :)

It's good to hear from you TSPIntel. Are you doing a full withdrawal or are you limited to a percent for your Inservice withdrawal? I'm retired and am doing small monthly withdrawals into a Traditional IRA and doing "gentle" roll-overs to a Roth to manage taxes. What are your thoughts on the full moon, are we headed to the moon over the next two weeks?
Re: Way to GO!

Once I hit 59-1/2 I will do an inservice withdraw 100% into IRA still 100% tax defered and 100% control. The moon (cycle) is being overided by QE's (trend), and market earnings (seasonalities) and, news (Random). Nevertheless... now that QE's is ended. DOW may go to 12,800 by 2016 or even 8,000 or 7,000 if it gets into stool.... planning to get in the I fund after full moon on Feb... after the holiday and exit before May (go away) new moon... :confused:
DOW may go back to 12,800 by 2016 QE is ending... even 8,000 or 7,000

A market pull back is not out of the possibility... specially now that the QE is ending... hope we do not get into a sytematic sell off.... :confused:
Re: DOW may go back to 12,800 by 2016 QE is ending... even 8,000 or 7,000

QE is only being tapered and has not ended - will probably be complete by November. However, the option to move to more QE is open ended depending on the economic environment. The economy may be getting ready for a breakout finally with GDP above 4% - my Dow target stands at 24,000 by end of 2014. If that happens I'm rich.
Re: DOW may go back to 12,800 by 2016 QE is ending... even 8,000 or 7,000

Birchtree: I know you are probably the most bullish member of TSPtalk website, and I respect you very much. I also wish the DOW hits 24,000 by the end of 2014. However, reality is that the DOW is less than 3,000 points from hitting 12,800 and over 8,000 points from hitting 24,000. The odds are not on your side. I will drink a beer in your name if the DOW hits 24,000 by the end of 2014 and you drink one in my name if it hits 12,800 by 2016, and two beers if it hits 8,000 by 2016. Remember the market is always ahead few months; and they are seeing the end of QE and the market do not know for sure what it would be after the QE is gone, and any uncertanty, it would move the market south... ALSO "The deceleration in real GDP in the fourth quarter reflected a deceleration in private inventory investment, a larger decrease in federal government spending, a downturn in residential fixed investment, and decelerations in state and local government spending and in nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by accelerations in exports and in PCE and a deceleration in imports. Careful on this rollercoaster. Do not try to catch the falling knife before it hits the floor, and let the market sink, sink, sink, sink before doing any bottom fishing. buy LOW sell HIGH is always the recomendation. :)
Like a hot knife thru butter... Like a very sharp "machete"...

Like a hot knife thru butter... Like a very sharp "machete" castrading your wallet... Bottom line the Best spot to be is G - Fund. :)
Buy Hallowing Day and Sell April Full Day

Buy Hallowing Day... and Sell April Full Day!!! Remember Sell May and Go Away Also.... :)
Full Moon is Sucking All The Green From the Market 2 Shine Big Time

New Moon is gone and Full Moon is in process... The Full Moon is Vacuum All The $$$$$ from the Market to Shine Big Time... :)
100% I-Fund New Moon is Comming and Full of Green

100% I-Fund. 1. The trend is ease (Fed will not allow the market to collapse. 2. The Historical Data indicate bullish till New Moon. 3. New Moon is pushing Green into the market in order to light out. Beside the alignment of the Sun, Mars, Earth and Moon... and the eclipse of bloody moon... (a lot astrological BSs)... 4. no bad news... Putin do not have the "spherics" to attack Ukraine in the near... in my opinion... and everyone has one in their behind... is time to ride the bull at the rodeo for at least few days... :)