TSPIntel's Account Talk

nnuut: that affect us negatively. The S fund did not go up today all the way, because they pass it into as a form of divident. We got zippo. :mad:
The Russell 2000 give 5% share divident... does that affect our S fund somehow? do we get 5% divedent also? If not, someones may have stiky hangs on the TSP funds.... :confused:

Since our S-Fund isn't based on the R2K, I doubt it... Now that I think about it, none of our funds are based on anything buy the whims of Blackrock... oh, well
Price and dividends are two separate things. No TSP funds make dividends only changes in price, especially when comparing the Russell 2000 to the Wilshire 4500 to the TSP "S" Fund.
RealMoneyIssues: So far so good. What about yourself. Hope you start with the right foot so far... Tomorrow is a New Moon and a small correction is due. Last Friday the S-Fund was out of gas regarless the Dow was up. I will be back on the S-Fund as soon the as W get formed around the Full Moon. I am glad I am back from Christmas and New Year.... Happy New Year 2012 and Best Luck on the TSP to everyone. :)
RealMoneyIssues: So far so good. What about yourself. Hope you start with the right foot so far... Tomorrow is a New Moon and a small correction is due. Last Friday the S-Fund was out of gas regarless the Dow was up. I will be back on the S-Fund as soon the as W get formed around the Full Moon. I am glad I am back from Christmas and New Year.... Happy New Year 2012 and Best Luck on the TSP to everyone. :)

Fine here. On the sidelines waiting for the next up leg.... Full Moon hmmm... I will have to check that out.

Have a great time!!
RealMoneyIssues: I get out of the New year rally kind of cople days early. I probably should stay in just a little longer. I am also looking around the next Full Moon to get in again... the upper leg of the W. :)
No W this Full Moon... :confused: I been busy playing with a new neural algorithm... very please so far...
It includes the trends, the cycles, and the seasonalities... It does not include the random portion. However it includes all possible math functions through time... Still in testing not in operation yet. I will share with everyone once it works... :)
Aloha, my little alien friend. How's things in a galaxy far, far away? :D Been busy with those party going 'Patronians?'

Missed your commentary about last weeks full moon. Don't forget to check in with us earthlings sometime.;)
konakathy: The W came late after the new moon.... :) and decided to go 100% into the S Fund today... Historically, the days after President Day Holiday is a good entry point.... end of February and begining of March... Hope the Greeks fix themselves and help this undervalue market.... Glad to hear from you... also working on the Neural Network... have serveral algorithms... the Trend, the cycles, the seasonalities... can't include the random news... :confused: Again, Good to Hear from You... ;)
I'm looking out my bedroom window at a fat full moon sparkling over the bay. And I noticed today that you're 100% S-fund. Planning to stay for a while?
Sensei: Finally 100% on G... wating for a Low Full Moon to re-enter... The Neuro still in testing... not worthy to be release... Trend, Cycle, Season, Random Events... the Earnings SEASON had overwriten the Moon Cycles... Remember it is an election year and the Trend also has big impact... Next Friday unemployment may drive the market down... specially with May Sell and Go Away... it may be one more opportunity to cash profit... Remember when the daily volume gets below the year volume moving average in summer... big correction is about to happen and it is time to sell and go away... :)
KonaKathy: Nice hearing from you... I am 100% G-Fund... Supermoon may cause the market goes down... Just in case... I am G... :)