Todays column


New member
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I read the column today where someone recommended that Tom close down the column. I must say that I join last August and have pretty much stayed with Tom's calls. Well, I've made about $22,000 since then! Tom, don't stop what you are doing. You help the rest of us that don't have the time to invest to study the market - to make some calls that usually make us some money. And you are really on target in regards to your site as being educational. It really is. So keep it up and know that there are followers that appreciate your efforts.
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Right or wrong- market knowledge is important-Just ask me, one who stuck withbuy and hold for the long term. I did exactly that and retired with a $60,000 down fall-needless to say I still hold the company (GE) I wonder if it will return to the $55 price in my lifetime so I can break even (plus dividends). My point is that I havelearned one fact about the market- It's not the day trading- in and out butone thing that can help us all is information that gives us the facts to know when to be out of the market (stocks) and when to be in. If you can avoid most of the big dropsthen you will be ahead of the game. So Tom keep up the good work I've learned my lesson-your site provides important info to help makethe bestdecision and also remember nothing is 100%
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Ditto the comments of bestbuy and VitaD - your whole purpose is education. I was 100% C fund - eveything went into C and just stayed there. Did I do better than if I had been100% G? Or how would I have done is I had just made two or three intelligent moves to other funds over the years?

I don't understand how my movment within the TSP can hurt someone who gets into one fund and leaves it there (like I used to do). But I do know TSPtalk is making me a smarter investor. Keep up the good work Tom.
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Thanks folks. That is my sentiment - it is about learning, not trading.
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I have a few problems with your web site ( and what you are doing. I really recommend that you take down this web site.

Bahhahahahhhaahahahahahaahhahaa...what kind of an idiot would even write such a thing?

OH.......MY....GAWD....Tom! The idiot's right! Your hurting MILLIONS OF PEOPLE! ...pack it up....take the site down.....all your work for nothing...scrub it.

Glad we finally saw the light.


Eugenics, anyone? :D
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Keep up the good work Tom. I have learned so much about the market from you and the people on this site.
imported post maybe what we need is a `you must sign this agreement before access is granted to the message board' button. Then there is no doubt, member or not - that the readers' understands this is just a bunch of

old men and young women :oo

sharingknowledge, their rationales for what they are doing, educating others on the charts, the systems, the tracking sites, also with a lot of debate & sparing, naturally - ;)

....course that makes for more bookeeping, I suppose - :zz

So - just make it a button they have to press to read the agreement before getting access - Members sign in only once - when they join. :zz:zz:zz

Have a profitable day - :D
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tsptalk wrote:
Thanks folks. That is my sentiment - it is about learning, not trading.

If the person who sent you the e-mail was doing well in the market, he/she would call himself a genius. Since he/she obviously has not done well in the market and his/her TSP funds, he/she needs a scapegoat.

It is about learning -- you can't get experience any cheaper.

We all know the risks of moving our money between funds!!
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I read the post Tom presented today. As said before, many of us held our TSP in G, F and C, and never looked at it. Mine was 25 years old before I started looking seriously at the funds and how they worked for me. Of course fall of 2003 was good but I did very well. The idea here is knowledge and learning. Thanks for allowing a learning forum, Tom and others.