The Monkey Bar

Listen carefully. If you hear 2 soft knocks, then one loud one, open the d##m# door quick. It'll be me and my Buddies in I.

Got that?

2 soft, one loud

If you mess up, don't blame me for what the door looks like later. I hear 12%'s got quite the kick.

Hmmm, Nnuut....OSM's averaged a neg 2.34% down today.....don't look good so far for tomorrow may be getting a jump on the "BIG ONE" due to the "Triple WITCH'IN" this Friday....I gotta go and make some "Ol'Witches Brew" Tea to help the situation out....

Stay off the floor would ya.......careful of the blonde, she may come back with a bad mood.....


Hmmm, that's twice that happened with the tea.....must be something thar.......Nuutt, u seen the blonde yet....????

A good realization for all is to abandon risky situations, thus saving your assets, and then when the time is right, get your victories on a better day while improving those this and u will go far.....doing anything else, u will never go far at all......

Listen carefully. If you hear 2 soft knocks, then one loud one, open the d##m# door quick. It'll be me and my Buddies in I.

Got that?

2 soft, one loud

If you mess up, don't blame me for what the door looks like later. I hear 12%'s got quite the kick.

Could it be Paul Revere on a comeback????:blink:
Strange, how did those Worldpoo ads get on this thread????:sick: I was discussing this product failure with fellow office workers and one said he had the same problem with Maytag....guess we can call them any case he said that the repair man is now working on a daily basis........what a relief in some respects...... that's where all those employment jobs are coming from!!!!

I've had both my Whirlpool Washer and Dryer for 'bout 12 or so years now. All brands are very similar and fairly simple. Lectric motor, belts or gear case, controllers and switches etc. I don't trust repair technicians so do all my own work. I've replaced parts on both the washer and dryer now, some deep into the guts. A little internet research and a few bloody knuckels keeps 'em runnin fine. I'm sure there are lemons also....

Wish I could do as well in the market as I can with the home appliances.
Stupid things I read today....

Did you read how the British coroner said that the tragic friendly fire death of one of its soldiers was a criminal assault committed by our pilots????

Where was the criminal act and where was the intention assault that was criminal.....what do these people do make these up as they go along....

Its like illegal aliens, what part do appeasers can't understand about ILLEGAL......and if you help an illegal alien you are helping a criminal right...then why haven't they put Bank Of America in jail for aiding and abedding criminals when they granted them credit cards here in the US.....What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand......why are they getting public assistance moneys that come out of yours and my pocket.....they shouldn't get jack s#$#@!, but shown the door back home on their wasted efforts to get into this country....

The world invents it as it goes, wish I could do that as I go.....
Sunday Morning Brunch....

I hear an ole Bear growling......

Read my explanation in the Corner.......its obvious why I'm growling.....

Well, it Sunday Morning Brunch time....whats the news....??? We hit I Ran yet??? Next week the Fed meets, last week the markets failed to get any steam going.....the Crystal Balls did not make a recommendation on Friday.

What else is new?? Oh, have you ever figured out that when you ask that question, it leaves out the South...??? What else is new....north, east, west?? No s therefore no south ....:blink:

Just monkeying around.....
Is that ole Bear still hibernating? You can come out now, spring thaw is here!!!

Hooo hUmmmmm....just licking some honey and sharpening the claws Blondie.....thinking of the a new motto......RECESSION is the word.....I wouldn't expect anything the fed is really going to drop interest this unrelenting inflationary scenario.....

we'z in a California economy nationwide.....everything is expensive....guess those corporations got what they wanted, lower production costs overseas, and higher profits because they didn't reflect the savings to the jobless consumer here in the's just starting to show up in the markets today....housing data is just now confirming it and there are alot of industries depending on housing data....

The British I Ran scenario is under speculation.....the ole bear is watching it closely.....

Yup, where's that fingernail file Trigger???? You been sharpening your hooves ole boy???
I notice that the Eur/Dollar has obtained 1992-94 levels....I suppose that will mean it has reached it extreme for the time being.....I would be looking for any indications of the exchange making a move to a stronger dollar over the next several years....some industries have already rebased back to the US....but their affect on our economy should be fairly small for a while due to the high expense the consumer is hauling on their may become just a balancing act between US and overseas production...but the savings on production will not be reflected back to the consumer....corporations are still too piggy to see that they have caused an imbalance on the economic picture.....

Why do I see a late nineteen-forties to mid fifties scenario here.....

A typical scenario we should see more of....After that HomeDepot CEO retired with all the corporation's money, I sure we will see HD drop out of the market by will start to find the prices at HD to be higher than the surrounding stores in your area....

Oh, that honey is that a sharp claw or whaTTT!!!! Whewwwwww.....
Hey there Nnuut.....Hey, did I ever introduce you to Linda, she's a fine looking red head....say "Hi" Linda, Oh, Hi Nnuut, may you have many happy Nnuuts many years on.....Oh, I'm sorry,:embarrest: I heard your wife left town :nuts: and ......oh.......I meant to say many happy Birthdays many years on...:sick: ....Carnac get me another would ya..... so Nnuut how did you get that name anyway???:) And I hear you love to really hit the floor!!!!
Nice to meet you Linda, want a Cubalibre? I like RED HEADS, I don't care what color their hair is!!!:D NNUUT reflects my attitude and my Sirname!! hic!:sick:
I read the post on what Nancy Pelosi said recently....what a clear definition of what they are trying to I, a college graduate, wants to make the same as a garbage offense, but I'm much more valuable .....that's like saying a 10' jon boat should be the same price as a luxury yacht.....:nuts:

Sending Nancy Pelosi to Washington is like sending Gidget to Washington....what a laugh.....:nuts: :blink:
Ya know I really don't care what PARTY you are a member, just don't give MY MONEY to those that don't deserve it, and let poor Americans suffer!!:nuts:
I see consumer spending is up.....yeap, if you have to pay 2.50-3.00 dollars per gallon for gas that would x'plain it, everytime I go to the gas station I wonder what the hellll those energy guys are thinking...........too bad John Henrys little manufacturing business is going down the tubes because of that.....and lets not forget that Big Bobs business isn't going to spend any of the high profits they made over the last decade....curtailing any small business that may develop for several years....

Yeap, a bright outlook this morning.....:notrust:

Looking for a little bounce this morning, but it don't mean its going to happen.....

I am still on the sidelines. I want to make sure that this is nothing like last May before I jump back in. I took a terrible beating and I hope I learned my lesson but I probably didn't.

Looks like you learned real well...nice job so far, got you on my radar..what kind of balls are YOU using? :)
Ho Hummmmm.....uhhhhhhh, is it time for a new one.....

Open the letter please Carnac......ripppppp......and the lettter says "What is a split decision?"

What you call the situation if you find yourself with two of the opposite sex in bed with ya the following morning......:nuts:
