sugarandspice's Account Talk

Re: sugarandspice account talk

Oh thank God for that Sugar. After that analysis WE all feel better about the international situation. Thanks for comforting us in our time of need.
You are the ultimate buffoon.

The closest you can come to commenting on International relations is when you put that fungal toenail of yours into that Taco Bell burrito and tried to make them compensate you. Too bad you swallowed it and lost the evidence. If you go to the extreme of a fecal matter search, I will have to take drastic actiopn Sugar. Just leave it alone and back away from the bathroom.
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Re: sugarandspice account talk

S&S... was someone we know a participant in this study? :D

Drug Study Participants: Hallucinogen Produces Deep Mystical Experience
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
AP/NEW YORK — People who took an illegal drug made from mushrooms reported profound mystical experiences that led to behavior changes lasting for weeks — all part of an experiment that recalls the psychedelic '60s. Many of the 36 volunteers rated their reaction to a single dose of the drug, called psilocybin, as one of the most meaningful or spiritually significant experiences of their lives. Some compared it to the birth of a child or the death of a parent. Such comments "just seemed unbelievable," said Roland Griffiths of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, the study's lead author.

But don't try this at home, he warned. "Absolutely don't."

Almost a third of the research participants found the drug experience frightening even in the very controlled setting. That suggests people experimenting with the illicit drug on their own could be harmed, Griffiths said.

Viewed by some as a landmark, the study is one of the few rigorous looks in the past 40 years at a hallucinogen's effects.

The researchers suggest the drug someday may help drug addicts kick their habit or aid terminally ill patients struggling with anxiety and depression.,2933,202901,00.html
Re: sugarandspice account talk


You are aware enough to feel? The constant state of inebriation and toxicity that your body is in leads me to believe that you can't feel anything. It's just another Cartoon Network Marathon.

Take note people....She is making financial decisions on what cartoon is on.

Anyone interested in buying these 1000 shares she has in the Slate Rock & Gravel Company located in Bedrock.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well Sugar, I noticied you pulled out yesterday and went G because of your feeling. Very intuitive(lucky). Maybe your trips to the abortion clinic would never have had to happen if your companions had used the same strategy.

Sugar must be ignored at all costs.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I'll be going away for 2 weeks. Wont be around until Aug 1st. Going on vacation. I'll let it sit in the G for tracking but I will probably make a few moves here and here. I know people could give a rats derriere about it but that the scoop.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


Don't decieve the good people here. Vacation=Rehab....What is it this time Sugar? Drugs? Alcohol? Aftershave? Theraflu?
Re: sugarandspice account talk

You two have a great time together. :)
sugarandspice said:
I'll be going away for 2 weeks. Wont be around until Aug 1st. Going on vacation. I'll let it sit in the G for tracking but I will probably make a few moves here and here. I know people could give a rats derriere about it but that the scoop.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, you are looking like an absolute genius right now. Very well played.

Re: sugarandspice account talk


The above comment should not be taken to heart. There is no time in your life where the word genius can be applied unless sarcastically of course.

The attention/recognition you are recieving at this site i.e. comments, weekly tracker, top whatever lists, is doing a disservice to the site. A mere search of your posts show that you have no credibilty or even any inkling of knowledge about any financial issues. The most we can glean is that you have many addictions, are self-medicating them, possible gambling problem, extremely overweight, and have some fascination/compulsion with toilets and the unconventional methods you employ while on them.

All this does not bode well for new members if they happen to notice the standings. Perhaps a tag-line could be added under her name when she makes a post. "Deranged member" instead of tsp talker would be my suggestion.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Its i before e except after c GENIUS!

Stop riding my donkey you male offspring of a female canine.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I went 100% I fund. The news will make the very happy. And if it doesn't then I will make myself happy with Mother's little helpers. Oblivion the the answer when the markets turn sour.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well Sugar, I see you moved our money again without authorization. Someone else move to the I fund? You must be copying someone here. Who is it? I DEMAND TO KNOW!
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I hesitate to even post in here because I've grown quite weary of the whole ego/alterego thing, but I'll chance it this one last time. Very nice move. I fund is going to be solidly higher today. This will put you way out in front on the tracker.

Re: sugarandspice account talk


Maybe you mean "altered ego" ? Hard to argue with the concept of two heads being better than one...
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Wheels said:
I hesitate to even post in here because I've grown quite weary of the whole ego/alterego thing..............


Aren't we all!! One of them is about to meet with a very unfortunate and fatal accident.

Wheels said:
............. Very nice move. I fund is going to be solidly higher today. This will put you way out in front on the tracker.


This will be bad for business here. It has to be very unnerving to new members to see that name at the top of anything except an assissted suicide list.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Looks like your nightmares are over.

Recently 2006

IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER (hemaReuters) A grisly scene was discovered by some campers when a van parked near the riverside seemed to be "leaking" something from the sliding side door.

Police say the substance staining the soft sand with patches of crimson was human blood. Once that was determined the Hazmat team attempted to open the doors but had no success. The windows were blocked with some type of govt financial forms that were taped all over the glass. Finally the glass was broken and entry was gained and the police could not have been prepared for what was about to be burned in their memories forever.

"In my 30 years of police work I have never witnessed anything so disturbing," said Police Chief Hugh Jass.
"This has to be a case of extreme mental incapacity and I'm talking to the highest degree," continued Jass.

Deputy Lee Kesvinktor described the scene with a little better detail. "It's seems to be a suicide by self disection. What I mean by that is the unidentified woman who by the way was extremely overweight, apparently was removing her own organs and laying them out on white butcher paper and labeling them like a high school science project. The surprising thing is that she managed to stay alive long enough to actually list 5 parts before the loss of blood finally finished her project." Kesvinktor went on to say that "we aren't counting 1 of them because it was mislabeled as the pancreas when in actuality it was the appendix."

No one in the area is familiar with the vehicle or the woman and no identification of any kind could be found. Attempts to locate next of kin have led nowhere and a local farmer has made an unusual request.

"Would be a shame to see all that mass go to waste," said Pig Farmer Willy Eder.

Police granted Mr. Eders request to take custody of the van and body. It appeared that the woman had been living in the van and her weight had increased while inside so Mr Eder lifted the front end and dropped his hog food into the pen. "This will last a good 3 days. The van however is completely useless. The floorboards and rear area are covered in various spices and unopened sugar packets from popular fast food restaurants."

The story behind this may never be known but I have to believe that somewhere out there on God's Green Earth someone knows something. Maybe the next time you have a B.L.T. or bite into some pork chops (with applesauce),or make that ham and swiss, you might remember the woman who came and went seemingly unnoticied.

(Editor's note) After the publishing of this story Mr. Eder notified police that the body was gone after one day. Not a single trace of it was found and that his pigs were extremely hungry. It now appears that someone or something has removed it from the farm. There is 1 other possible explanation but that would seem completely impossible, however this whole story seems that way so one nevers knows.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well, something sure happened!.......:confused:........Maybe Spice wants 15 minutes on Nancy Grace!........:D
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I think Spice killed off Sugar and made up that story about the minivan! Rascal!!:mad: