sugarandspice's Account Talk

Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugarandspice account talk makes good sense to me! S&S give both the pros and cons. Enjoy!..:D ....Spaf
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well Sugar I guess you made a good move to the G fund. I wonder how this really came about though. I have a feeling it was due to a certain type of mushroom you ingested and the non-stop Harry Potter marathon you were watching last week. Hold on to those brief flashes of clarity you get Sugar. They are your only connection to the real world you have left.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar!!!! Are you here anymore? You actually are being rewarded here. Apparently you stumbled your way into a top finish for the month. Those blackout periods you experience due to over indulgence of your favorite barley products and your white "powdered sugar binges" keep you from making moves and that has benefitted your account. If you had a normal cognizance you would be busted. Someone is looking out for you. When I find them you will be gone! Guaranteed!
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Dude, leave me alone and let me bask in my accomplishment. You always have to come here and bring me down. You are the one with the flaws. You are the one who is jealous. You are a bully. Go steal someone's milk money.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, the reason you have not lost a lot of money is because of your endless attempts to qualify for a free world series of poker seat at FullTilt. The amount of time you spend doing that does not allow you to make IFT's and since the market is tanking, you are getting lucky. Add degenerate gambler to the list. You need to get some social interaction. Holding the mouse is not holding a hand. And that hole you cut in your computer chair so you can defecate into a 5-gallon bucket is not helping your mental well-being. Go outside and see a sunset, smell some flowers, get away from the poker game.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

sugarandspice said:
Sugar, the reason you have not lost a lot of money is because of your endless attempts to qualify for a free world series of poker seat at FullTilt. The amount of time you spend doing that does not allow you to make IFT's and since the market is tanking, you are getting lucky. Add degenerate gambler to the list. You need to get some social interaction. Holding the mouse is not holding a hand. And that hole you cut in your computer chair so you can defecate into a 5-gallon bucket is not helping your mental well-being. Go outside and see a sunset, smell some flowers, get away from the poker game.


I assume that the two of you are federal government employees. Be advised that using a 5 gallon bucket in this way and mistreating a government owned chair in the manner descibed is prohibited by regulations.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, I see you made a transfer to the F fund. Now I/we know there is no logical/statistical/theoretical or even sane reason for this so I won't ask. But the fact you are conscious today is a huge step in the right direction. Week-end benders usually have you out til tuesday. And we don't need any cute puns about any 80's jerk off bands. Although "voices carry" might take on a new meaning in your case. F fund huh? Smart move dunce.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

In case you haven't noticied jerk, I have made it to the top 3 of last month. I must be doing something right. And I even won a prize for it. So lay off at least until I lose my arse.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I fund 100%. I'm hoping that U.S. markets will settle down (or maybe rally) the rest of the day and comfort the International community. I don't expect a big move but I think a little is coming. I'm going to be patient and try and nickel and dime my way through this until the jitters subside and some leadership is achieved. I am very comfortable parking it in the G fund and waiting. I will not ride anything out. I will bail out.

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Re: sugarandspice account talk

sugarandspice said:
So lay off at least until I lose my arse.


Any reader of this thread is already very aware that it is impossible for you to lose your ever widening gargantuan sized arse. I believe that cannibals deep in the jungles could make 6 complete rump roasts from it and you still wouldn't slip thru the toilet seat.

I fund huh?
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Hopefully I fund will give me a little today. I'm banking it. If I miss a small rally (2-3 day) that's fine. I'll still have time to get in if it is a true strength. Too much Bernanke influence at this time. I'm heading to the F fund. 100%

The only thing I'll ride out is an avalanche because I won't have a choice.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


You are going to bounce in and out of different funds trying to catch the wave. Thats a good strategy. Others try it here. Check there returns. Is that where you want to be? You are supposed to be insuring your retirement with this. I see you frivolously guessing. At this rate anyway your liver will not make it to retirement anyway. And your stability will wind you up in a 24 hr care facility where they will take control of your finances. "Medication time.....Medication time.......Please meet in the dayroom.......It's medication time."
Re: sugarandspice account talk


You know you are feeling left out today because you bailed on the I fund after making a nice gain yesterday. So the question is Sugar, Are you going to chase the I fund for tomorrow or not. I'm betting you will take a shot.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I moved to the I fund 100% hoping to catch some spillover from todays U.S. action. So I did take a shot mindreader.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


Definitions pertaining to your life:

1. "Taking a shot" having your ritual morning breakfast of straining Hai Karate and Aqua Velva through a piece of toast and drinking it in a shot glass.
"taking a shot" Using your favorite needle to administer your morning eye opener to get your day started.

2. "Catch some spillover" Using numerous paper towels lined around the base of your toilet to contain your daily hazmat conditions.

There is no, nor will there ever be any financial advice or wisdom in this thread.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Decided to go into the F fund 100%. It looks a little depressed and I think its worth taking a shot. And I don't need any peanut gallery comments from you. (you know who you are).
Re: sugarandspice account talk

sugarandspice said:
It looks a little depressed and I think its worth taking a shot.


This is a phrase that is used by other people when pertaining to you. The first group is doctors who specialize in experimental treatments and therapies. "It looks a little depressed and I think its worth taking a shot."
The second group would be hard up desperate men who haven't had "it" for a long time and are willing to risk the infection you would give them. "It looks a little depressed and I think its worth taking a shot."
Re: sugarandspice account talk

YEAH, YEAH,.... uh..... my indicators say go international but haven't got a long term strategy from then yet.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Indicators Sugar?

What would those be?

The water level in your toilet?
The garbage line in your sink?
The length of the skid mark on your underwear?

Please bless us with your financial insight.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Dear Spice,
With the volatility of todays market, my indicators point one way yesterday and a different way today. Maybe your friend Sugar, could shed some light!
Has the water level shown any recent momentum?
If it gets above the sink line. Is that a fairly good over-bought indicator?
And lastly, the skid marks. Is there any up or down trend?
With best regards,