sugarandspice's Account Talk

Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well Sugar, it appears that your presence here is being tolerated by the majority. I suppose I underestimated the freedom given here. Since it is your thread it does make sense to allow you your opinion. Be warned people, It is inconcievable that Sugar was on top in March, and I am extremely thrilled to know that you all have taken into consideration the LUCK factor in monthly returns. Please hold that fact close to your hearts whenever reading ANYTHING concerning Sugars involvement.

* I still can't get over the feeling that this was a sad and sick attempt at getting some attention*
Re: sugarandspice account talk

pogo said:
get a life, i don't have time to read this garbage between working 58 hours a week coaching baseball and trying to make extra money in the stock market. tom--- HELP!!!!
Hey Sugar and/or Spice:
Just to let you know that I work close to 100 hrs. a week, party my ass off, and still have time to enjoy your thread whenever you girls post!! :)
Keep up the good work, and "Don't believe the Hype" :p
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Spice, you've earned a break from hunching over the computer keys - there is a book I'll bet you'd really enjoy, kinda like saying `there go I' - by Decker, THR3E is the title. Stretch out on the couch, read the book, , kinda like a 3 hour Sabbatical !!
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Hey Tom - when you're giving out those cups and t-shirts as awards, I recommend you have an award for "Most Entertaining Poster" - but problem is what happens if there is a tie? Who would you give it to, Sugar or Spice?
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, you been gone for awhile and now to the F fund. You are following some sign? Insight? Research? My guess is you just got out of a 3 day rehab clinic and now you realized you made some money in the I fund and are panicking. The clarity you are experiencing from the "dry period" you went thru is not really clarity. It's simply your "N.O.R.M.L." state of mind. Which by the way is heavily influenced by build-up of THC.

The mornings you wake-up and pick your letter of the day to invest in will go alot better for you when TSP creates 26 different choices each represented by a letter of the alphabet. Then when you call TSP you will be able to invest in the Q fund and the K fund like you have tried in the past.

And TSP won't have to threaten legal action against you for harassing phone calls because your IFT didn't go through.

OOOOoooooo.....That smell.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Dear Sugar (or Spice),

I think your condition is less of a pathology, and could be best understood as a "state of grace"... enjoy the beautiful colors! :)
Re: sugarandspice account talk

This market is obviously searching for a bottom. At this point I will jump in and out of the F to G to F to G until it settles down. It feels like no sector is leading and the market will be driven by news. It's going to be report driven. And even then I think it won't help to stop the bleeding. It is close to panic time for the masses. What will happen when the next "bad" report comes out?

And France saying it will do all they can to keep the Euro in check? What, they wont shower for longer periods now?
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Ahh, Sugar. Here it comes. Another financial golden nugget from you. This is blatantly something you heard on T.V. Who was it? Cramer, Paul and Suzie, maybe Maria? What am I saying? It's more like Hobo Kelly, Mr Wishbone, or Sheriff John. Dont try to give any opinions here Sugar. Stick to your guesses and keep quiet. And hopefully you will be hit by a flying croissant because of that comment about France. Listen Sugar! I just ate a burrito and I'm not afraid to use it.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, terminology in the financial world could cause you some future losses so let me straighten you out on a few.
"Playing the spread" and "searching for the bottom" do not have anything to do with your struggles finishing your "paperwork" in the bathroom. I think maybe you should DEPEND on some assisstance. Maybe it DEPENDS on your outlook. DEPENDing on your weighty situation, perhaps a trip to the store for some.....never mind just keep air's hopeless.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well I made a move 100% I fund earlier today and I guess that jackass isn't going to chastise me about it this time. Maybe he finally went away.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

sugarandspice said:
Well I made a move 100% I fund earlier today and I guess that jackass isn't going to chastise me about it this time. Maybe he finally went away.

I think he changed his name. Not gonna say to what, but it begins with a "T". :nuts:
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I went to the G fund 100%. Got a little spooked that maybe the bottom is not yet here. I think I will still have time to ride it back up if the momentum continues.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, the momentum you speak of will continue as long as your girth is heading in a downhill direction. The slightest decline in elevation will create one of the worst pedestrian disasters of all time. In your case I truly believe that vehicles would lose in a human VS. auto encounter. The impact of you against the side of a car would case a record breaking amount of 360's for the passengers in that car. Please remain the shut-in I have come to know and
Re: sugarandspice account talk

What is confusing?

The split personalties in this thread? Or S&S's switch to G? Or perhaps the comments made about girth and auto-pedestrian accidents?