sugarandspice's Account Talk

Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sticking to original strategy and going back to the G fund 100%

I think they will apply the FV to todays closing price.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I was speaking to a fellow this morning named Mentum and he recommended that I move Internationally. He said he would be spreading his influence worldwide. I cant remember his first name. I think it was Moe.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I am happy with my move and hopefully the strong market here today. I am expecting it to hold and get paid. I actually think it will get stronger today. I may be getting out a day early but I will be happy with what i get today as long as it doesn't start a decline like yesterday.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

YTD in the rankings you are doing quite well... congrats... I too debated getting all into the G fund today and probably should but left a little on the table...DA FIREANT
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I am going to use the F fund for parking. I like the trend and the risk/reward seems to be in my favor as far as letting it sit. Of course I am only comparing it to the G fund. This is only for parking lot strategy. The F and G funds are where I park and wait. If I'm in there it's not to hide but waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Went to the I fund. I am anticipating a (deleted) in the dollar today. If that happens and the U.S. market (deleted) for the rest of today's session then I hope to see the dollar (deleted) tomorrow along with the international funds overnight.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


I noticied your posts on here lately are getting some attention. Don't misread that has encouragement. When psychotics are encouraged disastrous results follow. Dahmer's science teacher, Manson's social studies instructor, and Gacy's clown college professor all commited suicide after realizing what they unleashed on the world.

Don't let it get to your head!
Re: sugarandspice account talk

S&S, I love this bander shaded with knowledge, insanity, achievement, incite, and dual lucidity. Just keep it up. I'm a fan! I thought I was nnuuts?:D Keep makin' money, that's where it's at!! Oh! Stop all that cussing, we can't stand it!:nuts:
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well Sugar, it looks like your move was a little premature to the I fund. Hopefully we can recoup those losses this week and a little more.

Premature..............I'm gonna let this one go on by Sugar.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I'm getting an uneasy feeling overall about things. I bailed out a little sooner than I wanted too from the I fund but I dont want to fall with it. If it falls. I may be doing some jack-rabbiting this week. But for now I like the F for my hideout. Good trend so far.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

That uneasy feeling Sugar?

Easily explained.........Trying changing undergarments once in a while. The crusty edges can get sharp at times.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

SPice! :blink:

BTW, I see you have two squares of reputation. Does this mean one for each? :p
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Since this apparently is not a violation of the "dual aliases" clause. The logical conclusion is that there are 2 parties involved. The thread does not designate which party has two and which has 0. Without a direct answer from S&S, you may never know!.....:cheesy:

SPice! :blink:

BTW, I see you have two squares of reputation. Does this mean one for each? :p
Re: sugarandspice account talk


With the scale fatality rate in your bathroom and the broken springs and viewing glass all over the floor, I think you should avoid things relating to In-N-Out.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Sugar, it looks like you are set-up to steal a nice little side-pot(FV+side) in the I fund today. Pending what happens and overseas tonight with early U.S. action tomorrow I think you might want to jump back in the I fund for Thurs. For now just tread water in the Wait'n Sea.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

:p I get it... Although if you watch a jack rabbit, after jumping in and out, they fall over in exhaustion. Better take your vitamins. :D

And occasionally they freeze thinking their hiding in bright headlights only to star on the next episode of CSI Blacktop Stains.
I will keep my guard up but I'm looking at an I fund exploitation for Thurs.

Undecided as of now.