sugarandspice's Account Talk




Good Morning my little Bumble Bee :p

Will share what happened when we turned into ants...;) as I think the others would really enjoy it.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of that wonderful event ---- Ahhhh what a beautiful day it was as we hiked in the Montana wilderness :)

While testing skin samples inside a extra large bucket of KFC and watching another president present some national health care flim-flam shell game, I got the feeling that this time I was seeing Jesus. I thought he was going to tell me that I misread his message of bailing out of the market and that he meant to ride it out. I then took my glasses off and saw the chicken grease smear on my lens in the image of guess who..........I'm thinking of starting a shrine dedicated to Hymn.
I have been gone too long. And for the final time, nothing anyone says here will ever bother me.

Well that's kind of scary - because I immediately have this fear that I'll be the one to say the wrong thing ....

and you'll disappear for another year or two :(

And yet at the same time it's like a challenge that's very hard to resist - like an incredible invitation to see how far I can push before ya respond :rolleyes:

SOOO - I think I'll let the ant story remain 'our little secret'

night night sweetcakes
You keep that secret about the ants and I wont tell about your uncles and the special closet. night night sweetcheeks

Sorry about yesterday.

I was awake 95% of the night dealing with an 'ethics' problem and when you factor in my work day and what I accomplished (or tried to accomplish) when I got home all that put together made my thinking pretty screwed up.....

and so that's my excuse... and I guess we always have an excuse don't we ??

Well anyway my story of the ants was pretty delightful - as found an orange that looked like the biggest building ever made (us being ants) and I was simply going to mention how tastey it was and la la la....

As for the uncle stuff and the closet. My circumstances were a lot more bizarre. I had people who claimed to be 'The High Priest of Satan' and there ultimate act of worship was by destroying me. So it's kind of weird because I guess we all need something to live for and perhaps a purpuse for our existence. My injuries required hospitalizations - sometimes up to 3 months. I had my right eye jarred out of my head - which required surgery to correct. Had my face smashed up and lots of bones broken. A lot of pretty unusual stuff - BUT NO BIG DEAL - cause I survived and retained the appearance of 'normal'.

Anyway - my ethics problem related to someone I'd never met before - but somehow felt him as more than a brother. I told him I'd be there if he 'needed me' and yet my daughter who has been in Korea for the past year is comming home for the first time and I planned on being at the airport when she arrived.

SACRIFICE without LOSS is no sacrifice at all and sometimes the only way you can help is by sacrificing. So throughout the night I kept preparing for 'The Sacrifice' - knowing my family would be hugely disappointed YET EQUALLY KNOWING I HAD MADE THE COMMITMENT and if he FOR ANY REASON asked me to come then I would have put my family on hold and expected them to understand later on.

Understand that some guy I'd never met before and only know through an Internet forum 'asked me to come' - because he was sad over the condition of someone else I never knew. How absolutely insane that would sound to others. Anyway I would not expect very many to understand.

Got a patient and need to run ....
In my thread, as Lymphoma and Leukemia well know, it is a free for all.

Anyway - since I'm spilling my guts - I made it my 'life ambition' to understand the brain so I could understand why people think the way they do.

In my Journey I accomplished way more than I expected to discover. Not only did I come to understand how various moods and thoughts are formed - but way beyond that I came to realize the specific little sections and cells respondsible for almost every disorder related to the Brain (including Restless Leg Syndrome)

Before the BRAIN you first have to know all the other organ systems on a cellular level - then (and only then) can you understand the brain's influence of everything else.

WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS because you mentioned Lymphoma and Leukemia. That - and that alone - is the only reason why I helped get Obama where he is. STEM CELL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT and that alone is where by focus was based. Because I know what every Politician is like and everyone of them has the same 'disease' but let's not go there. Anyway today we now have MR GENOME himself from NIH in the most central role possible to expand this field. Now the gates that were sealed shut - have been opened and things are flying. I already know for a fact - the incredible results brought forth to reverse and essentially cure diseases like 'Parkinson's Disease' by cell implants.

LYMPHOMA and LEUKEMIA (and basically every other disease) are simply 'Healthy Cells' that have become malformed or disrupted. We can either LEAVE THESE CELLS AS THEY ARE and leave the Health Industry as it is - by centering on the Pharmaceutical Companies and the continual daily need of medications to quell the symptoms. OR WE CAN REPLACE THE DEFECTIVE CELLS with ones designed to remain in PERFECT HEALTH and elimate the need for medications altogether. So if you have these problems - please know 'we' are actively working on them as well.

It's a strange period of history we currently live in and the REAL successes and the REAL UNDERSTANDING at the root of most diseases are only now being found on the level we need to cure the disease and not simply treat the symptoms.

Well that's my story in a nutshell - I hope you the best; don't give up hope.... cause ya never know what's around the corner....what tomorrow will bring.

That - and that alone - is the only reason why I helped get Obama where he is. STEM CELL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT and that alone is where by focus was based. Because I know what every Politician is like and everyone of them has the same 'disease' but let's not go there.


John McCain still supports embryonic stem cell research
Catholic News Agency (
Asked how he reconciled his otherwise solid pro-life voting record with his support for experimentation on “surplus” embryos,McCain said “I understand how divisive this is among the pro-life community.”

DENVER (CNA) - John McCain has set his sights on Florida as the state’s primary draws closer. In a conversation with Catholics in Florida and CNA this afternoon, McCain maintained his support for embryonic stem cell research while emphasizing his hope that it will become an academic issue given the latest scientific advances. [more]
As a man - an individual defined by his characteristics and the life he displayed McCain would be extremely hard to beat and if he had the ability to change THE NETWORK to make it happen I would have pushed for him.

It's not the PERSON (McCain or Obama) that hugely determines the overall results but rather the NETWORK that goes with them.

Anyway, what's done is done. We can talk about 'impeachment' and all kinds of garbage in every waking moment - or we can simply accept what is and hope for the best - look for the 'good things' and be content with what we have. Until the next election we simply have to deal with it.
From TWSJ print edition on 7/21/09

"Census Bureau data released Monday show the extent to which strong minority-voter turnout in the 2008 election helped President Barack Obama win over swing states and make inroads into Republican strongholds.

About five million more people voted for president in November than four years earlier, with minorities accounting for almost the entire increase. About two million more black and Hispanic voters and 600,000 additional Asians went to the polls."
Birch - we all have our favorites....:embarrest:

I think the BEST LINE so far was 'There aren't enough gays, blacks, and college professors to get Obama elected'

I've got to hand it to you - that one has crossed my mind more than all the others put together and I usually get a good laugh. OMG you're something else man....

You get the prize for that one !! :cheesy::laugh:
Sugar, I spent a huge bulk of my vacation dwelling and pondering on this:

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him [or Her] to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

--Max Ehrmann c.1920

I fear I've chased you off because I'm too eager to talk and say a lot of things you don't need to hear. So I'll try to step back and just let you be and say whatever.

Anyway - the more I dwelled on this the more I realize what I want and need and all the more I realize how equally important it is to step back more often and let others find what they want and need. Sorry about jumping in too quickly.
Moved to the F so I can avoid the latest disaster to drag the market down for the next couple of days.


Why continue this dragon bones reading psychic act? You have no market savvy, can't read a finance page or a Healthy Choice meal box for that matter, and the only statements you read are the ones you have to sign after making them to the police. Sugar, it really means it when it says "avoid driving after taking these." Drop the act!!

Why continue this dragon bones reading psychic act? You have no market savvy, can't read a finance page or a Healthy Choice meal box for that matter, and the only statements you read are the ones you have to sign after making them to the police. Sugar, it really means it when it says "avoid driving after taking these." Drop the act!!

You will pay in hell for that.