sugarandspice's Account Talk

Re: 'G Funder' Trustfunders having all the fun!!!

What happens, if one time this year, you call it wrong and lose a few percent?

Some questions have a way of lingering on ... almost haunting me. :o

When I called it wrong it was very humbling

Made me realize all the more what a gamble it is - especially in light of our conditions and prevailing weakness

Watched the Markets every other minute - and thought despite losing the first day - I could hope for an even better day tomorrow

Tomorrow - was far worse - an impending doom was mounting higher and higer as it came to a close

SO - it certainly brought me to empathize with others; made me keenly aware of how vulnerable everyone of us is ... and powerless to change anything

BY FAR THE BIGGEST ASPECT - was allowing me to join in with everyone else and appreciate how it feels when things are going down and there's no way to stop it - and how much worse things felt when charts and posts were clearly showing I'm in the midst of the biggest plunge to date with little hope of avoiding major damage

So I lost enough - and went through enough - to learn some good lessons. :)

Your Ativar is beautiful - I linger everytime I see it because it's rich in colors - intriging - captivating

OK - this ties up all the loose ends - and now I can finally head home

Have a great weekend everyone !!
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Have decided to ignore the Markets this morning and am just letting my thoughts kind of float away and chill.

I'm missing ya - and wanted to let you know that. So what is real and what is false - when everything there is is based on the chemical interactions of the brain. In that sense our perception of reality is wholly a reflection of our mental processes - and maybe - just maybe REALITY is whatever we make it.

So I'm thinkn' maybe we can like transport ourselves into other worlds - that are limited only by our imaginations... and if that's the case then we should make every effort to stretch them as far as possible and just float and be free.

So decided to give you a little break today. Picture the most beautiful flower gardens you've ever seen - on perhaps the most perfect day. Okay - now let the wind blow a little bit and see how the flowers gently sway and feel it's magic against your skin - the way it moves your hair like millions of little fingers...and soak all that in until you're really there. Then let yourself dream... really let yourself float away to where ever you want ... lean back and feel that strong support and feel those arms surrounding you....
I'm afraid that F fund is going to crush you. As the economy begins recovery the anticipation is that interest rates will rise and bond funds will sell off. The 30 year Treasury had a parabolic move up and will eventually act to balance off that fear.
I'm afraid that F fund is going to crush you. As the economy begins recovery the anticipation is that interest rates will rise and bond funds will sell off. The 30 year Treasury had a parabolic move up and will eventually act to balance off that fear.

Sugar - please just ignore this BS - don't let it get to you.

The battle will continue as long as both parties are involved.

Nothing I can do other than to say a lot of us miss you and your unique style of bringing life to the MB.

So please just ignore what has happened and go with 'Your Gut' --

BECAUSE - If I recall correctly (and that there is no question about) S&S was not only in the TOP 10 within the past year - but actually held the TOP SPOT.

At that time you had the Monkey Ativar - then you had Big Foot in the cooler :D and now you've got 'A bad omen' that is holding you back.

So change the Ativar - change your luck

It's kind of like Save the Cheerleader - Save the World

May not make much since at a glance - but with deeper thought everything will click - and maybe - just maybe will see that cute monkey once again - after all I always thought that was SugarandSpice.

OK - Fair is Fair - you attack him in his home then I intervene

He attacks you in your home - I intervene....;)

So walk with me past the roses... and let's eat a few petals cause I like cherry rock candy... and from there you decide where do we go next... the milkshake palace ... or sail on the banana split boat through the cave filled with animated birds and animals that sing in unison 'It's a small world after all.... it's a small world after all...'

as they did at The New York World's fair :):laugh:

Hopefully I've got you in a better world.... time Mr Meanie drops in .... we'll squirt em with hot melted marshmellows.. K
Good Morning S&S,

I've got 3 days worth of work to take care of in the next few hours so won't have time to fill your home with poetry and songs...

with enchanting stories...and lovely dreams....

but thought I'd drop by for a second to say HI!!

Hope your day goes well
I'm afraid that F fund is going to crush you. As the economy begins recovery the anticipation is that interest rates will rise and bond funds will sell off. The 30 year Treasury had a parabolic move up and will eventually act to balance off that fear.

WOW! Thanks for the financial advice Birch. I never knew that. Please let me know which fund would be better for me. Awaiting your direction. Please hurry!
WOW! Thanks for the financial advice Birch. I never knew that. Please let me know which fund would be better for me. Awaiting your direction. Please hurry!

I'm so glad you see you're back to form.

I got a really good laugh out of this one. TY!!

Ok Steady. I changed the avatar as per your recommendation. Trying to shake the bad ju-ju.

Recognize him?

It's looks like Spider Man (gone wrong) but I like it!!

Or a Spider with the Joker's Face

Anyway - expect to get excellent results... cause it honestly doesn't make any difference what Fund you're in.... or how the Markets are going....'s all in the Ativar ;):D

I'd be inclined to resume your previous settings of 50 S fund and 50 I fund. Now is the time to be in high risk as the rally off the bottom continues to levitate.
Sugar......ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhhhh
Oh Honey Honey......ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhhh

Just did a quick analysis of dynamic calculations using Q wave vectors and advanced physics in conjuction with planetary allignments - and factored that in with a variety of Trig/Calcu.

Looks like F Fund should win out over the others in the next 14 days.

.........................I'm just a bee drawn by the scent :cheesy:;)

The 3 month chart for F Fund looks very good :D

.........Excellent timing - if it continues as expected

The 6 month chart also looks decent

I'm on the Lilly Pad (in the Garage...or in JAIL) cause I went 100% and used up my 2 IFTs.

Now I'll simply wait for things to FALL which should help F to soar higher. 105 was its Max - and I doubt it goes above that.

For me and the overwhelming bulk it's a waiting game - having to go through a few months of limbo and hopefully catch a quick bounce or rally along the way.

GL - S&S - and for now reflect on only 2 things: 1) Look where Uptrend was just a little while back and where he is now. 2) You were at the Top before so it's just a matter of time. :cool:
:D F
:mad: C
:mad: S
:mad: I

G always gets a smile - but only gets a Grin on a gain - good job.

Things must be really busy in the Nuclear Reactors - hopefully no 'hot rods' - core melt down situations to deal with - but figure you must be really busy flying here and there doing inspections and such....

Trust me - I'm easily a thousand times crazier than you could imagine.
As Pink Floyd would say: Crazy - Over the Rainbow - I am crazy
Bars in the Window.

So when my daughter says someone's crazy I'll ask, 'Over the Rainbow Crazy'?

And she'll say no 'Toys in the Attic Crazy' ;)

Anyway Sugar Beans... my philosophy is find a place to go wild and have fun .... so GO far ...BUT don't go tooo far :worried:
Be spontaneous and real and just let things fly and sail with the vibes if they're cool.

Well I'm gone for a week - but Birch promised to Maintain a Bullish Stance during my absence. :)

Oh and since I don't know you at all (which is fine BTW) then I can make you anything I want. Yesterday you were in the Nuclear Field determining the integrity of Nuclear Reactors.

Today I want to extend my sincerest Congratulations on your appointment as the new Director over the National Institue of Health and personally THANK YOU for the rich discoveries you've accomplished in the Field of Brain Science.

Thanks again for changing the Ativar - I'm honored :D

OK - I'll end with a message in Morse Code.

da da da dit da dit dit da da dit da dit da da dit dit dit da da.....
Sugar................Let the experimentation begin!

*Hint* After your Xanax dessert this evening try a little of that 3 year old Zoloft you have on the glove box......................................................!@$#.....Knights in White Satin.....^$@#^%

And that's pretty much what it's been throughout - an experimentation that seems more geared towards making the Pharmaceutical Industries RICH - than healing the sick. Much more focused on the BAND AID approach of covering the symptoms instead of curing the underlying problem.

Most of that is due mankind's ignornance - especially in relation to Mental Illness.

BRAIN SCIENCE is rapidly changing everything about the way we view Mental Illness and the way it will be addressed in the future. Instead of giving Xanax, Zoloft and the rest - we will simply pin point the small little aspect responsible for the problems and stimulate new and healthy cells to replace the ones that somehow became malfunctioning.

I have it on good authority that she really just goes with the flow. And to tell you the truth, if she mixed in a few feminine hygiene products? that flow would be a lot less noticeable.

I am 'a healer' - and only in retrospect can I share this as I'm in a transitional state and subsequently I've lost my power. My healing does not come from medications - it comes from Chemistry and how ever that came into being - it's not something I strove to become but simply what I am.

I have it on good authority that you DON'T want to get into that world. It's filled with prescriptions, hallucinations and unexplained stains around the house on the furniture and floor.

My life is very sensitive to the needs and hurts of others and it's way more than just a pain in my heart - or some trival feeling of sympathy - it more encompasses everything and once it starts it just gets bigger and bigger. So in the end every shread of my being is committed to bringing the ultimate healing.

There are only 2 distinctions - Short Term and Long Term.

Short Term is letting someone experience life without any kind of sickness, pain, discomfort, sorrow, or any kind of negativity. It is the ultimate peace - the most wonderful fulfillment - but is mainly to let you know HOW IT WOULD FEEL AND WHAT IT IS LIKE.

That was my goal with you SugarandSpice - that is ultimately what bought me into your world and that's why I said the things I did... it was all meant to open our worlds so the chemistry could do its thing.

Next: is the beginning

Good morning Sugar :)

I hope you're spiced up for today. Decided to write you before I did anything else. Well Friday's here at last and it's Home Coming Weekend. Emily is bringing 7 or 8 girls from college home and Carrie is having at least 10 friends over for the weekend so we're expecting about 20 altogether.

I sprayed the back yard with 50 gallons of weed killer at over double the recommended strength and used just over 50 gallons at regular strength for the front yard. So the yard is perfect - and we'll have a big fire in the fire pit (which is a 12 to 15 foot circle).

I thought it would be fun if we flew down to Disney World and got our picture taken with Mickey, Goffy, and the others. We would have to leave early, because I have to be back in time for supper. But we could always play Candy Land in the living room and just hang around instead - if you want - it really doesn't matter to me.

I wound up getting the equipment we'd taked about earlier and can set it up next weekend. Motion detectors surrounding your property will detect Big Foot and engage firearms at pinpoint precision.

Well don't forget - you're my goody gum drop girl,


Come on Sugar! You are that naive? I know you wish it was all rainbows, unicorns and butterflies but that is only when you have a little extra of those "special" pills you have on prescription. The real world is a dangerous place for you. Stay in your house and watch Willy Wonka over and over.

I don't need you patronizing uppity attitude today. I have made great strides since I am finally able to leave the bathroom for more than 2 hours at a time.

The mania, paranoia, euphoria and grandiosity mixed in with alcohol abuse and isolation has yet to be diagnosed. And everytime an "episode" occurs she is always met by the Knights in White Satin.

I am very much a HEART PERSON - and I honestly longed to give you 'a moment' - a short span of happiness that you could have and hold and cherish forever.

The transition I'm currently heading into may last longer than the one I had here - and I have no idea if the Healing Chemistry will be available in future transitions - but maybe someday you'll come across a healer in the future.

Always hoping you find love that covers everything,
