sugarandspice's Account Talk

The general population and the world for that matter have been stirred up to believe that everything will collapse if this plan doesn't pass. Then when the "faces of deception" marched out to give their announcement, people wanted reassurance. They have blown their credibilty. The next time they walk out together to say something I think clown suits and makeup, stilts,a juggler, and with Barney Frank on the calliope playing off to the side.

Despite me being opposed to a wall street bailout.

Your right. Its ashame. People actually gave these guys the benefit of the doubt by Thurs. and Fridays trading sessions going up, despite the typical partisan politicals we have all come to expect and hate and investors got punished by their faith unfortunately. I have to say, I moved my wifes fairly substantial 401k and both our Roth IRA's to Treasuries on Friday afternoon to avoid a Monday selloff (I have been out of the TSP since the 5% up day a couple wks back). I just had a gut feeling this would happen. Its sad in this case that I was right. :notrust:

Yesterday you went off on the politicians for not presenting themselves truthfully. Come on Sugar! You are that naive? I know you wish it was all rainbows, unicorns and butterflies but that is only when you have a little extra of those "special" pills you have on prescription.
The real world is a dangerous place for you. Stay in your house and watch Willy Wonka over and over.

Yesterday you went off on the politicians for not presenting themselves truthfully. Come on Sugar! You are that naive? I know you wish it was all rainbows, unicorns and butterflies but that is only when you have a little extra of those "special" pills you have on prescription.
The real world is a dangerous place for you. Stay in your house and watch Willy Wonka over and over.

I don't need you patronizing uppity attitude today. I have made great strides since I am finally able to leave the bathroom for more than 2 hours at a time.
My place is always open - anytime you feel up to it.

It's like being inside an empty huge cylinder. The floors are covered with extra thick oriential rugs with a wide variety of huge pillows to sit, lay, or sleep on. Tie-dyed sheets cover the walls from floor to ceiling. Of course you will notice hundreds of speakers scattered throughout the walls. Lasty when you lay down and look at the ceiling you'll notice it's made of stained glass with a wide variety of circles and various shapes.

The flowers are the KEY to my PARADISE. Once you have held one of these flowers, smelled them, or even gazed at them you will enter a state of tranquility and be at peace and in perfect harmony with your surroundings. Soon after this your mind will explore and you will travel to many wonderful places. At some point it will be almost too much to bear - but you will crave it a thousand times more. This is when you will lay down and look at the ceiling. Then I'll flip the switch and the stained glass layers of the ceiling will swirl in different directions like a giant kaleidoscope.

With experience you'll learn to float mid way between the floor and ceiling. Here you'll find the properties that exceed heaven itself and you'll not have to worry about being close to the bathroom again.

Whatever it is, I hope you GET WELL SOON!!
The mania, paranoia, euphoria and grandiosity mixed in with alcohol abuse and isolation has yet to be diagnosed. And everytime an "episode" occurs she is always met by the Knights in White Satin.
This is the best idea! Think of it.....from all the lessons learned up to now how beautiful things could be.

Amazingly, despite the lessons throughout history WE HAVE NOT ADVANCED as a civilization. We have been largely divided throughout the centuries with a SMALL CIRCLE in control and everyone else is yeilded to that control. In most of the world it's impossible to miss this distinction - as the poor and desolate stand out is sharp contrast to the few reigning over them.

The United States is a different atmosphere altogether. It has the appearance of super abundant wealth - with store after store filled to capacity of everything imaginable and every restaurant, appliance, vehicle...ever thought of all supplied in thousands of varieties. Here the Big and Lovely Homes dominate your drives from one town or city to the next. But they are consumed with Debt and largely driven to spend beyond their means.


The KEY - is an internal change - developing and growing in a mindset that rises above the garbage; by having a mindest that is completly contrary to the powers of this world and finding the ultimate world of peace, love, and contentment in a REALITY far above and Removed from what's around us.

This is still the best idea. It's where "Imagine" would fit best.

Got a patient...sorry need to run

'This is still the best idea. It's where "Imagine" would fit best'.

The Earth and all the aspects of the Earth; all the interactions we have between people, animals, and our environment and everything we know ourside of our planet is all based on an internal map in our brain. We know exactly where this map is located and the cells and molecules engaged in forming this map. It's close to the nasal passages - and the sense of smell has been entirely mapped down to the slightest detail. I'll come back to this latter.

Our memories and experiences form our image of the Earth and our view of the world; what life is; how we live, think, and behave. For me (and you) many of these memories (and experiences) created Neutral Networks that largely define our lives. It is hard to break from avenues that were forged over the years and these have warped us to a large degree (especially traumatic experiences).

But there are amazingly wonderful ways to overcome these networks; ways to turn the highways in our brain to small alleys that eventually disappear - or to change these memories into something far less harmful; so that they no longer have this grip on our lives or interfere with finding something far better.
I think a mindset of the whole is needed.

Here I can see many blasting you for Socialistic Views, for diluting us all down to nothing....and the numerous other comments and views that have been projected.

A mindset of the whole is absolutely impossible when women have largely been forced to live in a "man's world". When the underlying MOLD of our society has largely forced women to think in markedly limited roles of 'Teacher, Nurse, Home Maker'... and despite their incredible intelligence, wit, and drive are still far from gaining equal ground. Most have no clue of the real advantages a woman has in many ways - in her relationship orientied wiring; her insights and intuition, her ability to sense and feel for others, and her impressive intelligence. Just as important is her ability to love and fully grasp the blending of energies and that compassionate, caring aspect. I could go on and on.

Nor could a mindset of the WHOLE ever be achieved when Blacks, Mexicans, and others are thought of as barely above animals, animals, or less than animals. This has been by far the most beneficial aspest of taking in so many Internationals - because we have increasingly developed this Mindset of the Whole and recognized in REAL LIFE the TRUTH.

Lastly a mindset of the whole is impossible as long as it's either a Republician or Democrate Mindset; as long as it's FRTIB and the whole lot perceived as the enemy...and our endless determination to fight againt them...and the endless battles that we frequently engage in. As long as one is willing to plagiarize - and the other is ready to bring this to light.

So if we are wanting a mindset of the whole - then we have to be willing and determined to show everyone that THIS MINDSET IS POSSIBLE - that we have the ability and the power to let a love for others (that is not self seeking) dominate our existence. When we can fully love another wholly for their benefit; striving to help them find a wonderful life and truely develop real bonds of TRUST then and only then can a mindset of the whole be possible.
I appreciate all your mindset of the whole analysis Steady but I made that comment from the place of starting over with a brand new Earth and with that in mind all your points would not exist. No offense intended but you are not thinking from there. I was.
I've missed you lately.

Over the weekend I've been brainstorming on a story for Carrie, my 10th grade beauty. She wants me to write a story for her birthday next month; HER GREATEST REQUEST EVER and so I'm centering the story on you.

It starts on an Earth that is out of synch. In this world we are all living vibrations (like musical notes) disguised as living beings. In a wholly material world - our true existence has been forgotten and we have been reduced to mere physical objects. Some were heavily damaged ( I being one of them ) during their young forming years and many are afflicted with a wide variety of ailments. In this world it is largely everyone for themselve and they have to deal with life primarily in isolation - in a world with little understanding, that is mostly cold and indifferent.

But as the story transpires connections begin to form and these connections form a NEW EARTH where the notes resonate louder and clearer - and what was hidden though the ages finally becomes revealed. In the end we find that AILMENT is a reflection of isolation and disconnectedness - and this has kept everyone from seeing the TRUE EARTH; whereas COMPLETENESS is wide open connectedness and as the connections are formed with purity and strength then a New Earth is formed. So what was once a cold dingy cave is now a sparkling bright palace that glistens with glory.
I have made great strides since I am finally able to leave the bathroom for more than 2 hours at a time.

The mania, paranoia, euphoria and grandiosity mixed in with alcohol abuse and isolation has yet to be diagnosed.

Sugar - today I give my daughter her birthday present, a story she asked me to write. It's called The Magnet (which is often what I call her because of her natural ability to attract so many people from young to old. It's a 126 pages with 36 chapters all dealing with interactions with MB Characters.

The following is part of the Prologue:

This story is largely inspired by Sugar's longing for a New Earth. As the Earth is just a speck of the infinite Universe with increasingly more dimensions being discovered I decided to start with a framework of 77 dimensions with 70 being the general overall Universe and 7 being the various stages of heaven.

Well I'm off to get it bound together and take a break. I've reflected on your comments above and all the more hope things are getting better and that your health is good.

I sincerely THANK YOU for inspiring me as you have. If you ever want a copy of the book just send me a PM. It is hugely inspired by the beautiful relationships that transpired on this MB.

Where have you been - I miss your avid attention to details. Am I being presumptious in assuming you have become a buy and holder? That's great, the real test will come if you can hold your position for the entire year. Looking forward to your next visit - the door is always unlocked.