The general population and the world for that matter have been stirred up to believe that everything will collapse if this plan doesn't pass. Then when the "faces of deception" marched out to give their announcement, people wanted reassurance. They have blown their credibilty. The next time they walk out together to say something I think clown suits and makeup, stilts,a juggler, and with Barney Frank on the calliope playing off to the side.
Despite me being opposed to a wall street bailout.
Your right. Its ashame. People actually gave these guys the benefit of the doubt by Thurs. and Fridays trading sessions going up, despite the typical partisan politicals we have all come to expect and hate and investors got punished by their faith unfortunately. I have to say, I moved my wifes fairly substantial 401k and both our Roth IRA's to Treasuries on Friday afternoon to avoid a Monday selloff (I have been out of the TSP since the 5% up day a couple wks back). I just had a gut feeling this would happen. Its sad in this case that I was right. :notrust: