SteelSaving's Account Talk

Well thanks Gma!
Luckily it is also my dad's birthday so it's hard to forget. :cool:

I did have a question for the board, though.
In regard to <1% transfers:

Let's say I have 5% in a fund and I decide to perform a <1% transfer back to 5% one day no matter what happens.

If the fund drops, then I am buying back funds at a "discounted" price, correct?

If the fund rises, then I am selling off some gains from that day, correct?

I will leave the pros and cons to each scenario to my own noggin, but am I missing anything there?

You are correct. Also it is important to remember that a <1% move is considered an IFT. So the only time you would really want to use this option is after you have used your 2 IFT's for the month.
I honestly thought yesterday's losses factored in Obama's speech.
Never underestimate his ability to make things suck worse I guess.

Lesson learned.
I figured the promise of a half trillion more in "free" money would be enough to balance against that.
I guess he should have doubled it.

I have heard some rumors that they are purposely devaluing the EURO, target now is $1.25 against the dollar with more cuts down to parity with the dollar @ $1.00 = 1.00 Euro! That will have a slowing effect on our exports and isn't what the FED has been trying to do to our currency. So what will the all-knowings do now? :suspicious:
I know take a VACATION in Europe, it will be affordable again!:D
I figured the promise of a half trillion more in "free" money would be enough to balance against that.
I guess he should have doubled it.


That would have made it worse. It not the stimulus, it the paying for it. Big business and investors worry more about the paying side of it. The over all theory is give them more they'll spend more.
Well I got in a day early and I keep thinking I'm staying a day late. I don't know what happened at the end there to get everything but I out of the red but there it is. If I had waited one more day to get in I probably would have been out yesterday or today but because of that horrid Friday last week, here I sit.
If Monday is looking up, I plan to bail.
Time will tell.
How do you get $1,500,000,000,000.00 from a few $1,000,000.00-aire's?

Somehow, I think everyone's paying more, no matter what the snake-oil salesman says.
Oh, Hey, Happy Birthday !!!



Hopefully this late sell off is just those in the know shaking everyone else off the gravy train tomorrow morning so that tomorrow afternoon ends even higher then today's highs.

Mr. Optimism, that's me. :sick: