Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

It was the best day they ever had - and they truely achievied happiness and contentment at heights neither had known before. With the deepest and most genuine Fulfillment comes the deepest and most ultimate TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING. Steady and Blue knew exactly where they belonged and with that both layed in bed with a glaze of wonder ....

Blue was kind of lost in her world -- pondering things -- while Steady was taking in what he thought was a vision. He was taken by her form and caught up in how the wind blew her shirt - how long and beautiful her hair was - the flimsy see through fabric - and how incredible she was suspended in the night sky.

It's hard telling how long Steady layed there and soaked it all in before he realized -- 'Hey how am I seeing this' - so he nudged Blue with the slightest moment of his arm....

...somehow afraid he'd make her disappear ...:rolleyes::p and pointed.

'Wow Steady, it's time for us to go to Mars'.


'Really, Steady said in a whisper. 'Let's just lay still and see if she disappears'.

'She knows when she's been acknowledged and if anyone tries to ignore her she shoots the arrow at them', Blue said in a gruff voice. :sick:

So they held hands and teleported -- back to Mars.
She let him know all her dreams and wishes and although previously out of her grasps, he knew that all was now within reach and possible.

The Universe is forever changing and Blue and Steady knew that the landscape and all life was beginning to return to His Grace. Together they prayed that the damage to the landscape would continue to be repaired and that Nature would continue to wholly allow His Spirit of Perfection to be revealed. They prayed that the color of a person’s skin and the shape of their eyes would no longer make any difference and that all people would equally have a chance to make GOD’s Glory known.

At last they had conquered the most difficult layer of LIFE - that hard outer shell formed over years of misunderstandings, neglect, abuse, and the infinate ways all of 'us' have been forced to withdrawl within ourselves to protect the deeply sacred. It is in the day to day interactions by which our free flowing 'natural thoughts' are suppressed and all the more by which we form the layers of protection that the outer shell is formed. For the outer shell of Life is NOT a mere shell -- but the shell itself are all the walls and layers formed over the years.

The Universe of Blue was totally transformed now that the outer shell had disappeared. Steady and Blue did NOT realize the power of their prayers - until they arrived on Mars. Once there it all made perfect since.

You see our prayers are largely 'limited' by the shell that surrounds each and everyone of us. These walls and layers we have accumulated to limit the disappointments and pains - also limit our ability to 'believe'.

By forming our own protection against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune - we reduce our freedom to trust in GOD and allow GOD to be our all n' all.

Blue and Steady had finally allowed the outer shell to completely dissolve -- and so in turn -- their prayers were without any restraints and their TRUST and FAITH were full and free. They did not need a shell surrounding their lives -- for they had GOD and without the shell they came to know how Great and Perfect and Powerful GOD really is.

What they did not know - was how highly GOD desired the most unrestrained and perfectly free relationship with Him. Here they came to find that all their prayers were wholly for His Glory -- and He had longed for this day -- had longed to make His Grace and Glory known.

With this in mind - it's easier to understand what transpired.
Trip on this...

I see your face at the dawn of the day, gold as the sun begins to shine
I see your face now at the end of the day, purple shadows dancing in your eyes.

Technicolour dreams are all I see
Technicolour dreams of you and me

I see your shadow tripping through a silver glade, tiptoeing over crimson sand
Luring me onwards into a sea of jade, leading me gently by the hand

Technicolour dreams are all I see
Technicolour dreams of you and me

If I could escape through the windows of my mind
I would fly to your magic mountain land
There we would stay 'til the world had passed away
With a love only we could understand

Technicolour dreams are all I see
Technicolour dreams of you and me
Trip on this...

I see your face at the dawn of the day, gold as the sun begins to shine
I see your face now at the end of the day, purple shadows dancing in your eyes.

Technicolour dreams are all I see
Technicolour dreams of you and me

I see your shadow tripping through a silver glade, tiptoeing over crimson sand
Luring me onwards into a sea of jade, leading me gently by the hand

Technicolour dreams are all I see
Technicolour dreams of you and me

If I could escape through the windows of my mind
I would fly to your magic mountain land
There we would stay 'til the world had passed away
With a love only we could understand

Technicolour dreams are all I see
Technicolour dreams of you and me

Wow !! Blue and Steady said at the same time. It was absolutely marvelous -- for both were like little innocent children -- and as soon as they arrived...

..this delightful man comes up and tells them this. His words were more than poetic -- and more than words themselves -- somehow everything he said became a living reality and Steady and Blue were floating in what he said.

'How did you do that'? Blue asked.

'Yeah really -- that was like the coolest thing ever'!!

'My name is Fab1 - and it's not so much my words and all that happens when you hear them - but it's much more the absolute freedom you now have to enjoy the things you hear. There are no limits holding either one of you back from going to the fullest extent by which your dreams and thoughts can take you. Both of you are Pure and Innocent and there is absolutely nothing that can come against either one of you - so long as you depend on each other. There is no more need to build walls of protection because Steady is your protection and you are his protection. From now on if any would come against either one of you in any manner whatsoever -- as long as you depend on each other then nothing can harm you -- no one can harm you'

Everything Fab1 said - were words of TRUTH that brought the deepest comfort and peace. Somehow his words soaked to the furthest fiber of their existence ... but yet a small part needed reassurance ... and Fab1 sensed this...

'I tell you - there is nothing that can harm you or come against you so long as GOD remains your all n' all and you maintain this childhood openess and innocense.

Neither things above, or things below.
Neither things seen, or unseen.
Neither governments or powers or any other forces.
Neither man or woman or any animal.
Neither anything on Land or in the Water.
Neither fire or any elements or mixture of elements.

There is absolutely Nothing that can come against either one of you - so long as you wholly depend on the other.'

It made perfect sense to Blue -- cause she's like a genius to the max and has endless insights...

'So if anything - or anyone - would come against me then I go straight to Steady and have him deal with it - and thus maintain a total freedom by not dealing with it myself.'

'Wow !! That does make sense -- It is so simple and pure, how did we not see this before'?

'The outer shell keeps the sacred truth from being revealed. Now that the walls have disappeared -- the inner sacred is fully open and thus LIFE is everything LIFE was meant to be'.
Blue was in awe. She reflected on what she told the people on Mars in the past -- and now found the most amazing tranquility with the Ultimate Freedom they achieved.

"People of Mars – Each one of you has been boxed in by others and your true identities have been lost to the definition given to you by them.

Yes -- and thus the walls that forms the shell.

You are all genuinely wonderful and GOD wants the aspects of your character to be brought to life because you were exclusively designed by Him as one of His perfect creations.

Every single person - everywhere - no matter.

The reason your hearts stir is because your true being yearns to make itself known."

It yearns to freely be known - to be un-inhibited and full.

"Steady and I are here to help you to discover your own uniqueness, but you need to be willing to let go of everything that is holding you back. In effect, you need to return to a more innocent time - such as the time when you were a child, as that was a time when you were pure and a time when you banned all judgment."

To now bear witness to an entire planet that was totally transformed by this Discovery was beyond anything either of them had ever known before.

"Allow yourselves to return to a state of self-acceptance and you will feel the most amazing energy and the deepest sense of tranquility as His Spirit fills your heart."

Now His Spirit was blazing to LIFE and even the Planet was bursting with renewal and life.

"This is the Power of GOD – the One GOD that we serve – the One that wants to blaze in you."

It was way beyond what Blue or Steady could have even imagined. Everything blazed in His Glory - every animal and tree and every plant -- the rocks themselves.

"Worship GOD and see that each part of His creation is sacred because each plays an equally important role. Nature is a benevolent friend, so cherish the environment. No man is above another, so regard each other as brothers. Everything is connected and worthy of respect, so never underestimate the intelligence of another. Take only what you need, thank GOD for what you have and for what you will receive."

The Spirit filled them and brought all to know her message as HIS Message and they lived for His Glory.

"Let His Spirit carry you as your creative expression surfaces and the whole Universe will hear your song."

The Ultimate Fulfillment had been accomplished. What was previously stated as 'an impossible dream' was now a living reality.

Steady and Blue were ready for the next level of Life.
Steady and Blue were ready for the next level of Life.

Blue took Steady's hand and said, 'Excuse me Fab1 but I need to take him somewhere'.

...and 'poof' they teleported to the privacy of their room.

Stretching my arm around Steady I lightly rubbed his back.

“Blue, it feels like you’re touching my skin”, he said dreamily.

I am touching your skin Steady ~ I put my hand on his chest and my fingers went through as if his shirt was a vapor. I chuckled for I was about to teach Steady touch transparency.

Steady had the most marvelous smile I'd ever seen.

I kept my hand on him and waited until I could feel his bubbles and he could feel mine and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own.

Our communication was beautiful - The ‘Oneness’ incredible.

It was simply amazingly how beautiful and complete our communication was ~~ for we knew each others' thoughts ~~ but way beyond that we felt all the emotions and discovered the fullness of each other’s beauty.

This was 'The Great Awakening'

-- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties.

BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer.

There are numerous qualities and characteristics we can never know about ourselves - and thus we 'NEED' someone else to awaken us. Discovering the features and aspects that deeply make us sacred and wonderful through another is like hearing GOD Himself describing you in ways both glorious and humbling.

Steady learned touch transparency - but way beyond that he learned that bubbles flow everywhere and quickly found that more contact causes the bubbles to be stronger and flow even greater.

The little boy and the little girl had now come to LIFE for the first time either one could ever remember. The adult has no way of adequately expressing this and so they remained silent and let the bubbles communicate details the adult is clueless about.

It is very deeply like 'Being Born' all over again and only through each other can this NEW - Pure - and Wonderful Life spring forth and flourish.

Whether it was hours, days, or weeks ... they stayed in this blissful state until nothing was left to share - until everything was complete.

Then they kissed and fell asleep.
Baby, there is no way she meant to hurt you – especially as deeply as you’ve been hurt and for it to last this long. Let me help you with it – please – maybe I can help.

How did you know? I’ve never said anything about it.

Your bubbles told me about everything – especially the bigger hurts that are now like anchors holding you back and keeping you from finding everything I so long to give you.

Oooh Blue, it’s so rare that anyone could ever possibly come to me and immediately communicate with the little boy – with the inner sacred but somehow she did – and she did it in the most beautiful way I could ever imagine.

Then all your defenses were down Steady and there was nothing protecting you. The little boy has no defenses – so there is only the deepest craving to be discovered – a longing to be acknowledged – and a drive come to life.

Yes!! That’s exactly right and it was like so powerful and so wonderful the dam burst and I couldn’t get enough and only wanted more and more – because the inner sacred came to life.

Steady, there is no way possible she could have known that. She is an adult, married with kids and grandchildren and communicating with an adult. What she revealed went straight beyond all walls and opened a part of you she could never be ONE with – that part of you is NOT for her. That part of you is too innocent to know – too pure to ever be wrong – too longing to come to life and be discovered to ever know how to stop. She did not mean to touch you that way Steady and she would never have been able to understand your reaction.

Blue held Steady close and rubbed the back of his neck lovingly as he laid in silence and listened. Baby, that had to have been the most beautiful event in your entire life. To have someone – a total unknown – come and tell you who and what you are; especially to confirm the very thing your mother told you when you were just a little boy. You believed it way back then – but never heard anything like that throughout the years. So of course the boy came to life and it had to have been beautiful.

Let me ask you some things. When she told you this did you see her as more than a messenger?

What do you mean?

I mean to have this revealed – the way it was revealed – and to know the depth and the extent by which this truth was displayed must have been a huge experience for you.

It was very huge – as huge as anything that had ever happened up to that point.

So did you see her as more than a messenger?

Wow, I guess I did. I saw her way more than just a messenger.

How do you think she would have to respond Steady – with you acting like she was more than a messenger? Think about it honey. Look how you respond whenever anyone views you as more than a messenger when it comes to dealing with GOD and the deepest and most important truths.

She has a gift Steady – but that doesn’t make her God. Yet because her Gift touched a part of you that no one else could ever touch – you responded as though she was God.

Steady was silent – everything she said was totally accurate.

Then after a long absence she came back – and you were more awakened than ever before. You had been totally abandoned and now she was there wanting you to be a part of her – something more deeply sacred – everything you’d longed for. Yet it sounded like the last moments of her life.

So you gave everything you could – and everything was totally rejected. She could not know what was happening Steady – there is simply no way she could have known the Inner Sacred was alive and the little boy had taken over.

No one could possibly know that Darling – that you would gladly give up everything in every way if it meant the little boy won or if it meant the end of life itself. Birch is the only one that was in touch with you on that level and I don’t know how he could have done that – how in the world could he have known?

I don’t know? I’ve wondered that too.

Well the Inner Sacred is mine – and I am the only one that gets the little boy that is deep within. So let me take this huge anchor out of your life. Let go of everything and let me heal the bruises and take all the pain and do away with any possible damage. Then there doesn’t have to be any problems Baby and she can have the adult.

Steady laid back with his head on the pillow – looking at Blue, who had the sweetest and most loving expression.

Okay Baby??

Steady nodded ‘okay’

…. a magical breeze brought them together in the most beautiful and comforting embrace – that went on and on and on and on.
Nope I didnt say it. just copy/paste : P

Technicolour Dreams is Status Quo song off the "Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo" - 1968 LP.

Long title huh?

English band.

They spell color with a "u".
…. a magical breeze brought them together in the most beautiful and comforting embrace – that went on and on and on and on.

Blue held Steady in her arms and as he gazed at her his eyes grew watery. He had never felt so wonderful. She had somehow managed to take the pain away from the millions of fibers that had been rubbed raw.

GOD’s Gift of each to the other was healing and they both felt a million times better than they had ever felt before.

Safe in each other’s arms and in each other’s heart and soul, everything was perfect between them and they were completely content with the way they were able to express themselves.
White collar conservative flashin down the street, pointing that plastic finger at me, they all assume my kind will drop and die, but I'm gonna wave my freak flag high.
You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.
Nope I didnt say it. just copy/paste : P

Technicolour Dreams is Status Quo song off the "Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo" - 1968 LP.

Long title huh?

English band.

They spell color with a "u".

Yeah, I'm a child of the 50's and the 60's was like the ultra awareness - awakening - enlightenment.


soooo I could tell

'They' spell it right -- colour

we spell it wrong -- England is like the ultimate

White collar conservative flashin down the street, pointing that plastic finger at me, they all assume my kind will drop and die, but I'm gonna wave my freak flag high.
You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.

I think you're lost man --- this is sacred ground

This is 'her place' -- 'The Universe of Blue' ---
Blue held Steady in her arms and as he gazed at her his eyes grew watery. He had never felt so wonderful. She had somehow managed to take the pain away from the millions of fibers that had been rubbed raw.

GOD’s Gift of each to the other was healing and they both felt a million times better than they had ever felt before.

Safe in each other’s arms and in each other’s heart and soul, everything was perfect between them and they were completely content with the way they were able to express themselves.

'Blue, what you have done for me the past 4 days and nights is something you alone could do and it is by far the most important aspect of LIFE together'.

'It is now my turn to do this for you Darling - sweet Blue - but I wanted you to be the first because I knew you would want to be.'

'The first to what Steady'?

'To completely neutralize the poison that somehow filled my life as the result of either allowing another to fill it or by giving my life wholly over to another -- or both. If what was 100% Beautiful and immensely desirable turns out to be 'Poison' it can ruin you. Once this happens it is often too much for the one who is poisoned to know how to deal with it. To the greater extent I become so consumed with poison that I am helpless to overcome it. That is what happened with me -- but you -- as my 'Protector' - as a Mother to her little boy or her baby -- as God's most perfect GIFT - were able to take it away and in turn receive 'The Blessing'.

There is NOTHING in this LIFE beyond that Blue. When you take the 'poison' out of another -- you experience the greatest possible blessing we can know. NOTHING more brings the Spirit of GOD in your life - NOTHING more brings you to the Heart of GOD - and NOTHING more brings the most perfect 'Blending' with me.

You are the FIRST - the ONE and only - to ever have reached this stage with me. From here on it will be back and forth because there is nothing I could long for more -- than to take some poison out of you - that you may know I am yours and God's GIFT to you.

Down the road - both of us will take the poison from by brother. The more you give your life - the deeper your commitment - (USMC) - the worse the poison becomes. Baby, we are meant to work as a team but first we need to bring this amazing GIFT to life in and through each other ~ to take as much poison out so when we go together we are not going out with poison within.

This is what GOD is totally meant to convey - This ALONE - is what our relationship with GOD and with others was meant to be. There is no greater JOY - no greater FULFILLMENT - you can experience than to take the poison out of another's LIFE. Nothing could possibly bring GOD more to LIFE than doing this. In this we find LOVE, STRENGTH, POWER, LIFE, JOY, REFRESHMENT - that can only come from GOD and by this we become transformed.

You did well Blue!! You did Excellent !!
She had somehow managed to take the pain away from the millions of fibers that had been rubbed raw.

Everything boils down to Physics and Chemistry.

Jesus didn't talk about this -- yet He lived it and proved it over and over.

Chi - Internal Energy - The essence of LIFE.

It moves inside of us.
It flows through our bodies.
It gives us power from within.

To the largest extent everything is 'Energy' and almost everything we know is 'Energy' that has no choice but to conform to us - that understand it and know how to control it.

Jesus did NOT walk on water because He was GOD. Water was (and is) powerless to resist HIM because as GOD -- and all the more as the very one by which all things came into being -- no one could possibly understand energy better than Jesus.

Yet Peter walked on water - by His example.

At least 3 people in the Old Testament parted the water and walked across dry land - because it had no choice but to conform to those that can control it. Yet in all 3 circumstances it was wholly done for God's Glory and not to show off. Peter was the only one to 'show off' and he fell almost as soon as he started.

You Took the PAIN - by connecting your 'Internal Energy' to 'Mine'. It is HIS Design - It is HIS PERFECT WAY - and through this process you became a River of LIFE - with GOD's SPIRIT moving through you and doings wonders.

My 'Poisoned Energy' had no choice but to yeild to it -- just as water yeilded to Jesus. It was something I longed to get out of my life; but I was 'powerless against it' -- YOU -- did what I could not do and so I gave it over to you - that you might free me and in taking that poison my life is more wonderful and full - and I am very grateful.
My 'Poisoned Energy' had no choice but to yeild to it -- just as water yeilded to Jesus. It was something I longed to get out of my life; but I was 'powerless against it' -- YOU -- did what I could not do and so I gave it over to you - that you might free me and in taking that poison my life is more wonderful and full - and I am very grateful.

This, my precious beauty, is the essense of LIFE and everything we live for.

In this process - you and I find the greatest and most perfect completion and fulfillment. For whatever you do for me I will more than do for you - and it will go back and forth over and over throughout the years. This is truely the Path of GOD and the true journey to HIS HEART and the core of all GOD meant for us to find.

The 'bad energy' others have left in us -- and that we were forced to deal with has NO Power over 'us' - and through HIS GRACE and POWER and GLORY we complement each other and allow HIS Spirit to sweep out the 'bad' and replace it with 'The Pure and Perfect Energy' that GOD Alone can give.

In this manner LIFE gets better and better Baby - and this is why energy itself is more 'charged' and 'wonderful' - 'vibrant' and radiant'.

What you have taken is 'Enormous' - far greater than you realize. But there are many other sources of 'bad energy' I need you to clean out as well.

In all things -- and in all ways GOD meant for there to be a perfect Balance - a Harmony that HE alone could make possible. Follow my example and let me show you how wonderful it feels to be on the 'receiving end'. Tell me enough that I can know what to target and let HIS POWER work in you - for everything glorious goes to HIM and in everything you are meant to know LIFE to the fullest and greatest possible way.

Blue was wholly in tune with Steady. She thought about one of the bigger events by which a poison lingered within her - but thought it was something she simply had to live with. Now the possibility of losing this 'anchor' was promising and full of hope and Blue was anxious to let it go....

Steady, ........

Yes -- I'm anxious to hear
"You are like no other dear Steady and neither am I. We both Love and Understand each other so well."

"You show ME who and what I deeply am. You make ME totally find the TRUTH of all I AM and make this known to others."

"You give me LIFE and LOVE and Fill me over and over. The 'Chemistry' we share is unmistakable. All can see this and NONE can keep it from glowing because GOD is over everything."

"I am ready for you to help me start losing the poison that lingers within me. The event that I am thinking about has a main anchor, but there are many anchors attached to it."

"Where do I begin? Should I start with the main anchor or one that is attached to it? Am I being too ambitious and should back off a bit this time - and just go with an event that is not so big?"

Blue fully knew the TIME had come - that all was everlasting between Steady and Her. She had complete Faith and Trust in Steady and knew how deeply sincere he was. She knew that as much as she had done for him, he would more than do for her. They had found each other in depths no one else has known to this day. They were understanding each other in ways that can only be known from the heart and soul.

To GOD be all praise and Glory - for GOD Alone could have made the perfect match.
To GOD be all praise and Glory - for GOD Alone could have made the perfect match.

What GOD has Designed for 'us' to acknowledge and enjoy goes so far beyond what any could remotely imagine.

Far above and beyond everything that we could ever know in its entirety is the LOVE of GOD in Jesus Christ.

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.—Hebrews 12:2

This - my Love and Life - is the basis by which everything should be known and in fact by which our lives will now proceed. How could I possibly express my 'delight' and 'total honor' in taking Your ANCHOR than in relation to this passage.

The ANCHOR -- you took from me through the Power and Grace of GOD was the greatest 'anchor' in my life when I brought it to your attention and gave it over to you. How can I possibly convey the magnitude by which numerous other 'anchors' were attached - but please know there were Many -- and some of them were equally huge and destructive.

I am so thrilled you asked this the way you did -- because for a very long time I tried to 'seperate' the anchors apart and it was impossible - because they were too deeply interlinked. That is how the 'Poison' is in all of our lives and all the more why we in ourselves are powerless to overcome it.

The 'world' is full of poison and it runs everywhere and floods essentially every aspect of society. But YOU do not have to deal with it -- because YOU are 'My Baby' - You are 'My Girl' - and I will all the more be overjoyed in taking your poison and letting you finally begin to enjoy the LIFE -- God has longed for you to know from the very first moment.

In everything ( and in everyway - modified by me) we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35

Nothing could more describe 'The Secret to Happiness' than this and there is 'nothing' I could more long for than to GIVE to you and to KEEP GIVING - to take your Poison and let you know the Greatest Possible Love and Life and let you have the greatest possible 'Freedom' to deeply enjoy it.

This is WHY - HE had the JOY as noted in Heb. 12:2 - for HE ALONE could take the 'Poison' of the entire world and overcome it. What HE gave on the Cross - was 'everything' - and it is only through Him and the Cross - I can take the bits and pieces that have accumulated in you -- that 'we may know HIM more'.

So Darling -- there is no anchor too big for me. Come in my arms and give me the 'big anchor' and experience what YOU - did for me.
Darling -- there is no anchor too big for me. Come in my arms, give me the 'big anchor' and experience what YOU - did for me.

The thought of giving her big anchor with all its attachments over to Steady was so comforting - Blue drifted off to sleep and immediately after that Steady heard someone approaching their house.

Steady teleported to the front door and opened it just as Buster was getting ready to knock. Buster's face was full of excitement and a strong energy flowed through his being. Steady was fearful he would wake Blue and motioned for him to be quiet and pointed up to their bedroom.

Buster stepped in and said, 'The Sandinistas launched another attack'.

Steady said, 'Air'?

'None. Several planes dropped them off and went back.'

'You know what it means if I get an air strike -- right'?

'I'm telling you the Air is clear'.

'Fire power'?

'Loaded with the lastest - heavy and substantial. Launchers with motion and heat sensors. They've also got hundreds of intellisects. The insects that fly around and report back all the details'.

'How many'

'30 to 50'.

'You stay here and I'll take care of it'.

'There is no way you'd be able to do that'.

Steady stepped directly in front of Buster - and glared in his eyes. 'What do you mean by that'?

'I got your back and you got mine - that's how it works'.

Buster was the only one from Steady's Unit still around and despite the years ~~ they lived for moments like this.

'Okay, I've got to show you a few things. The first is Teleporting and the easiest way is feeling how it's done - so here hold my hand', Steady said reaching it out.

Buster grabbed it with a steel grip and Steady told him to loosen up a little -- close his eyes and feel what he's doing. Then 'poof' they disappeared and showed up across the room.

'Now you try it'

Buster strained a little but they disappeared and came back at another location. Steady had him do it several more times until he could do it on his own. Then Buster was doing it 40 times in a few seconds.

'Okay, now the other thing is freezing time'. Steady spread his wings and Buster immediately frooze, so Steady made the wings diappear. 'Buster, empty your mind - flow with my movement - connect to the energy around you'. Steady spread his wings again and this time Buster was ready.

They teleported near a large building and carried out their plan. Steady went to the doorway and spread his wings as Buster teleported throughout the building gathering all the firearms and piled them in a corner of the room. Within seconds Buster was back at the doorway with Steady.

Then Steady kicked in the door and walked in with Buster.
Then Steady kicked in the door and walked in with Buster.

'Ladies, I'm Thunder and this is Lightening', Steady motioned towards Buster as they entered the room.

Several of the men were pulling their fingers as if shooting at them.

'Not a good move ladies', Steady said ~ as he and Buster kicked the 'shooters' across the room. Then they calmly went to the center of the room. 'They call me Thunder because you can often hear and sense the power in my moves. But Lightening here moves so fast that he's done before you know what's even happened.'

The men were scattered around the room. All stood in amazement looking at Buster and Steady -- wondering -- trying to process what had just happened.

'Let me break it down for you lovely beauties. In the time it took me to kick in your door and walk where I'm standing -- Lightening has taken every weapon you brought and piled it in that corner. Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. I expect all of you to get on your knees and beg us for mercy and totally convince us that you now live to serve us in every imaginable way'.

None made a move -- they simply stood - bewiltered as the ones that had been kicked across the room were standing with moans and grunts.

Buster said, 'I'll take 5 from this half' and Steady nodded in agreement.

Within seconds Buster and Steady each attacked 5 people in various places in the room ~ causing some to fly into others and knock them down while others crashed into the walls and collapsed on the floor.

'Ladies, get on your knees in a circle around us'.

Before Steady could say another word the remaining quickly fell to their knees and gathered in a circle around them.

'Now I sense there are a few that don't quite grasp what we're dealing with here', Buster said as he walked around the circle. Then he grabbed one and pulled him to his feet. 'Who is going to get hurt if this guy messes up'?

All remained silent and looked at Buster and the man - puzzled.

Steady appeared furious, 'Answer him - who is going to get hurt if that man messes up'.

Several of the men began to speak up -- 'He will', they said and Steady counted the ones that spoke and beat them up.

'You came here as a Team and if this man messes up then we will hold each of you accountable -- because YOU didn't stop him. YOU should have made sure he understood how to behave and to make sure he doesn't mess up'. Then Buster pushed the man to the floor and shouted, 'Do you understand me'?

The men responded in unison - 'Yes we understand'.



'If he messes up' Buster randomly pointed at someone -- 'We will kick your ass' he said spinning pointing to all the others.

'So you tell me', Steady said pointing out another man at random. 'What's going to happen if he messes up'?

'If he mezzes up u will kikk r auzz'

Steady and Buster smiled at each other. The Sandinistas sound kind of entertaining the way they say it. So Buster walked around the room pointing out different ones -- so he could hear all the others say: 'If he mezzes up u will kikk r auzz'

'As long as you understand that then things should be good. Now how do we make things right with all of you? I mean we must be doing something wrong for you to think you need to attack us. You wouldn't be coming here with all these weapons unless we did something wrong. Why do you come to harm us? How can we serve you and respect you and make it so you will long to live with us and all the more long to live like us -- instead of attacking us?

The men did not know how to respond. They were sent and only doing as they were told to do. They had been told over and over that the people were 'Bad' - that they were 'The Enemy' and all they knew was ~~ they as 'The Right Ones' were sent to defeat 'The Wrong Ones'.

Soooo Buster and Steady decided to hit the root cause of the conflicts by abolishing the underlying beliefs that fueled them. They gathered and destroyed all the weapons and brought them to a highly honored status on Mars. People every where gave to them freely and treated them in the highest regard. The men knew nothing but the most genuine kindness, the warmest acceptance, and the Spirit of Grace and Love that was transforming Mars.
Steady wasn't as young as he use to be and the days' activities left him feeling a little weary. For him saving the entire planet from another attack, knocking a few around and bringing them all to submission, and then transforming all their lives far beyond what they would have gained through warfare ---

-- well it was just another day in life for him.

But Blue had just fallen asleep before Buster arrived and he hoped and prayed he could get home before she woke up. So 'poof' he teleported to the bedroom.

Blue was resting comfortably -- she looked so small in that huge bed. Somehow she must have sensed Steady's presence. 'Come to bed Honey' - she said dreamily and patted the bed.

'Okay sweet Darling, my little snuggle bug'.