Steadygain's Account Talk

:) Things are turning out exactly as I hoped. I do not jump into G for the penny gain - I JUMP IN G TO MAINTAIN MY GAINS. My gains are steady because I hold my gains before I collect more. When the Markets are going down - I am holding steady.

In the past 5 years I have never lost in any quarter and loss at any point is rare for me. Am busy this morning - but will try to get back before the deadline for IFT. GOOD DAY TO ALL :)
I use the G Fund as a safety net for longer peroids. The gains through G are certainly NOT BEATING THE MARKET - but because they secure all my previous gains I find it works for me. My lack of loss COMPENSATES for missing some substantial gains. I am no where near 30% a year (or better) so in reality I'm still a small fry compared to the real pros.

My intention was to stay in G until the dust settled (which I thought would take at least a few days). The Markets give the impression BUYERS ARE STILL VERY ACTIVE - and this is a very mild cooling stage before the heat kicks on. I could care less if the Markets are overbought - or what various reports indicate - ALL MY GAINS ARE BASED ON THE BUYERS COMMING TO LIFE and when that happens I want to be in on the action.

I also will sell off quickly to avoid substantial loss - so at times the gains are not that significant - but in the end it's usually better than 15%. My extreme cautious position can be almost crippling at times - but I am probably more prepared for a lengthy recession than most. And it is during these times I am grateful I don't buy and hold.
I have never lost in any quarter either. My strategy is simple. Limit market exposure and preserve capital. However, one cannot camp in the G fund forever, or you will miss a lot of the upside, while avoiding the downside. Life is a risk. Take a calculated risk. One way to do this is by charting. Right now the charts say "caution". Daily volume is too low. The indicies are in the tops of the trading channels. Time for a leg down, before the blast off? I am not willing to take this trip. Camping in the F fund for now, as long as the 20 day MA stays above the 50 day MA. If they cross or if there are more than two days of F down, I am gone to G.
Well put my friend - and thank you for sharing your thoughts. Market news this morning is fantastic - so I would expect the F to dive and the higher risk (C,S,I) to rise. My gain in G was a nice surprise, as I simply moved to safety while the markets settled.

Pogo, 3rd highest ranked on our site, thought I was poking fun at him and subsequenty gave my site a terrible rating (1 star). I don't pretend to have any secret formulas for guaranteed high gains, but my track record is nice and if I continue in the years to come (as I have the previous 5) then I will retire comfortably. ANYWAY - whoever gave me the 5 Star - Thank you. Anyone following my comments would have a good gain and I am happy for anyone who took my advise.

I believe most of my financial success results from my lifestyle - which rejects any thought of debt, feels the simple life is the best, and am very grateful for what I have.

I will pay attention to your moves, and appreciate your coments, I am trying to learn more and more every day!

Thanks and Happy trading!
Thank you!! I'll stay in S through Friday - but may back off to G for Monday morning depending on how well we do.

This is a tough time for me - because I believe if we get too greedy we will lose out - so I have a hard time throwing everything in S or I for extended peroids. Yet at the same time if I'm in G when S/I go down 1% for a few days - then I'm thrilled I don't have to recover any loss to move on to the next gain. I don't see that as being greedy, however, I see it as wisely investing and reaping the benefits.

Congratulations to all who were 100% I today - you did better than me.
NOMB - none of my business. Small cap funds are already starting to underperform - it's just not visible yet. Staying in front of the market is half the battle of staying solvent. I always like to try and let the market come to me. Someone is bound to tell you that I've been wrong on small caps for the last year, if not even longer. I don't do anything in a hurry. But change is in the air - you'll see what I mean as time passes.

This was my first piece of advise as I joined the MB.

So let's weigh in the results of the past 2 weeks:

If we started with $100,000 dollars
G - $160
C - $1040
I - $710
20% each - $820

Mine is $1,900

S is the winner at $2,260

Today's results are not included, but even with I over 1% - with only $710 as a starting gain it has lagged behind.
:o Well my friends - it looks like the engines went out and the plane took a nosedive. As is typically the case - when it falls it falls fast and hard.

:embarrest: A little embarrassing in light of my previous note - but will hope for a bounce tomorrow. Anyway with 1.9% this quarter I feel we can manage a surprise hard hit.

:laugh: This quarter should allow plenty of gains - so everyone be cool - chill - and don't let a few bumps wreak the long ride.
On 10/10/07 I said I was going with the Ebb Chart. That means I am going with his recommendation for 10/11/07 (which was I). A gain of 0.16%

Add that to 1.9% and the total is 2.06% for the past 2 weeks. (read on)

Again starting with $100,000
G - remains at $160
C - went down to $520
S - went down to $1,440
I - is now $860
20% each - is now $580

Mine is $2,060 - and I'm happy with that. F is omitted because I only compare gains and it has lost. (read on)

1. Monumental Achievement: Ebb Chart went over 30% yesterday
2. Monumental Prediction: 12% A YEAR stated Nasdaq would fall in the RED by the end of the day - and this prediction was made with the Nasdaq well in POSITIVE territory. It is an amazing pnenomenon - but sometimes we have a pulse on the market, an undeniable 6th sense and this was well demonstrated as the Nasdaq took a huge dive by day's end.
3. Monumental Quote was by BIRCHTREE - in 12%'s account talk page. He accurately describes the BULL MARKET and you can visualize it (almost feel it). When the BULL is making records gains - moving quickly up, he is undoubtedly going to crash down hard along the way TO SHAKE OFF ANYONE HE CAN - BECAUSE THE BULL WANTS TO BREAK NEW GROUND BY HIMSELF AND WHEN HE CHARGING FORWARD HE WANTS TO DO IT ALONE. So Birchtree's point is HOLD ON - DON'T LET GO.

Regarding my instructions to go with the Ebb Chart - that would have put you in I (not S).

Ebb Chart is $162 a year - BUY THE YEAR and it equates to a free tank of gas in savings. His chart is very easy to read - RED means don't buy and GREEN means buy. On a day he had 3 REDS I was in G and made money. But when I tell you to go with Ebb - don't concern yourself with the chart but rather go with his SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION - like 100% I for 10/11/07.

I made a huge mistake, because I didn't think it through. On the rare occasion my gut told me (that 6th sense) to go with Ebb. I looked at where it was that day - and did not set it up to be in place for the following day. Subsequently I went from 1.9% to 1.08% - so instead of having $2,060 I am down to $1,080 or a loss of $980 Dollars.

My gut was right on target and I should be at 2.06% - but I made a very stupid mistake and am only at 1.08% as a result. Anyway, my main point is $162 may sound like a lot of money - but had I followed Ebb's advice as I intended I would have $980 more - in comparrison $162 is trivial.
Can't win em all. The Ebb chart performance has been impressive; but a little too much market exposure for me. I was kind of following it now and then, before it ws put behind the gate. I am giving myself a monitoring period and charting my performance, before I decide if it is worth the subscription price. Once could argue it could pay for itself in one wrong turn. Well see. I just don't see a lot to prop up this rally. Twice this week the DOW had over a 100 point spread. That tells me there is still a fair amount of uncertainity. So I am still holding F, (since Wednesday) and even though it is down a little this morning, the game ain't over.
My IFT coincides with Ebb's Chart - so I don't feel I can disclose it.

Anyway - we saw Evan Almighty last night (a great movie the whole family will enjoy). Miss Potter (through BlockBuster) was also a great movie and as a result my wife and I will go to England/Ireland to see the views in person (after I retire).


By the way the S is already up .75% - so yesterday was no big deal.
:cheesy: OK Folks - we can relax this weekend

S&P gained back what it lost
Nasdaq also gained back most of its loss

:D Almost back to where we left off WHEW!!
Well folks - the last quarter is typically where the big gains are, and we can quote this and that to stay in F or G. Of course we can also bounce from this to that - in our unending efforts to gain here and avoid loss there. Across the board we can cite the market is overbought - and there is no good entry point - and thus wait on the side lines.

Even though most of us like to think we can out-perform any single fund (and my advise has thus far proven this - at least since I joined the MB). For now I am confident that anyone who stays in C, S, or I for the remainder of the quarter will probably do as well as all who make frequent transfers. Sometimes watching the market too closely leads to poor decisions.

I am mainly talking to anyone who has gained less than 10% this year and all the more to anyone who lost. Had you simply put your money is C, S, or I (and left it there) you would have a good return on your investment. At this point I would say - STOP TRYING TO BEAT THE SYSTEM - put all your money in 1 or all 3 and leave it there.

For those over 10% - let the game continue.
Well folks - the last quarter is typically where the big gains are, and we can quote this and that to stay in F or G. Of course we can also bounce from this to that - in our unending efforts to gain here and avoid loss there. Across the board we can cite the market is overbought - and there is no good entry point - and thus wait on the side lines.

Even though most of us like to think we can out-perform any single fund (and my advise has thus far proven this - at least since I joined the MB). For now I am confident that anyone who stays in C, S, or I for the remainder of the quarter will probably do as well as all who make frequent transfers. Sometimes watching the market too closely leads to poor decisions.

I am mainly talking to anyone who has gained less than 10% this year and all the more to anyone who lost. Had you simply put your money is C, S, or I (and left it there) you would have a good return on your investment. At this point I would say - STOP TRYING TO BEAT THE SYSTEM - put all your money in 1 or all 3 and leave it there.

For those over 10% - let the game continue.

Layoff the Birchtree CoolAid :D
I am mainly talking to anyone who has gained less than 10% this year and all the more to anyone who lost. Had you simply put your money is C, S, or I (and left it there) you would have a good return on your investment. At this point I would say - STOP TRYING TO BEAT THE SYSTEM - put all your money in 1 or all 3 and leave it there.

Feeling a little arrogant, are we? :cool:

Your opinion is yours, however, when you try to recruit others to follow your lead, that is quite another thing.

So, say someone did as you say and the market tanks? What guarantee do you offer with your "opinion"?

Maybe you should stick around, read and learn a bit before you are so casual with your wisdom... :toung:
Steadygain;121511 For those following my advise - we are up over 2% in just over a week.[/quote said:
Why would you think anyone is "following your advice"? Why would you want them to?

Helpful observations are one thing, but to give advice, that's quite another...

Take a pill... sheesh!