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In the past 5 years I have never lost in any quarter and loss at any point is rare for me. Am busy this morning - but will try to get back before the deadline for IFT. GOOD DAY TO ALL

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In the past 5 years I have never lost in any quarter and loss at any point is rare for me.
NOMB - none of my business. Small cap funds are already starting to underperform - it's just not visible yet. Staying in front of the market is half the battle of staying solvent. I always like to try and let the market come to me. Someone is bound to tell you that I've been wrong on small caps for the last year, if not even longer. I don't do anything in a hurry. But change is in the air - you'll see what I mean as time passes.
Well folks - the last quarter is typically where the big gains are, and we can quote this and that to stay in F or G. Of course we can also bounce from this to that - in our unending efforts to gain here and avoid loss there. Across the board we can cite the market is overbought - and there is no good entry point - and thus wait on the side lines.
Even though most of us like to think we can out-perform any single fund (and my advise has thus far proven this - at least since I joined the MB). For now I am confident that anyone who stays in C, S, or I for the remainder of the quarter will probably do as well as all who make frequent transfers. Sometimes watching the market too closely leads to poor decisions.
I am mainly talking to anyone who has gained less than 10% this year and all the more to anyone who lost. Had you simply put your money is C, S, or I (and left it there) you would have a good return on your investment. At this point I would say - STOP TRYING TO BEAT THE SYSTEM - put all your money in 1 or all 3 and leave it there.
For those over 10% - let the game continue.
I am mainly talking to anyone who has gained less than 10% this year and all the more to anyone who lost. Had you simply put your money is C, S, or I (and left it there) you would have a good return on your investment. At this point I would say - STOP TRYING TO BEAT THE SYSTEM - put all your money in 1 or all 3 and leave it there.
Steadygain;121511 For those following my advise - we are up over 2% in just over a week.[/quote said:Why would you think anyone is "following your advice"? Why would you want them to?
Helpful observations are one thing, but to give advice, that's quite another...
Take a pill... sheesh!