Steadygain's Account Talk

I'm out of town this week, little chance to check in here. Saw what was happening the other day right as I was headed out of town, was feeling pretty concerned how things seemed to be unravelling. Today I see how Burro and Norm pitched in to help calm things down. Well done, both of you. and Steady, I'm really really glad you're able to look at things a little differently today than you were the other day. I know its got to feel better too. I think you were probably right when you said the person you were most troubled about, didn't even mean for you to take things the way did. From what I know of that guy, anyway. Anyway, big sigh of relief on my end. Thank you Norm. Really.

Oh Alevie - THANK YOU so much !! I feel a hundred thousand percent better. Last night after supper I went to bed and it seriously felt like some huge spike being driven into my chest -- but it was somehow too big to go through so it just kept pushing into me.

Then after hours of that I started praying and kept praying over and over that Jesus would take everybit of it (and I felt it was the pain I had caused others) and that's why I layed there so long trying to make sure that I got it all.

And it disappered little by little until I felt completely new and wonderful. But this morning felt a little raw - but I feel so grateful for the life I have and knowing my little sister is so attentive.

Alevie, there is no way he could possibly have known how deeply I was hurt and everything it triggered. It was a response that followed an admonishment from someone else I totally did not expect. That response was exactly identical to the guy who picked me up and threw me off the roof. He laughed at me when he saw I was trapped and all those things just flooded over me. When he followed by calling me 'Ricky' it just kind of destroyed me because I hadn't been called that since way back around that time. It was the last time Evil really had the chance to destroy me so it hurt more deeply than I could ever remember.

But you're right Alevie and there is absolutely no way he could ever be that Evil or mean to do something that destructive. But all is good - dear sister - and everything always works out for the best.

Thank you for being there Alevie !!

You know I'm there for you whenever you need me.

Your big brother,


Da nada es mi trabajo. Booga Booga!:cool:

Mucho !!! Love and Gratitude !

Por supuesto, and you do it so well. :)

And a double dose for you !

Good night all !!

Oh and as for the Markets --- hey you've gotta be patient and just let it ride. Please know - in the long run you'll make a ton staying in C, S, or I.
If today is payday --

I'd love to see the MARKETS crash like 500 points -- no 700

That would be such a great BUY.

Due to the Graphic Nature of the following content I strongly recommend not letting children read this.

I went to McDonald's this morning and ate inside because I got their 'Steak - Egg' bagel meal -- and to eat that you need a table.

So a bunch of extremely healthy young college students pull in and park in the 'Handicapped' space right near the door. And some how they have this 'handicapped thing' hanging on their mirrow.

So I would have liked to been able to stomp on their croches until everyone inside the place was satisfied with the status they really were handicapped.

Once in awhile I get thoughts like that. :embarrest::p
When I was recovering from my car wreck, I could barely walk 10 feet without excruciating pain for over a year, even after I got off crutches and out of the first cast. I looked like I was walking semi-normal, but every step was agony. Yes, I had a handicapped thing for my mirror for about 6 months.

I also couldn't walk normally up and down stairs for over 2 years, even after I was more able to walk normally on sidewalks, due to the fused ankle and slightly shortened leg. got a dirty look in an elevator one day for pushing the 2d floor button instead of taking the stairs. they couldn't see anything obviously wrong with me, but they didn't live inside my skin to know the reality.

None of their business, actually, strangers, one time event, I didn't have the energy to try to defend myself so I ignored the dirty looks but they still hurt. I still exercise concious thought about body movement going up and down stairs-30 years later, even tho the pain isn't there any more-most of the time.
That's great. That would teach a lesson.

:D:D Thanks man !!

When I was recovering from my car wreck, I could barely walk 10 feet without excruciating pain for over a year, even after I got off crutches and out of the first cast. I looked like I was walking semi-normal, but every step was agony. Yes, I had a handicapped thing for my mirror for about 6 months.

I also couldn't walk normally up and down stairs for over 2 years, even after I was more able to walk normally on sidewalks, due to the fused ankle and slightly shortened leg. got a dirty look in an elevator one day for pushing the 2d floor button instead of taking the stairs. they couldn't see anything obviously wrong with me, but they didn't live inside my skin to know the reality.

None of their business, actually, strangers, one time event, I didn't have the energy to try to defend myself so I ignored the dirty looks but they still hurt. I still exercise concious thought about body movement going up and down stairs-30 years later, even tho the pain isn't there any more-most of the time.

Gosh, I forgot all about sharing that spontaneous random thought.

Believe you me -- honey cakes -- that is the only reason why stuff like that makes me think that way :mad: If someone in your condition had to pull next to my car and obviously had difficulty walking the distance then I would have said something to those healty young lads.

And I would NOT be doing it to make a scene -- in fact I'd do it quietly but very directly - but lucky for them (or really all the more lucky for me :o) no one like that pulled up.

Yeah that was a terrible time for all of us Alevie. Mom and Dad and I had you on our minds around the clock -- worrying about ya and wondering how long would it take ??????

But we never gave up -- always held on to the hope of things getting better - and we all knew you'd never give up.
So a bunch of extremely healthy young college students pull in and park in the 'Handicapped' space right near the door. And some how they have this 'handicapped thing' hanging on their mirrow.
That reminds me of one of my favorite stories. One day I was walking through the parking lot of the local supermarket. Two young men zoom their car through the lot and into a freshly painted well signed handicap parking space, get out and start walking to the store, laughing and mock wrestling and generally clowning around. And an older woman who was using a cane to walk across the parking lot lifts her cane up and starts waving it to get their attention and hollers, "Young men, young men! Illiteracy is not a handicap! It's a learning disability!"

I laughed until I couldn't breathe!
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Hm, not sure but think the real point of my kibbitzing is that there are people with mobility problems that aren't always obvious to the casual eye and its not always a good idea to leap to judgement.

My mobility difficulties were not all that obvious after got off crutches, out of cast and only marginally limping-but having to walk more than a short distance was extreme effort even so- for a year+ after the cast(s) came off. Even tho I wasn't limping in a real obvious way at first glance.

A young person with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can also walk and not show real obvious difficulty-to the untrained eye. I've seen that too. Those youngsters may have violated the social contract gratuitously, but I would be slow to assume that myself, from personal experience.

The one who deserved the parking priviledge might have have been part of the crowd, but problem might have been subtle and blurred by crowd movement. Just sayin, eye of the beholder not always accurate perception of situation, especially if you don't know the people you're looking at.
Allie, I hear you, I really do. I'm someone on a disability retirement with (some days) ugly pain. And a phrase that sets my hair on fire is, "But you don't look sick." :rolleyes:

But you had to have been there. The only four people in that parking lot were me, the little blue haired lady, and the two teenage boys. Those boys were jumping on each other, grabbing each others arms and heads in wrestling moves, and generally horsing around. If either one of them had a disability it did not hinder their physical movement on that particular day, which is what a handicap parking space is supposed to help.

I suppose that's why I thought it was so funny that she intimated they couldn't read the signs.
Hm, not sure but think the real point of my kibbitzing is that there are people with mobility problems that aren't always obvious to the casual eye and its not always a good idea to leap to judgement.

My mobility difficulties were not all that obvious after got off crutches, out of cast and only marginally limping-but having to walk more than a short distance was extreme effort even so- for a year+ after the cast(s) came off. Even tho I wasn't limping in a real obvious way at first glance.

A young person with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can also walk and not show real obvious difficulty-to the untrained eye. I've seen that too. Those youngsters may have violated the social contract gratuitously, but I would be slow to assume that myself, from personal experience.

The one who deserved the parking priviledge might have have been part of the crowd, but problem might have been subtle and blurred by crowd movement. Just sayin, eye of the beholder not always accurate perception of situation, especially if you don't know the people you're looking at.

Sweet Darling,
I understood exactly what you were talking about - I really did - and all the more the thought of you having to walk some distance because some punks took 'your space' would have me 'steamin'.

But the MAIN POINT you're making is the most important POINT that largely applies across the board -- Do NOT leap to Judgement.

Honey, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart - that in the work I do this is all the more the whole KEY to really getting in touch and knowing the person and giving them the respect and care they deserve.

I'm not telling you this to brag Allvie - my sweet adorable sister but this is another note a patient expressed that just got back to my box:

'He said you are the man! He thinks you are awesome! Said you are the coolest guy he has met here at the VA.'

Trust me - I know exactly what you're saying and it's a very good point.

And a phrase that sets my hair on fire is, "But you don't look sick." :rolleyes:
Lady, I really don't know what to say because you are who you are and so anyone meeting you is not only going to see an incredibly beautiful woman ~ but seriously (and I really mean this) they are going to notice your wonderful personality - your warmth and charm, and those aspects that make you so outstanding.

Be grateful for that dear friend -- cause that's who you are.

If they could see the pain - the constant agony and stress your condition bears down on you every minute of every day - they would MISS the 'Real You'.

Don't get upset with that -- but take it as a compliment for your ability to somehow 'hide' what they don't see. I bet anything if you told them about the accident - when you were just a small infant and what happened - they'd be shocked.

GOSH -- The 2 People that could probably pull on my heart strings more than anyone else. Both of you are super fantastic.
Sweet Darling, I understood exactly what you were talking about ...

Honey, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart ...
Did I miss an announcement or are we all going to get a term of endearment? Only you Steady, can pull this off and not sound silly. :D
Did I miss an announcement or are we all going to get a term of endearment? Only you Steady, can pull this off and not sound silly. :D

Oh Gosh :o:embarrest:

I guess that does sound pretty bad.

When it comes to Squale (little brother) or Alevie (little sister) I most certainly have a tendency to get a little mushy.

Sorry Alevie :sick: - Didn't stand out at all --

ohh - thanks Tom
Several years ago I read a book called Power vs. Force (Hawkins, I think) and he demonstrated that the human body is stronger when it is around positive, good, sincerity, etc., and weakens around negative, dishonesty, etc. Steady makes us all stronger here.
WOW !!

That just blows me away man ....

Made my eyes water up and I'm like MELTED to the max ...

Man it's unbelievable -- honestly -- I'm like totally numb.

Thank you so much -- I love you too man -- this site is wonderful and it's done a lot for me.

Well -- good night all
Good Morning Kids !! :)

Well, I hope everyone is ready for another wonderful week of LIFE and ready to make the most out of each and every day and really enjoy whatever the MARKETS offer.

Don't forget Volitility - is a sign of HEALTH and NOT weakness. So what we've been seeing lately, and all the more what we're seeing right now, should give us more and more HOPE for the future.

So little rascals -- if you're not IN now -- then rub those sleepy eyes and make up your mind you're going to show these MARKETS who is in charge.

We are going through a 'Transition' --and this is GOOD and is most certainly a part of life. Europe is going through some difficulties and we are a 'Global Economy'.

YES the United States is having to tighten a few screws and make a few adjustments -- but all in all the WORSE is OVER and now it's time to relax and enjoy.

So laugh and have fun -- know that nothing can beat you and let your confidence abound in the promise of a bright and prosperous future. And go out of your way to be kind to one another -- and don't BS about it -- but simply be real and transparent.

My PLAN for the week -- celebrate if the MARKETS go down because it means better buys and more consolidation. Celebrate if they stay the same - for the exact same reason. Celebrate if the MARKETS go UP -- because there is nothing that can stop them from going UP over the long run.
Well it appears this would be 'Lucking out' by the smallest margin.

Here when everything looked like it was losing steam and was going to be a 'Bear' of a day..:mad:

Somehow we barely made it out :cool::cool:

Well stilll lots to catch up on -- good night all

Oh BTW -- I'm actually expecting some long standing Politicians to lose out tomorrow. I think changes are underway. :)
News on the homefront looks encouraging !!

We are a forward moving civilization that has undergone numerous transitions over the centuries and are still going through one of the biggest so far. The activities that would most establish a forward looking trend are solidly in place.

I may shift some to the I Fund -- but only as a long term play. If they are undergoing any kind of event like the USA underwent last year then their potiential for 'super gains' is outstanding.

Buying on 'weakness' -- especially as that opportunity is today is hard for me to ignore.

Well GL to all.