TSP Elite
Well the TOP is finally forming 
You can see the signs of a Real TOP when the Markets finally reach a certain point and can't hold it any longer.
Will first be evidenced by a DROP -- however so slight --
then a day like today will try to gather all the strength it can to take it back up -- and do what it can....
.... but then when it can't hold on any longer
...... it dives like a plane that lost its engines
....... it drops like a heavy rock sinking to the ocean bottom
Well -- best of luck to everyone !!

You can see the signs of a Real TOP when the Markets finally reach a certain point and can't hold it any longer.
Will first be evidenced by a DROP -- however so slight --
then a day like today will try to gather all the strength it can to take it back up -- and do what it can....
.... but then when it can't hold on any longer
...... it dives like a plane that lost its engines
....... it drops like a heavy rock sinking to the ocean bottom
Well -- best of luck to everyone !!