Steadygain's Account Talk

We still have enough time for a 300 point plus day - tomorrow will set the tone.

I like where we are and the TONE is solidly in place. I went in the last day of BAD TONE so we're sitting great for now.

If we move up too fast 300+ or > then tomorrow will settle back down

Way too many wimps in this game (and here I don't mean the MB) BUT - I very much believe the first little sign of going down MANY will bail.

A lot got scared yesterday for that matter..:rolleyes:

Anyway - this is a rare occasion but I'm doing my best to ignore any BEARISH comments.

AND STICKING WITH YOU - and Fhelixthecat's 10% Uptrend thought; Poolman - ContrianJeff..Squale...and the MASTERS of FAME.

Good Hunting Steady. Nice timing.

While I don't think we have outrun the bear I do agree with you that its time to ride the bull around for a tad...

Anyway, just as I was logging into my wonderful NMCI client computer I was told to mosey off to our computer centers help desk phone center. I'm getting a bit old for that - yuk, yuk. Then I went to a scheduled doctor appointment only to sit around for a couple of hours. Then got to go home because I'm still kinda a mess after catching the flu.

Missed the IFT deadline - you do know that it is 0900 on the west coast. How dumb is that :mad:

Anyway, I'll start DCAing into C/S Thursday night. Don't want to mix a payroll contribution and an IFT. That makes for a royal mess in my Quicken account :(

By the way, I'll gladly buy into a rising market - especially if that rising market lifts our boats...
Good Hunting Steady. Nice timing.


Timing is everything if you're going to come out winning :D

That's also why I go 100% - (would go more if I could)

Missed the IFT deadline - you do know that it is 0900 on the west coast. How dumb is that :mad:

That majorly SUCKS - big time !!

Anyway, I'll start DCAing into C/S Thursday night. Don't want to mix a payroll contribution and an IFT. That makes for a royal mess in my Quicken account :(

Do what you're comfortable with - but don't get too BOLD. You're anything but a WIMP - and that's easy to tell so you've got nothing to prove to anyone here.

DCAing is a LONG TERM stategy - and the BEAR ain't done my friend

When in DOUBT - check out Silverbird - she knows her stuff and seems to be very in touch with how things are really going. So in this day and age THE ECONOMY RULES and this is a solid BULL - a good ongoing rally - but it has to fizzle - no way around it.

By the way, I'll gladly buy into a rising market - especially if that rising market lifts our boats...

Yeah I can tell and I admire that - but be cool - it may go up another 7% before it's done - and I'd imagine will have some scarey moments along the way.

BUT THE HUGE SELL OFF HAS STILL NOT COME - and this may be setting us up for the biggest daily loss yet. So I'm still cautious
Well Done Steady! Get some more tomorrow:)

Thanks Mojo - but I had my moment of glory :D

Went in when the Markets took their biggest dive - and hit the lowest point and said hit me with everything you have - cause I'm here to play and here to WIN.

It hit with the force of 10 nuclear bombs - but I hit back with about the same force and took a wound that put me under (but just barely)

Threw in everything I had - and the BEAR retreated taking me from my 0.01% gain over the G ers to over 2%

SO I actually had my fun - and I may be out of the game for awhile - maybe a good while - BUT WHEN I COME BACK - I'll do it in style ;):nuts:
Wow.....quiet and somber moods today...

Dearly beloved,
As we gather at this Burial

Let's be grateful for those in G - who have taken a stand for safety and avoided the fleeting efforts of fast gains and tremendous losses...

Let's give thanks that the BEAR is not a Pansy but really has power and goes forth with dignity

Let's bear in mind that ONE DAY and only ONE DAY can't be so bad that we won't pull through. So if we went in 'all the way' then let us 'all the way' accept the risk we took and shug it off.

Lastly if anyone could tell me how to get rid of my expired POLL - I'd appreciate it because I forgot how I put it in.

So as we go forward - remember many days have started off very bad and ended fairly well. So don't get lost in the moment - unless that moment is mega romantic and filled with the perfect scents and the most perfect music filling the background.

I hadn't really had this thought before...

....because I thought the underlying industries were too strong to ever fold completely

....kind of always believed only the weaker ones would have to shut down and the underlying stability was too solid

...but now I'm honestly wondering how much lower the Markets can go and still be able to function...

... say the S Fund went to 50 ... I mean is it possible for the Markets to go to 200 and still survive ???

Pretty weird... cause I'm at heart a MEGA LONG TERM PLAYER

...but this is looking incredibly dangerous...especially considering the 6 month - 12 month outlook
Would one of the fine lady cats...;)

or cool guy dudes :D

remind me of how to set up a 'Poll' ?? :embarrest:

Then I can go back and get this expired one out of the way.

I was dumb enough to think after the cut off it disappeared on it's own
I hadn't really had this thought before...

....because I thought the underlying industries were too strong to ever fold completely

....kind of always believed only the weaker ones would have to shut down and the underlying stability was too solid

...but now I'm honestly wondering how much lower the Markets can go and still be able to function...

... say the S Fund went to 50 ... I mean is it possible for the Markets to go to 200 and still survive ???

Pretty weird... cause I'm at heart a MEGA LONG TERM PLAYER

...but this is looking incredibly dangerous...especially considering the 6 month - 12 month outlook
IMHO, the smart money is making a statement to the Executive Branch. They don't have to make more money. Most have all the money they will ever need, so why should they put their money into the market where it will be subjected to high taxation on their capital gains? Sooner or later, a lobbyist is going to make this point and tell BHO that he needs to back off the capital gains tax. If he does that, then the smart money might jump back in sooner.
IMHO, the smart money is making a statement to the Executive Branch. They don't have to make more money. Most have all the money they will ever need, so why should they put their money into the market where it will be subjected to high taxation on their capital gains? Sooner or later, a lobbyist is going to make this point and tell BHO that he needs to back off the capital gains tax. If he does that, then the smart money might jump back in sooner.

I see what you're saying and appreciate the post.

Even though I believe that BHO (as essentially every other president - and ALL POLITICIANS in general) are doing 99% of what they do MAINLY TO TRY TO LOOK GOOD - IT'S ALL ABOUT THEIR IMAGE AND SCREW EVERYTHING ELSE.

I think on this issue it's way beyond Obama himself. Now it's possible that the Major Players around the world came up with a scheme to bring the entire world to it's knees and FORCE Nationalization of the Banks...and a more UNIFIED GLOBAL UNION

but I think Obama's particular stance on this or that - even including the Capital Gains has nothing to do with the SMART MONEY being out of the game. They are out because to go on on a losing Market and an Economy that's obviously in deep s*** trouble is really insane.

They are waiting for the REAL BOTTOM - and I highly suspect that within the next 6 months the rest of us will have lost enough that except for Birch - we'll all go to G.

But you - and all the others citing big time problems - have a good point.
Steady on Occam's Razor...


Occam's Razor explains the economy and the market better than super-secret cabals...

Folks that have assets that they would normally put to good use are sitting it out. Some don't know what their future liabilities are going to be. Some don't know when the customer is going to start spending again - and, don't know if the customer will regain the stupid belief in credit spending like there ain't no tomorrow. Some are on a 'capital strike' and will not invest assets if they feel they will be confiscated.

Regardless, there is no chance of rich folks sitting in a plush hotel convention room wishing this on themselves. They are the ones in the biggest trouble. For example, where is the Carlyle Group - a few years ago folks were talking them up like the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Bilderburgers and stuff. I think they declared bankrupcy a couple of months back.

Dirty Barry ain't helping. He is pushing an ignorant agenda that most productive folks truely believe is stupid. He is not stupid, but he could be ignorant. And, he is not humble enough to realize there are things he doesn't know. Sometime soon you will see him jettison the floatsam who have been running the show. His is a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them...
Re: Steady on Occam's Razor...


Occam's Razor explains the economy and the market better than super-secret cabals...

Folks that have assets that they would normally put to good use are sitting it out. Some don't know what their future liabilities are going to be. Some don't know when the customer is going to start spending again - and, don't know if the customer will regain the stupid belief in credit spending like there ain't no tomorrow. Some are on a 'capital strike' and will not invest assets if they feel they will be confiscated.

Regardless, there is no chance of rich folks sitting in a plush hotel convention room wishing this on themselves. They are the ones in the biggest trouble. For example, where is the Carlyle Group - a few years ago folks were talking them up like the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Bilderburgers and stuff. I think they declared bankrupcy a couple of months back.

Dirty Barry ain't helping. He is pushing an ignorant agenda that most productive folks truely believe is stupid. He is not stupid, but he could be ignorant. And, he is not humble enough to realize there are things he doesn't know. Sometime soon you will see him jettison the floatsam who have been running the show. His is a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them...

You know WAY - WAY - More than I do - and I'd be the first to admit I just don't have a clue.

If I had gone to G Yesterday and locked in my 2% Gain; to the largest degree I wouldn't give a rat's ass about any of this stuff. In fact would be breathing a sign of relief - that I missed the BIG FALL.

So - from the bottom of my heart - my feelings right now are totally based on feeling like a giant fool and taking what I consider a very humbling HUGE FALL.

My overall picture of the Economy - and all the more the Markets are that they are in for a hard time and during that time I expect every magizine, network, and 99.99% of the MB to be blameing Obama or the Government or Politicians in general. To the largest degree it doesn't matter where you throw the blame because IT'S TOO LATE and THE DAMAGE IS TOO EXTENSIVE AND VERY WIDE SPREAD

But in the LONG RUN - things will settle down and things will turn around and the MARKETS will once again SOAR.

I believe that with all my heart... and nothing anyone says will make me think otherwise...

so this is a passing phase that feels more and more like a life time because agnony and dispair have a way of dragging time on and on

When the REAL BULL MARKET returns.... all of this will be a thing of the past and then Hope and Increasing Gains will dominate everything.....

So I think all of us need to accept our circumstances and make the best of the tough times ahead.

It's probably way more helpful for the bulk of the MB to blow off steam and expose this and that...

I'm just not into it man...and it's not at all that I'm pro this or that...

I just simply feel things are bad enough without getting drowned in even more garbage.

No offense - and seriously I don't mean to offend you - but it's garbage to me - anything that takes a hold of you in a negative manner and drags you down is garbage ...

so that's why I come across the way I do... and it's also because most of the things going on around the world are just a bunch of horses*** to me - and I just have NO (ZERO) TOLLERANCE for that stuff so I'm better off avoiding it.

Anyway PEACE man - hope you're doin' OK
Steady, See the Uptick...


For what its worth I think you and Birch now are on the right wavelength. A big dump today, but did you see the positive trading action at the end of the day. That is a vast difference from the end of day dump we have been watching for the past couple of months. That, to me, is extremely positive. More like December than February...

I am doing ok, but only because TSP IFTs are sooooo sloooowwwww to implement. An IFT I made from home last night (got tired of this NMCI network failing me) won't take affect till tonight. I am going to DCA into this market. If it is a falling knife I will have time to slow the investment or reverse before I have major assets in. If we have a boom I won't be as happy as you, but I will smile broadly...

If President Obama would just shut his Administration up regarding the banks and stress testing and taxes and Seville Suited investors and... we will get through this thing. I think he will start understanding this :o

By the way - I ain't no expert. The folks you mentioned in an earlier post are worth listening to. Me, I just feel things in my gut...
I'm basically in total embarrassment that Nobama is my president. The only thing he will do is to pay for that transvestite transitional surgery and I have to accept that as progress. I tried to give him an opportunity to show his true colors and we ended up with an illegal communist. Sorry Steady - but I'm frustrated by his policies.

For what its worth I think you and Birch now are on the right wavelength.

Thanks man - Birch and I are brothers that go back further than even this site. Both of us with a lot of common background.

In the long run - we know the Politicians are FOS and the Markets fortunately will prevail over all those bastards.

Deep down we probably both see the overwhelming mess has resulted from blindly going into endless debt and using credit for everything under the sun and never having much thought for real responsible living. SO YES the Politicians are screwed up - but the Money Industries have mainly FUELED this BS over the years and took it for all they could get.

A big dump today, but did you see the positive trading action at the end of the day.

NO - I did not - BUT THANK YOU !!!!
Without a bounce I am very screwed !! Today was a disaster and to me it makes no difference if I'm in the TOP 10 - what makes a difference is that I don't have another year where I lose BIG.

That is a vast difference from the end of day dump we have been watching for the past couple of months. That, to me, is extremely positive. More like December than February...

That's why I like you so much ! You see things in a different light and I like the way you size things up.

I am doing ok, but only because TSP IFTs are sooooo sloooowwwww to implement. An IFT I made from home last night (got tired of this NMCI network failing me) won't take affect till tonight. I am going to DCA into this market. If it is a falling knife I will have time to slow the investment or reverse before I have major assets in. If we have a boom I won't be as happy as you, but I will smile broadly...
Actually I'm just a bit disappointed things didn't turn out as I hoped today. BUT - I'm barely damaged compared to most - so I'm really not 'unhappy' - in fact I'm very grateful I went in the way I did.

That's the real me - and I'm up to any challenge and so it felt good going againt this HUGE BEAR and actually winning (for a day).

If President Obama would just shut his Administration up regarding the banks and stress testing and taxes and Seville Suited investors and... we will get through this thing. I think he will start understanding this :o

Yeah - I know what you're saying - but whatever... who knows.

By the way - I ain't no expert. The folks you mentioned in an earlier post are worth listening to. Me, I just feel things in my gut...
Even the 'experts' have fallen big time - so don't short yourself.

I totally go with my gut - play my own game and do my own thing. To me that puts you towards the top - long as you play it smart.

I'm basically in total embarrassment that Nobama is my president. The only thing he will do is to pay for that transvestite transitional surgery and I have to accept that as progress. I tried to give him an opportunity to show his true colors and we ended up with an illegal communist. Sorry Steady - but I'm frustrated by his policies.

Birch - I laughed when I read this - and I appreciate that.

Man you never have to say you're sorry to me for making comments like that. All of us are frustrated - it's just endless crap all over the place - I simply don't want to get in the gossip scene on him doing this or that and what I think on various issues....

I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door - Shadow Banking would be nixed - I'd be kicking ass left and right until they either killed me or got things right....

can you imagine what people would be saying about me....damn Birch I'd upset so may apple carts.. they'd straight jacket me and put me away for good.
I'm basically in total embarrassment that Nobama is my president. The only thing he will do is to pay for that transvestite transitional surgery and I have to accept that as progress. I tried to give him an opportunity to show his true colors and we ended up with an illegal communist. Sorry Steady - but I'm frustrated by his policies.

Agreed. Well stated.
I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door - Shadow Banking would be nixed - I'd be kicking ass left and right until they either killed me or got things right....

I could not agree with you less. Like many thousands of others, I am a military veteran collecting disability income and veteran medical treatment. Recently retired from Civil Service.

I could like to expand on this subject but using a Commodore 128 computer with slooow internet service, I keep my responses short.
I'm basically in total embarrassment that Nobama is my president.

You and me both brother.

Positive trading action at the end of the day?

Am I missing something? You aren,t referring to that jump from 680 to 682 on almost zero volume are you?

Actually, I,m trying to learn something from all you guys who have been actively trading your accounts, while I,ve watched mine lose the equivalent of a couple of Ferarri,s over the last year. My dumb ass (I guess that,s why it,s called the dumb money) jumped in after the chasing the rally of early Feb, and have been losing $$ ever since loooking for a rally to exit. So far, the only "whoosh" has been the sound of my retirement moving about 10 years further down the road.
Ok, I guess there was some positive activity starting about 3:30 in the S account on decent volume, that what you mean?