sorry should of told you that i went to arizona to see the steelers play and to see my brother and his two sons who i haven't seen since they were born. alex is thirdteen and forrest is eleven,i figured i would be to busy to make the correct moves----i also went there with thirty-five other people from pittsburgh so there was alot of partying going on in jerome and prescott arizonia. i think i made a nice move by going to the g-fund (to bad the steelers lost) i did not lose but gain for that week. that's what counts you gain,don't lose for the week no matter what the gain is. please don't correct the english it's saturday and i am getting ready for the steeler game.
Pogo, I had Dr. F in mind when I wrote my message (not you). If you are in the Top 5 - YOU HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL GAIN OVER ME - and I could not legitimately criticize you (nor would I want to). Wow - the nephews finally got to meet their uncle - I honestly hope you all had a great time! Staying in G when you already have an incredible gain for the year is a smart move, especially when you're going on a trip (vacation ... or whatever) because you know no matter what happens YOU CAN NOT LOSE.
I have just a slight edge over Birchtree - so he is more even territory and our investment strategy is similar as well. My message wasn't intended to flaunt my gain - or say "ha ha" to anyone - it was only meant to give the S Fund its due. When the underdogs (me and Birch) make a major play at a time the Top Spot misses it - IT MAKES IT EVEN MORE SPECIAL. But trust me - your lead is far too great for us to pass you (or catch up).
Ebb is partly responsible for where I stand this year, but he was also in G during some very substantial gains. If I ever gain 1+ % in a day where you, Ebb, or Dr. F are in the G Fund - then it makes me all the more feel like a winner. You guys are in a league way above me. If I went strictly with the Ebb Chart - I would also be in the Top Spot. But I'm still doing fairly decent and for the larger part I can take the credit.
TO ALL WHO READ MY MESSAGES - I do not consider myself superior to anyone and if my gains are higher than yours it is not because I'm better than you - it is because my strategy is different and in all liklihood you take risks at times I wouldn't. Yet in the same tone it is for that very reason I am so far behind the Top. If anyone gains from my advice I am thrilled for you - and hope someday we will crawl to the top. I joined the MB both to learn and to teach.
For now I am pondering Tom's comments about the years that end in 7. It sounds a bit superstitious - and overall I still feel the stain of 7/07 -8/07 has a lot of people anxious to get back in and push the market higher. However strange it may sound, however, SEASONALITY CAN NOT BE IGNORED - and I am considering less stocks in 10/07. I know it is just a piece of trivia - but the losses on the whole are quite remarkable.