How motivating is that ! Thanks Braveheart ! The (I) Fund right now is
poised for one heck of a upward move.
will it make up the -30+ in the "I" ?? lol !!!! I have been in the "I" over 1 year fully invested losing my a$$, at this point i feel i need to ride it out, any suggestions ????? i have been buying "I" and L2040 the whole time. when that 2 trade limit hit I got stuck in the "I" !!!
Guchi, if your looking back to improve a 30% loss, your hurting yourself.
You must be under some false impression when you say your stuck in the
(I) Fund. Your not stuck anywhere. If you believed that you won't lose
unless you sell, ask yourself how long will it take to recover from such
a unflexable position. You say you have (I) Fund Allocations and L2040.
This means you have more money in the (I) Fund then you think !
simply my own opinion)
If you believe in the purpose of the (L) Funds, then comit to them. Put
future contributions in the (L) and keep the rest of your money in it as
well. If they work out as they say, you'll be better off with the rebalancing
over the long haul. You won't have to spend the time to watch them as
closely either. But don't lose track of there monthly performances.
If you don't like the percentages (which are spread out among all Funds)
within the (L) Fund, then select Individual Funds that meet your goals.
(C),(S),(I),(F),(G). This will require you to watch the market closely and
make possible changes through IFT's when required. I have a short time
left, the (L) Funds are not for me. If I want to bail to the (G) when the
market takes a crap, then I can do so without interupting a long range
goal. I don't want to lock myself into an adverse move within the (L)
Funds. That would be totaly against the (L) Fund goal (counter productive).
Accept the past and move on. Today is the first day of your investment life !
Your even as of today, now make decisions based on that and your game
plan. Stay focused on the Market ahead and know your not locked into
any fund. Even the (L) Funds allow you to bail to the (G) if the
circumstances warrant. I hope this helps and is just my opinion.