Squalebear's Account Talk

she dubbed me Pasquale. I called her Teddybear. Soon, human nature took over and my nickname had to relate to her's. Based on the right to change her mind (never been my right) she shortened the original and added the related word. ie.... SqualeBear. After 28 years, I answer to the same and sign all gifts as such.


Few men can express their emotions so well - be comfortable with being transparent and open - and show the genuineness you display.

I'd say those 28 years are largely why you turned out so well.

This is cool stuff - makes us much more like a family.

Few men can express their emotions so well - be comfortable with being transparent and open - and show the genuineness you display.

I'd say those 28 years are largely why you turned out so well.

This is cool stuff - makes us much more like a family.

or he's just PW and a big wuss:D:D

Few men can express their emotions so well - be comfortable with being transparent and open - and show the genuineness you display.

I'd say those 28 years are largely why you turned out so well.

This is cool stuff - makes us much more like a family.
Comfortable in his own skin is what he is. 28 years of a happy marriage has a lot to do with that...unconditional love is a safe haven from all the bashing the world dishes out. I'm sure his teddybear feels the same about her squalebear.
Your Most Welcome,,,, Nicknames are hard to let go of, especially when
they are stamped on your forehead by a spouse. I am Italian (not off the
boat) and she dubbed me Pasquale. I called her Teddybear. Soon, human
nature took over and my nickname had to relate to her's. Based on the
right to change her mind (never been my right) she shortened the original
and added the related word. ie.... SqualeBear. After 28 years, I answer
to the same and sign all gifts as such.


Thank you so much for disclosing the origin of your nickname, and that of your spouse's. Very seldom do we find members willing to disclose so much of themselves and show a glimpse of their soft side. We women are so lucky to have the right to change our minds! LOL :D


Thank you so much for disclosing the origin of your nickname, and that of your spouse's. Very seldom do we find members willing to disclose so much of themselves and show a glimpse of their soft side. We women are so lucky to have the right to change our minds! LOL ,,,CorMaGa34

Ok, Ok, I'm not a wusss, don't have a softside AND MOST OF ALL;
But only when teddybear lets me ! :worried:

Thanks CorMaGa, when I start giving out my Social Security Number,
Please stop me, slap me a few times and send me to bed without dinner.
Ok, Ok, I'm not a wusss, don't have a softside AND MOST OF ALL;
But only when teddybear lets me ! :worried:
Anyone who has your job for as long as you have has got to be hugely tough, both physically and mentally. My hat is off to you.:)

So that was the serious part, and now to lighten up:

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.

Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer." :rolleyes:

Anyone who has your job for as long as you have has got to be hugely tough, both physically and mentally. My hat is off to you.:)

So that was the serious part, and now to lighten up:

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.

Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer." :rolleyes:


Oh - THANK YOU my dear sweet LADY - that had me laughing hard.

That was great!!! Need to get back and finish a lot of stuff.
Two down and I could call it now, but I won't. The deficit is still within
the single digit range. ie..... I wait for three. What I find MOST interesting
is Barclays new found ability to keep the deficit/overpayment within the
single digit range for 6 of the last 7 trading days. That shows their ability
to be accurate when desired. Makes me wonder how and why we ever
see High Deficits (see the Key Below). I'm sure their's tons of reasons, but
to do this, a firm handle on FV and the dollar exchange rates somehow got
a lot easier for them over the last 7 days. Makes you want to say, hmm.

(5/12/08) +.258% -0.05 tsp cents
(5/13/08) - .324% -0.13 tsp cents
(5/14/08) +.292% -0.06 tsp cents
(5/15/08) - .079% -0.08 tsp cents
(5/16/08) - .099% -0.10 tsp cents

(5/19/08) +.408%-+0.00 tsp cents
(5/20/08) +.069% +0.02 tsp cents
(5/21/08) - .214% -0.04 tsp cents
(5/22/08) - .125% -0.07 tsp cents :embarrest:

+.05 thru +.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (rare)
-.00 thru -.09 Low Difference (It's goals are met) :embarrest:
-.10 thru -.15 Medium Difference (Flip A Coin)
-.16 thru -.23 High Difference (rarely goes higher)
Two down and I could call it now, but I won't. The deficit is still within
the single digit range. ie..... I wait for three. What I find MOST interesting
is Barclays new found ability to keep the deficit/overpayment within the
single digit range for 6 of the last 7 trading days. That shows their ability
to be accurate when desired. Makes me wonder how and why we ever
see High Deficits (see the Key Below). I'm sure their's tons of reasons, but
to do this, a firm handle on FV and the dollar exchange rates somehow got
a lot easier for them over the last 7 days. Makes you want to say, hmm.
Right about the time their quarterly report hit the streets and they got looked at...HARD.:notrust::suspicious:
Right about the time their quarterly report hit the streets and they got looked at...HARD.

If this behavior continues, (i don't think it will) reading the (I) Fund would
become so much easier. The EFA would read alot like the S&P500 and the
(C) Fund. I don't believe that its possible and maybe too unrealistic to
even hope for. With that said, I've noted the excitement building, within
the membership concerning the prospects of a large move to the upside.
I want to see it too. Heck, 3.5% in one day sounds like a winner to me.
For purely selfish reasons, I'm hoping for June and not next week.
Can anyone remember the song;
"June Is Busting Out All Over"
The Movie: Roger & Hammerstein's "Carousel"
Shirley Jones & Gorden MacRae (1956)
Ok, Ok, a little before I was born, but so was The Ten Commandments
with Charlton Heston. That came out in October of the same year (1956).
Lets hope we don't have to part the Red Sea for that 3.50% gain that
I mentioned above. After all, we all deserve it !
Before last October, 350Z and a couple of others were calculating the I fund to the penny almost every day. The erratic FV calculations since then were to make daily IFTs in and out of I/G look like the problem and justification for the limits. Now that Barclays got what they claimed they needed (limits in place), they're back to the previous calculation method.
10 days of Great Guess Work. NOT! It looks as the reverse did not happen
and I'm now ready to stipulate that the lean continues to be the same as
its been all year. Towards the deficit side. To change my mind, I'll now
have to see at least two (2) overpayments come next week. The
diffrences between the EFA returns and the (I) Fund these last two weeks
have been extremely close and a little bit surprising. Why do I think that
when money starts to flow out of the (G) and back into the Stock Funds,
this will all change and we'll see large swings again ?


(5/12/08) +.258% -0.05 tsp cents
(5/13/08) - .324% -0.13 tsp cents
(5/14/08) +.292% -0.06 tsp cents
(5/15/08) - .079% -0.08 tsp cents
(5/16/08) - .099% -0.10 tsp cents

(5/19/08) +.408%-+0.00 tsp cents
(5/20/08) +.069% +0.02 tsp cents
(5/21/08) - .214% -0.04 tsp cents
(5/22/08) - .125% -0.07 tsp cents
(5/23/08) + .233% -0.01 tsp cents :nuts:

+.05 thru +.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (rare)
-.00 thru -.09 Low Difference (It's goals are met) :nuts:
-.10 thru -.15 Medium Difference (Flip A Coin)
-.16 thru -.23 High Difference (rarely goes higher)
Why do I think that when money starts to flow out of the (G) and back into the Stock Funds, this will all change and we'll see large swings again ?

My guess it's because you're my kid brother - and I think you're pretty cool too. :cool::laugh::cool:

You have a good one too and tell "SugarBear" - we all love her. :blink:
My guess it's because you're my kid brother - and I think you're pretty cool too. You have a good one too and tell "SugarBear" - we all love her.

Right back at'cha Steady! ;)

May the man upstairs keep those who made the ultimate sacrifice
close to him and bless those who find themselves so far away from
home taking the same risks for each and every one of us.

:) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:)
The Market won't open until Tuesday and
I'm having investment withdraw symptoms.

TSP, put the damn hotdog down and give
me your money! Ok, I'll take the hotdog !
Mustard and Relish, no Sauerkraut please !

SB, You are one of the most entertaining and endearing members. Thanks for making me smile every day!

I find it simply amazing that so many people, that have never met before,
are so respectful to one another. We share thought, ideas and common
goals. Even when disagreements or misunderstandings come around, we
appear to rise above the BS and make a concerted effort to agree to
disagree. How unique is that ! I love this place !
One last thing, I get a kick out of the fact that people understand and
enjoy my sense of humor. Maybe its because my humor comes across
in the written word, better then when I make the same attempt verbally.
To meet me, you'd soon find out that, I try to control conversations, talk
until your ears bleed and have strong opinions about practically everything
and everyone that comes near me. Add that to a little OCD about numbers
and figures, and what do you have ? A man who's looking for an outlet, a
little respect and understanding. I've certainly found that here at TSPtalk
and your comments above are the proof. Thanks for allowing me to be me.