Squalebear's Account Talk

SB, I am honored.:embarrest:

My Vote is In ! L2R for President ! Just one question;
Who let the futures drop a bit. There will be hell to pay ! :toung:
Damn, the dollar is up on the Euro by 1.92%. That does
not help my (I) Fund out too much. Hope the Dollar drops ! :mad:
Will the US Dollar cut into the (I) Fund returns so badly
that the US Market will outperform the Over Seas Market !
Venting my fears,,,,,thats all ! :confused:

By the way, INVSTSMRT78
The EFA and AGG don't start trading until 9:50am, so don't
think its the website. They trade until 4:20pm

I just saw an article on MSN at http://articles.moneycentral.msn.co...egies/if-obama-wins-be-ready-for-a-rally.aspx that says an Obama win will result in overseas rallies that will spill over to our shores. That kind of goes against the prevailing theory here that the markets have already priced in an Obama win.

I never believed the prevailing theory. This rally, here and now, is subject
to change as the news comes in. I don't think this market priced in anything
concerning the election. But what ever happens today will not last forever.
Thanks for the article, it brings me more hope.
I'm doing some soul searching at this point for tomorrow. I hate the chart
for the EFA right now. This means leaving the (I) Fund and spreading the
wealth. This tends to be a difficult call so early in the month. But to bail
totaly out of risk is not an option for me. I just don't think the (I) Fund
will be a part of my portfolio come Wednesday.
I'm doing some soul searching at this point for tomorrow. I hate the chart
for the EFA right now. This means leaving the (I) Fund and spreading the
wealth. This tends to be a difficult call so early in the month. But to bail
totaly out of risk is not an option for me. I just don't think the (I) Fund
will be a part of my portfolio come Wednesday.
I ended up canceling my IFT earlier this A.M. Debating on waiting a few days to see how the election turns out. :confused:
The first year of bull markets average a 45.7% gain. It will take a bulldozer to push all the available cash back to work.
Nasa, you have to go down to #101 before you reach anyone other then
ourselves that got lucky enough to be 100% (I) Fund today. Nice Job.;)
The first year of bull markets average a 45.7% gain. It will take a bulldozer to push all the available cash back to work.

Very true Birch, but the banks are swimming in money, Libor has dropped
a Boot AND STILL the banks are tight with the money. I guess I'm just
hoping that 45.7% gain doesn't all come in November. But if it does, I've
left 25% at risk and will DCA for more shares as the month moves on. ;)