You got to look at the bright side. You offset some of your losses by being
diversified by putting some $$$$ in the (S) and (G) Fund. I'm hearing more
and more say that we've already seen the bottom. The Three Month Libor
is lowering and the there's good reason to be in the market right now. Just
imagine the smile you'll have when 85% of your invested dollars go up
together by 1% or more. The measly .62% loss on your 75% investment
into the (C) Fund will seem insignificant.
Here's some advice even though you didn't ask for any;
*Rethink your Risk Tolerance Level. If a .62% loss in a fund that contains
75% of your investment is unsettling, maybe less should be on the table.
You have 11 more trading days before freedom rings and November brings
us a new set of IFT's.
*Don't make the mistake in looking at your YTD figures. Try to stay focused
on the week and/or month. Your goals will be more realistic to obtain, when
your not fighting to recover from your YTD figures. Look forward not back.
Several of the financial market books I've read say that it's important not to dwell on past failures OR successes when trading. Because the more you can keep emotions out of it, the more you can focus on what the charts are telling you and make better decisions. Fear and greed make bad decisions.
*Drink 3 more brewskies for me. I can't drink (light weight) so you might
as well be the one who takes up my slack. Just stay away from the porcelin.
Because of some of the meds I take, it would be stupid for me to drink, too. There have been several market days lately when I've wished that wasn't the case! :laugh:
*Last but not least, recognize and understand that from now until 1/1/09
your going to make some bad investment decisions along the way. Its still
the same as it was yesterday and 9 months before that. There is one true
constant that will never change. We need to be right, more then wrong.
Heck, we might even get lucky a few times ontop of it. God only knows
just how wrong I've been lately. But it does me no good to dwell on my
past failures. I must look forward to my Future Successes.