Show-me Account Talk

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Maybe not --- but, do you remember this post last week the strategy group site: In

"_HawaiiAloha98" <wtbfi@> wrote:
> > >
> > > What about the new guy in town who is claiming that his system
> > > "scored 45%+ yield a year after I simulated like if I would it daily
> > > implemented since June 2003." and that its accuracy is "90% (CORRECT
> > > and SAFE)"?. To insure honesty, how far back does he system needs to
> > > be tracked?
> > >
> > > For whatever it's worth..
> > >
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The syntax is similar --- and the post was out of context and meant to draw attention to the "new guy".

...and it's entirely possible that I've read way too many spy and mystery novels over the years and tonight I got a little deep into the wine.
I know what you folks mean about spy novels. I am reading Simple Genius and figured it out about half way through...all because of the cloak and dagger stuff I see on tv and the movies...

Oh, and that red wine tastes great as we read those chapters

maybe ek is an neural anagram..:D:D:D

Please let us not drag the "unstable one" into our message board. This is my happy place. lol

The other I think is nothing more than a coincidence.
According to my little STA, next week is historically very good. End of the worst six months and the beginning of the best six months. :D

Problem is the big fat FOMC meeting on Halloween. Sound like a set up for a black Halloween. lol :nuts:
According to my little STA, next week is historically very good. End of the worst six months and the beginning of the best six months. :D

Problem is the big fat FOMC meeting on Halloween. Sound like a set up for a black Halloween. lol :nuts:
Soooooooo we going trick or treating that day? :D
I should have jump ship yesterday, but if I'm lucky we will hold the +FV and I'll get my exit before full moon fever hits.
I feel as if the C, S, and FTSE will run up against the 20dma and stall out. So back to the paltry, pathetic, and pessimistic G fund.
No luv from the street.

OK what did you guys do while I was gone? :confused: I go out into the calm of the wilderness in my backyard to load a pickup truck of fire wood and BAM!!! Who invaded!!!:worried:

The Street knew the existing housing sales numbers were going to be crap. I hope 12% is right and we get the afternoon Gin and Tonic after lunch rally. :nuts:

I need a nap.
Holy smoke what a day! I will be completely off the grid today and need to make a decision. I have a beekeeping seminar that I am very excited about going to.

B52 and the jets pumped $41B into the system so that the financial world knows that he has their back. lol That is a ton of money to us, but a drop to the system. It should help dilute the dollar some more.

I have become a wimp when it comes to aggressive trading in my TSP because of my Scottrade accounts. With TSP there is no stepping out when you want to because of the noon deadline and a lot can happen after the deadline. Luv the ETF's and stops. :D

I would expect one more day of flush due to traders closing all positions going into the weekend. The will try to regroup over the weekend. The sentiment survey is on a buy, Ek is on a I fund buy, Divot is 50/50 S/I.

And, the Jobs Report. Even if they make the number, could they have set the bar any lower? Come on 80k jobs!!! If they hit 100,000 will the market rally 3%? If they go way over I smell manipulation or incompetence.

Anyways, I will wait until the magic hour of 8:30 ET to make a final decision. If it is just right or misses I will put in limit order for my short and a IFT for some S and I fund.
I have a limit order on my short and I will hold on my IFT because the market may look at the Job Numbers and think the Fed is defiantly done with any rate cuts.

A 3.9% GDP and more than double job growth did not warrant a .24% rate cut. The market suckered Ben or Ben suckered us. We will see $100 oil and inflation will eat the middle classes paycheck for Christmas shopping season.

Got to go to my seminar. Buzz, buzz.
Buzz buzzzz. Back for a quick snack. Don't know what to think right now. Sold my SDS at my target price, but missed the 1% gravy from today. Big deal.

Kind of wish I pulled the trigger today, but I was out of time this morning. Made enough of off the SDS trade to ease any pain.

Good luck and have fun.
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