Show-me Account Talk

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The Fed is not concerned about inflation now because we do not have a wage-price spiral going on currently - wages are not rising while the employees' energy and food costs are rising sharply causing them to be squeezed.

So do you think the FED just does nothing but let the dollar get weaker?
Are they not concerned about inflation because they actually believe their bogus numbers?
So do you think the FED just does nothing but let the dollar get weaker?
Are they not concerned about inflation because they actually believe their bogus numbers?
Well, the FED lowering interest rates hasn't done much to the credit crunch, why would raising interest rates change things?
The Fed can really do nothing about the dollar other than talk. The Treasury on the other hand can intervene with other G7 countries to purchase dollars on the open market - I would look for that to happen at some point. The bond market vigilantes are not concerned about inflation or you would see a nice sell off in the bond market - I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see the Fed lower rates in September to 1.75%. What discourages me is to see all these fools out there lining up behind Obama thinking he is going to give them a free gas card so they can get to Wal-Mart and spend their welfare checks.
Trichet sent a canary into the coal mine for us today. (Jeez, is he acting like we're all in in dire straights or what!) I think the Fed and Treasury are going to wait and see if the canary comes back alive before they counter with any drastic moves of their own.

The FX market sure didn't like what he had to say today. 'One and done'. Yeah.... right.
Thanks for the site. I like the"Daily Analysis Video" & "Daily Market Report". They are looking for a turn up next Monday or Tuesday. :confused:
"Remember the charts tell the truth." & "follow oil"
I think "Drill Here, Drill Now"; if Congress would get off its high horse and do something good for the country, would send oil down, the dollar up and then the market would go back up and we could maybe get back to stock prices valued on the companies valuation like it should be. :cool:

TSP 100% G
The problem is the congress has been under the control of the Donkey for so long that nothing really constructive gets planned. All they do is do for their constituency so they can be reelected again. One sorry bunch of mackeral.
Are you trying to say this?
Are you trying to say this?

Milk, Cows, Fish ! You must have found a Holier Then Thou website.
You were probably in the Military because you liked putting holes in
things. Gotta Love It ! Keep it going Buster, I could use more smiles.
Here ya go, work on this; Holy Ben Bernake ! :nuts:

Scientists: Watermelon yields Viagra-like effects

By BETSY BLANEY – 2 days ago
LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) — A slice of cool, fresh watermelon is a juicy way to top off a Fourth of July cookout and one that researchers say has effects similar to Viagra — but don't necessarily expect it to keep the fireworks going all night long.
Watermelons contain an ingredient called citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels, similar to what happens when a man takes Viagra, said scientists in Texas, one of the nation's top producers of the seedless variety.
Found in the flesh and rind of watermelons, citrulline reacts with the body's enzymes when consumed in large quantities and is changed into arginine, an amino acid that benefits the heart and the circulatory and immune systems.
"Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it," said Bhimu Patil, a researcher and director of Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center. "Watermelon may not be as organ-specific as Viagra, but it's a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug side effects."
Todd Wehner, who studies watermelon breeding at North Carolina State University, said anyone taking Viagra shouldn't expect the same result from watermelon.
"It sounds like it would be an effect that would be interesting but not a substitute for any medical treatment," Wehner said.
The nitric oxide can also help with angina, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, according to the study, which was paid for by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
More citrulline — about 60 percent — is found in watermelon rind than in the flesh, Patil said, but that can vary. But scientists may be able to find ways to boost the concentrations in the flesh, he said.
Citrulline is found in all colors of watermelon and is highest in the yellow-fleshed types, said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a USDA researcher in Lane, Okla.
She said Patil's research is valid, but with a caveat: One would need to eat about six cups of watermelon to get enough citrulline to boost the body's arginine level.
"The problem you have when you eat a lot of watermelon is you tend to run to the bathroom more," Perkins-Veazie said.
Watermelon is a diuretic and was a homeopathic treatment for kidney patients before dialysis became widespread.
Another issue is the amount of sugar that much watermelon would spill into the bloodstream — a jolt that could cause cramping, Perkins-Veazie said.
Patil said he would like to do future studies on how to reduce the sugar content in watermelon.
The relationship between citrulline and arginine might also prove helpful to those who are obese or suffer from type-2 diabetes. The beneficial effects — among them the ability to relax blood vessels, much like Viagra does — are beginning to be revealed in research.
Citrulline is present in other curcubits, like cucumbers and cantaloupe, at very low levels, and in the milk protein casein. The highest concentrations of citrulline are found in walnut seedlings, Perkins-Veazie said.
"But they're bitter and most people don't want to eat them," she said.
The Week Ahead

Last Update: 03-Jul-08 10:34 ET

The second quarter earnings reporting period gets its official start in the coming week when Dow component, Alcoa (AA), reports its results after Tuesday's close. General Electric (GE) rounds out the week with its report before the open Friday.

Overall, it's a light week of earnings reporting, but the earnings stream starts flowing strongly in the following week.

The economic calendar doesn't have much in the way of market-moving data, although the pending home sales report for May, which is released Tuesday, is apt to get some added attention, along with the trade balance and import/export price reports, which are due out Friday.

A key event for the week will be the appearance of Fed Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson before the House Financial Services Committee Thursday to testify on financial market regulation.

Monday, July 7:
Tuesday, July 8:
  • Earnings: Alcoa (AA), Helen of Troy (HELE), Pepsi Bottling (PBG), Sealy (ZZ)
  • Economic Data: Pending Home Sales (May)... Wholesale Inventories (May)... Consumer Credit (May)
  • Events: Activision (ATVI) Special meeting of Stockholders
  • Conferences: Oppenheimer & Co. Consumer Growth Conference... Collins Stewart Annual Growth Conference
  • Fed Speakers: Fed Chairman Bernanke speaks at FDIC Forum on Mortgage Lending (8:30 AM ET)... Richmond Fed President Lacker speaks on economic outlook (12:30 PM ET)
Wednesday, July 9:
  • Earnings: Intl. Speedway (ISCA), Wolverine (WWW), Ruby Tuesday (RT)
  • Economic Data: None
  • Events: Crude Inventories Report (week of July 5)... Ethan Allen (ETH) Investor Conference
  • Conferences: Oppenheimer & Co. Consumer Growth Conference... Collins Stewart Annual Growth Conference
  • Fed Speakers: None
Thursday, July 10:
  • Earnings: Marriott (MAR), Progressive (PGR), Chattem (CHTT)
  • Economic Data: Initial Claims (week of July 5)
  • Events: Same-Store Sales for June... Centex (CTX) Shareholders Meeting
  • Conferences: Oppenheimer & Co. Consumer Growth Conference... Collins Stewart Annual Growth Conference
  • Fed Speakers: Fed Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson testify at House Finl. Services Committee on financial market regulation (10:00 Am ET)... San Francisco Fed President Yellen speaks at community leaders luncheon (3:30 PM ET)
Friday, July 11:
  • Earnings: General Electric (GE)
  • Economic Data: Import and Export Prices (June)... Trade Balance (May)... Univ. of Michigan Consumer Sentiment (July)... Treasury Budget (June)
  • Events: Marvell Technology (MRVL) Shareholders Meeting
  • Conferences: None
  • Fed Speakers: None
I've already got them on. Not because I'm
in Bermuda, but because Big Ben is speaking
today. One MUST stay prepared at all times!
Don't want to wish bad on Bermuda, but better there than in the Gulf of Mexico blowing around Oil Rigs!!:worried:
I've already got them on. Not because I'm
in Bermuda, but because Big Ben is speaking
today. One MUST stay prepared at all times!

Hi Squalebear,

Are you really vacationing at the Bermuda Islands? Or are you just wearing Bermuda pants? :confused:
Well, just wanted to let you know that I was concerned you could be having problems with Bertha. However, if you are just prepared wearing your Bermuda pants, then I can only congratulate you, that was a good come back...:laugh: Please bear with me, some times I can take things too literally...:p

Anyway, hope you guys had a great 4th of July weekend, and now we need to psyche ourselves to make some money!!! I fund did give me a good return - now all I can hope is for it to stay there or keep going up...

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