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Eww, this is shaping up to be a ugly 1st of July.:blink:

Thought of the song "Love Hurts" as soon as I read your thread.

Musically it's beautiful - and the lyrics seem appropriate for our love of the Markets - and the "hurt" we get.

But everything has it's season and this one will end someday.
TSP: 50% C 50% S / Roth: UYG @ 19.67
Stock that have been beaten down. SIX, CC, F, GM, TMA, UGY. I don't think I would touch SIX or CC right now. F, GM, SSO, and UGY are tasty. TMA is a long shot small bet.
Quick note, read Tom's comments today. We have a bullish hammer (aka kangaroo tail) and need conformation. The long tail has signaled the tops and bottoms really well.

Good luck!:D
Well the engulfing candlestick knocked the wind out of my sail. We're not hurt yet, but I am nervous. If the support line does not hold I will be sick and hung over.

Today is non farm payroll. I played the UYG because they have been beat down price wise and the sentiment/news was at the worst this week.

On a daily and weekly S&P cart we are due a bounce. Weekly, this will be the fifth week we have not had a positive return. We are due, big time.$SPX&p=W&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p80828935111

Here is a good video from inthemoneystocks. Good luck and Happy Independence Day!

ECB rose rates to 4.25% making our dollar look weaker and this in turn causes oil prices to rise. The Fed is going to have to get off their asses soon.
ECB rose rates to 4.25% making our dollar look weaker and this in turn causes oil prices to rise. The Fed is going to have to get off their asses soon.

They need to cut the crap and do an emergency rate hike! A big one...trump that Jean-Claude dude!
They need to cut the crap and do an emergency rate hike! A big one...trump that Jean-Claude dude!

Yep! Every other central bank is fighting inflation except ours. Makes for a very weak dollar and a lot of U.S. companies are potential take over targets.
Slight adjustment to my account will waste a IFT and go 100% C fund. The S could go much lower to match its previous lows.
Oil companies are in control. No rate hike until oil is $150.

I think somewhere between $150 and $155 bbl will trigger an emergency rate hike by the FED or they will pull some other trick.

Just wait until GM or Ford files for bankrupcy.:worried: Will the FED bail them out like congress did Chrysler?
I think somewhere between $150 and $155 bbl will trigger an emergency rate hike by the FED or they will pull some other trick.

Just wait until GM or Ford files for bankrupcy.:worried: Will the FED bail them out like congress did Chrysler?

Paulson mentioned a few Banks must fail, he never mentioned corporations. :worried:
Ben "over" Bern Hacky won't have a thing to do with corporate bail outs
The Fed is not concerned about inflation now because we do not have a wage-price spiral going on currently - wages are not rising while the employees' energy and food costs are rising sharply causing them to be squeezed.
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