Hey Show-me;
Nice videos - who sings/what group is that last one?
Was wondering your perspective on Oscar's video. I think he's pretty good, generally. This time he missed (the day anyway), but I do have tendency to think the numbers he'd pressed may be pretty close. :worried:
I watched that one of his last night, & that along with, the "Calender" you posted both got me thinking, maybe market might make it until at most, Thursday, when something like at least a weak pull-back may occur (may be being too optimistic). Poolman's videos, and some others I've seen silmilar, are less ~predictive for the week ahead, some even suggest there could be more headroom. Following I found interesting: suggests "Leadership Stocks" may be "Pulling-up" broader market, personally I think this maybe true, but over longer-term...
http://stocktiming.com/Friday-DailyMarketUpdate.htm (courtesy Vectorman from months ago)
PS, I found Tuesday's "Institutional chart" here, interesting too.
Last, a question, if I "discover" relevant financial links/similar finacial videos mind if I post these? Thought you, and others that read your work may also find useful. Its your thread though -which is why I'm asking. I'll limit off-topic posts-unless otherwise requested. (There's also the "Market Talk Weekly" thread (just wanting to know your preference).
Interesting, seems we have very similar backgrounds growing up (I'm from south-central PA).