Show-me Account Talk

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Not yet, but I expect it any day. It better be "certified". LOL
Good one! No, great one!
I was thinkning same thing - what if I don't open/acknowedge reciept?)
(Haven't got mine yet, but expect I'm on the TSP Police's Top 3500 List.) :D

BTW, I thought the FR Notice said we had until April??:rolleyes:
Inverted Hammer candlestick signaling a down trend.

I tried to buy SDS in my Roth yesterday and ST was down. Tried today and I set my limit order 4 cents to low. $!&@ :o Missed a nice gain but there will be a next time.

Cut my TSP back to 5% and kicked my Roth into high gear.

Will continue to IFT all day long and IF they limit my trades then I will look into legal counsel.

We will see if this is indeed a sucker rally.

If I would have stuck with the dang technicals I would not have sold and had some more gains.

Still learning and learning takes time to grow into wisdom.:cool:
Inverted Hammer candlestick signaling a down trend.

I tried to buy SDS in my Roth yesterday and ST was down. Tried today and I set my limit order 4 cents to low. $!&@ :o Missed a nice gain but there will be a next time.
Cut my TSP back to 5% and kicked my Roth into high gear.

Will continue to IFT all day long and IF they limit my trades then I will look into legal counsel.

We will see if this is indeed a sucker rally.
If I would have stuck with the dang technicals I would not have sold and had some more gains.
Still learning and learning takes time to grow into wisdom.:cool:
Hi Show-me,
I'm learning more every day here too, and like your chart analysis, re: Inverted Hammer/Candlestick signallling downtrend - please keep posting these "signals".
Even if they restrict us, we need to stay on top of market reversals - with analyses like this!

On latter subject, I got my letter today, & folks are posting/discussing this at:
-just FYI. -I sure do wanna know if its just a bluff (EMS,TR:toung:).
Hi Show-me,
I'm learning more every day here too, and like your chart analysis, re: Inverted Hammer/Candlestick signallling downtrend - please keep posting these "signals".
Even if they restrict us, we need to stay on top of market reversals - with analyses like this!

On latter subject, I got my letter today, & folks are posting/discussing this at:
-just FYI. -I sure do wanna know if its just a bluff (EMS,TR:toung:).

I fully plan to find out if they are bluffing. :nuts:

Off topic: Got my eye on the Taurus 24/7 OSS and a Ruger P345. The Taurus is a very nice looking piece.:D

Get your election year NRA Membership here.
Hey Show-me,
Off-topic: Man that Taurus is cool. Nice looks. Will check out the Ruger later.
For me, I've a problem with double-stack magazines in .45 cal. I have small-medium size hands, and so far, I haven't found any doubles that "feel" quite right in-hand (like the single stacks do). I've always liked the H&K .45 line, but same problem there. (I know, I've expensive tastes.)
Anyway, I considered building my own custom 1911 single stack - starting with a surprising relatively new line for 1911s...

Note, it's got an special Scandium alloy frame that's lighter-weight (32 oz. empty). And, love those Caspian Arms, Damascus Steel slides!
Imagine this slide following on that S&W? :)
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Very nice. Another thing about the Taurus 24/7 OSS is they did some major improvements on the trigger to shorten the pull.
My daughter is looking for a carry gun and liked the S&W 3913 Lady Smith 9mm. She has shot that model along with my Colt.45 and S&W .40 Cal and likes the semis and bigger guns, I’d prefer a revolver for here, but she doesn’t like them.

The local gun dealer said the SW 3913 is no longer made but the SW 908S is almost the identical gun. He’ll keep a look out for a used Lady Smith, but the 908 is for all intents the same gun and the price is right about $500. She’s thinking about being a travelling nurse when she graduates next year and wants this for a grad present and these 2 are considered purse guns. She'll take the classes and stuff for permitting of course.

Any thoughts on these guns and I don’t want to go much higher for it.

Hey Show-me,
Off-topic: Man that Taurus is cool. Nice looks. Will check out the Ruger later.
For me, I've a problem with double-stack magazines in .45 cal. I have small-medium size hands, and so far, I haven't found any doubles that "feel" quite right in-hand (like the single stacks do). I've always liked the H&K .45 line, but same problem there. (I know, I've expensive tastes.)
Anyway, I considered building my own custom 1911 single stack - starting with a surprising relatively new line for 1911s...

Note, it's got an special Scandium alloy frame that's lighter-weight (32 oz. empty). And, love those Caspian Arms, Damascus Steel slides!
Imagine this slide following on that S&W? :)
never heard of caspian i love colt 45 but this looks sweet where do we order and the S&W would be nice have amny ruger 9s but sure miss my 45 and on the look for a new one
Only thing I worry about is stopping power and maintenance. For stopping power I would not go below a .357 and maint. is easy on a stainless steel revolver.

Pull the trigger and that is it. In a bad situation you general get one shot.
Only thing I worry about is stopping power and maintenance. For stopping power I would not go below a .357 and maint. is easy on a stainless steel revolver.

Pull the trigger and that is it. In a bad situation you general get one shot.

Local cop recommended I get a long-barrel revolver for in-home bad situation if going to buy something. He made no recommendations on model/brand. Haven't done it yet, still thinking-pay off the house? buy a revolver and all that goes with it?

I'm procrastinating on that one, like I do too often with IFTs when uncertain best move to make :laugh:. Instead I'm getting the doors and windows wired next week, as first home-defence move and capital expense. Next move will be to modify outdoor lighting, another big capital expense. After that, I may still break down and buy the revolver. I'd much rather finish paying off my house than do all this, but....gotta do whatcha gotta do, right?

Reason being, we've got a meth addict sporadically wandering the neighborhood back yards, don't know who it is, but he keeps leaving intermittent traces of his nocturnal activity in back yards my side of the street over past several months and has been chased at night at least once. Trace he left at my house was he tore the storm window out of its frame sometime before Thanksgiving one night when I wasn't around. :mad: Pane unbroken sitting on ground below the mangled aluminum frame still attached to the window. :sick: Inner window doesn't open, he didn't get inside that time, must've gotten scared off by something. Me coming home? :worried:
Sucker rally? End of the month "window dressing"?

I'm F and proud. Blew a 3% lead but I got a letter for my efforts. LOL

Sold my CC before it filled the gap. Stupid! Going to keep is simple with the Roth for a while. I did buy SDS at 60.27 so lets see what happens with the job numbers.

You think the economy is recovering? I don't! We have not washed out yet IMO. Bring on the pain.

Plants closing, initial claims up, consumer worried, deficit, Social UnSecurity, China, India, elections, high energy, ....................................

5% to the TSP, max out the self and wife Roth. NO TAXES WHEN I RETIRE.

See ya in the morning.
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