Show-me Account Talk

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Tort reform could be the single greatest manipulation of our economy that exists. We have a strange, impractical notion that people who are "hurt" should be made instantly rich. Your brother died in the 9/11 terrorist attack? Here, take 4 million dollars. It might feel good, but it's imprudent. The doctor screwed up? Here's 117 million dollars. Again, it feels good but it's not necessary. The cost to the average American is massive.
EXACTLY, and that is what is driving the price! Want cheap Health Insurance, Kill the LAWYERS! Be fair, if mistakes are made,Yes people need renumeration but for god's sake not 117 Million dollars. That's why they say Doctors are PRACTICING! Does anyone understand how much Insurance Doctors and Hospitals pay a year? And why is our health care SOOO expensive? DUH!!!!:nuts:
For pitty sakes the OSM are bleeding out. Down over 3% in Asia, UK down 3.5%, and Germany down 5.3%. If this does not get Bernake's attention nothing will. If he wait until the regular meeting to cut rate and only 50 basis points, all faith in him will be lost.
just my opinion...but i think a rate cut will do alot more harm than good...what would a rate cut actually do for anyone other than big brother...think about it......the main cog...the consumer has tapped out.....inflation is ramping up,subprime has yet to be cleaned up with many more things poppin up,wall st cookin up the next (under the table deal) scheme...then if we have bailouts...its just saying...hey its all good...and then its business as usual...i say let the markets bleed...let the consumer bleed...this over indulgence needs to be thr great RONALD REGAN said....(keep govt out of the peoples business).....these handouts,bailouts,rebates,taxcuts....they all stink.....i say let the people govern responsible for their actions...nd like the good BOOK reap what you sow!......amen
just my opinion...but i think a rate cut will do alot more harm than good...what would a rate cut actually do for anyone other than big brother...think about it......the main cog...the consumer has tapped out.....inflation is ramping up,subprime has yet to be cleaned up with many more things poppin up,wall st cookin up the next (under the table deal) scheme...then if we have bailouts...its just saying...hey its all good...and then its business as usual...i say let the markets bleed...let the consumer bleed...this over indulgence needs to be thr great RONALD REGAN said....(keep govt out of the peoples business).....these handouts,bailouts,rebates,taxcuts....they all stink.....i say let the people govern responsible for their actions...nd like the good BOOK reap what you sow!......amen

There is much substance to what you said.
just my opinion...but i think a rate cut will do alot more harm than good...what would a rate cut actually do for anyone other than big brother...think about it......the main cog...the consumer has tapped out.....inflation is ramping up,subprime has yet to be cleaned up with many more things poppin up,wall st cookin up the next (under the table deal) scheme...then if we have bailouts...its just saying...hey its all good...and then its business as usual...i say let the markets bleed...let the consumer bleed...this over indulgence needs to be thr great RONALD REGAN said....(keep govt out of the peoples business).....these handouts,bailouts,rebates,taxcuts....they all stink.....i say let the people govern responsible for their actions...nd like the good BOOK reap what you sow!......amen

Bravo! :D
just my opinion...but i think a rate cut will do alot more harm than good...what would a rate cut actually do for anyone other than big brother...think about it......the main cog...the consumer has tapped out.....inflation is ramping up,subprime has yet to be cleaned up with many more things poppin up,wall st cookin up the next (under the table deal) scheme...then if we have bailouts...its just saying...hey its all good...and then its business as usual...i say let the markets bleed...let the consumer bleed...this over indulgence needs to be thr great RONALD REGAN said....(keep govt out of the peoples business).....these handouts,bailouts,rebates,taxcuts....they all stink.....i say let the people govern responsible for their actions...nd like the good BOOK reap what you sow!......amen
Good words Mr. Recognizer!:D
Could this be capitulation or is this Armageddon?

DAX was down intraday 7.5 % ! I think this will be the capitulation bottom. I heard S&P futures are like -55.

Speaking for the long term health of our economy, of course cutting rates now might hurt things, we need to get the pain over with now.

NOW...speaking from a purely selfish standpoint...if you are in the market we need a minimum of 1.00% rate cut on FED Day, and/or an emergency cut Tuesday. A 50 pt cut would be laughable by the markets.

So, what is the best overall course of action? I say we first stop the bleeding with shock and awe rate cuts...massive and quick. This, along with the stimulus package, AND some other types of incentives for businesses that have not come out yet, is what we need in the short term. This package should come with a set expiration date cannot be permanant.

Chopping rates tomorrow will not cause long term inflation and an implosion of the US economy! KEEPING them low for a LONG period of time will. So that's my 2 cents.

Longer term, man we've got some problems with the budget. People don't like to hear it but with our current system, we NEED tax cuts to fund it.
Now let me see, I'm a consumer and I'm nowhere near being tapped out. I'm going to sit back tomorrow and watch the pillars crumble as Rome burns. No panic moves on my part. Actually I'm going to deposit some cash into my daughter's trading account so we can finish up our buy program in the financial sector. Yup, feed this bear is what I'm going to do. The intraday low should be down around Dow 11,500 for the wash job. Be right and sit tight.
Well, she could bite the bullet and jump all into G, taking a big loss now, and hope to get back in at the right time in the future.

Or, she can ride it on down and see how low it goes, then ride it back up in the future.

It's a b##tch either way.
I THINK I would say to someone, if you've been "in" then you need to stay in. To lock in these losses is almost unacceptable. Unless we go into full blown Depression she will get it back but only by staying in.

I'm in a similar boat, and I'm opting to 100 G to stop the bleeding...

I'll get it back later...but things have to even out a little...and right now we're in a downward spiral...

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