just my opinion...but i think a rate cut will do alot more harm than good...what would a rate cut actually do for anyone other than big brother...think about it......the main cog...the consumer has tapped out.....inflation is ramping up,subprime has yet to be cleaned up with many more things poppin up,wall st cookin up the next (under the table deal) scheme...then if we have bailouts...its just saying...hey its all good...and then its business as usual...i say let the markets bleed...let the consumer bleed...this over indulgence needs to be abated......like thr great RONALD REGAN said....(keep govt out of the peoples business).....these handouts,bailouts,rebates,taxcuts....they all stink.....i say let the people govern themselves.....be responsible for their actions...nd like the good BOOK sez............you reap what you sow!......amen