Show-me Account Talk

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Wow, what a day! I feel like exiting, but do not want to miss the PPT rescue and I feel like there is a bit more upside to the 50 dma. Friday is a lite day for ED and earnings.

Ben rallied the markets, but it was not a emergency cut like the market is begging for. FOMC meeting is a long way off and there is some big players in next weeks line up.

Starting Tuesday Retail Sales and PPI. Wednesday is CPI, Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization and Beige Book.

Earning wise we have C, INTC, JPM, WFC, MER, WM, and GE just to name a few.

Well, after typing that list I'm not feeling that confident about going higher now. :worried: PPI and CPI are in the bag. GO COLA!!! :nuts: C, JPM, WFC, MER, and WM are well sucking wind because the the subprimes.

Give me 20 more points and I will go to CP.
Feel like tomorrow will retract. No real good vibrations to make it go higher with Friday and Monday lacking Ed and earnings to kick start the days. Will Monday do nothing waiting for the PPI and CPI?
I agree that any action on part of the PPT may have quite an effect on the short term picture. Maybe even more than a Fed rate cut. Some sort of stimulus package would get a lot of attention and really boost the market. My only concern is that the investing community would see it for what is is.. an attempt to save the Bush administrations reputation and may negate any positive effect.

Hey, I'll take any opportunity to rip a few points out of this crappy market, I'm not too proud to take a profit wherever I can. ;)
Feel like tomorrow will retract. No real good vibrations to make it go higher with Friday and Monday lacking Ed and earnings to kick start the days. Will Monday do nothing waiting for the PPI and CPI?

Might it be these precise sentiments, that might be what carries us, at least for the next couple days?
Forest is knee-deep in bears!
-No? :)
I agree that any action on part of the PPT may have quite an effect on the short term picture. Maybe even more than a Fed rate cut. Some sort of stimulus package would get a lot of attention and really boost the market. My only concern is that the investing community would see it for what is is.. an attempt to save the Bush administrations reputation and may negate any positive effect.

Hey, I'll take any opportunity to rip a few points out of this crappy market, I'm not too proud to take a profit wherever I can. ;)

I just eager to get my check so I can invest it! :D
SHOW-ME please don't let anyone distract you. There is no one on this MB or off this MB that has a better feel for this Market than you. If you miss a day (which would be unusual) it is certainly no big deal. The only reason I don't have an extra .89% tacked on to my winnings is because I was not available one day this week.

You are doing an amazingly incredible job - no one can be right 100% of the time - however you are as close as you can get.

Hmmm I just realized I might be sounding a tag like Mr. R - and I don't mean to come across that way - I simply want to let you know your accomplishments ESPECIALLY OVER THE PAST 3 MONTHS make you look magical - exceptional - like you own the Markets.
Now I really appreciate the accolades but you need to look at my record the first 3 quarters of 2007. SUCKED! Very dismal return during a very bullish and profitable period. I buy no means have this down with only three years experience. I'm just that blind squirrel that finds a nut every now and then.

Any way I do expect the C fund to rest today. The S fund has potential and does not alway follow in lockstep with the C.

Do you think Ben and the Jets will get a sneak peak at the PPI and CPI reports?
I think Ben has already seen the reports you refer to, and that is why he went on TV yesterday to say what he said. One commentator said perhaps that is exactly WHY Ben went on TV yesterday- He may know that things are a lot more screwed up that what is being publically said right now.

I am thinking very hard about moving to the sidelines for a rest- the bounce back may just be a sucker pause before a huge drop. We'll have to wait and see.

Go SHow-me- hope your 2008 continues it's winning ways.

Oscar thinks the market is heading down! The pattern makes sense, but options week is next week and Monday is historically strong. And, historical patterns are not working in this market right now, so I may exit today and lick my wounds from any losses today.

The PPT will have to step in soon and the headlines on Yahoo is for the most part Bearish. Stimulus package gets top billing.

Bearish market.

Two positive days in a row.

PPI and CPI plus a ton of earning for banks and other investment houses coming out next week.

I hate this part. If I could put in a limit sell order, it would be at 1440. I have to guess what the market will do after the noon cut off.

I am frustrated and will make a call before the cut off.
I think Ben has already seen the reports you refer to, and that is why he went on TV yesterday to say what he said. One commentator said perhaps that is exactly WHY Ben went on TV yesterday- He may know that things are a lot more screwed up that what is being publically said right now.

I am thinking very hard about moving to the sidelines for a rest- the bounce back may just be a sucker pause before a huge drop. We'll have to wait and see.

Go SHow-me- hope your 2008 continues it's winning ways.

Thanks James! I did not think of it that way.
I see the futures and the OSM keep slipping as I write. I should of exited yesterday. What was I thinking. Today will be damage control.
2 cents worth.
Right now, at this moment, if asked, I would have to say I see hard times for this year. 1.2 mil. in mortgage resets are still out there for this year, credit problems creeping into other areas, retail sales declining, unemployment creeping up, DJ crashes through 12.8 with no bottom in sight and given the choices we have, I have to wonder if I would be better served by going into a emerging market fund?
I’ll be staying close to the “F” fund for a while. Just waiting to see how things shake out. Just not going to hold my breath waiting on a turn around!
Now I really appreciate the accolades but you need to look at my record the first 3 quarters of 2007. SUCKED! Very dismal return during a very bullish and profitable period. I buy no means have this down with only three years experience. I'm just that blind squirrel that finds a nut every now and then.

SHOW-ME please know I am only highlighting the past Quarter with this month included so far. Many will have their turn - and that only lasts so long - before someone else gets theirs. If your turn is up THAT'S FINE WITH ME AND THERE IS NO WAY I COULD EXPECT ANYONE TO KEEP IT GOING - but your turn may not be up just yet. The important point that I'm making is UTILIZE THE TRACKING SYSTEM and find the one in control; once they have proven it is their turn - follow their lead. No one has come close to you during your turn and you essentially defied all the powers that be - by reaping in tremendous profits when the seasoned (and overall best) took huge losses. So past history makes little difference at this point - because you have just proven for years to come YOU HAD YOUR TURN during the most difficult period.
And, the House of Pain materialized. One bright spot is that Sec. Paulson stated the the "economic stimulus package" needs to be implemented immediately.


The Week Ahead.

Schumer Calls for Quick Action on Economic Stimulus Measures

By Ken Fireman

Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Senator Charles Schumer of New York called for adoption of economic stimulus measures that will be ``timely,'' temporary and targeted to middle-class Americans rather than the wealthy.
Schumer, delivering the Democratic Party's weekly radio address today, accused President George W. Bush of taking a ``do-nothing approach'' to the nation's mounting economic woes, especially rising foreclosures and falling home values.

Bush and Congress Seen Pushing for Stimulus Plan — The Bush administration and Congressional leaders, increasingly concerned about a possible recession, are moving closer to agreeing that an economic stimulus package is needed soon, Washington officials said Friday.
A Republican familiar with the administration’s thinking said Mr. Bush would present ideas to stimulate the economy, most likely in the form of tax relief, in his State of the Union message on Jan. 28. Mr. Bush will not decide on the details until he returns from the Middle East next week.
Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill are also suggesting that they might be able to put aside longstanding partisan differences and work on a stimulus measure, lawmakers and aides said Friday.
Looking at PPI and CPI from last month, I don't think it will be as bad. This will rally the markets because even though the Fed claims to not be as focused on inflation because growth is more important, it is still looking at inflation. So if inflation comes in as expected in the PPI and CPI, it will reinforce the market in thinking a 50 or 75 basis point cut is coming. Then we will rally. Earning will be a hard one. Citi, JPMorgan, and others report this week.

I hate getting caught yesterday and I should have known better in this volatile market. I did catch the bottom which is almost impossible to do without luck, so I like my entry point and just have to grow a thicker skin and hold will this works its way out. Pick a "stop" point will be the trick.

More later.
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