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Report: 'The global war on drugs has failed'

"The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for
individuals and societies around the world," says the Report of the Global
Commission on Drug Policy in its opening statement. "Fifty years after the
initiation of the U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, and 40 years after
President Nixon launched the U.S. government's war on drugs, fundamental
reforms in national and global drug control policies are urgently needed."

China shops for Latin American oil, food, minerals

China on Latin American buying spree to lock in long-term needs in oil, minerals, food

According to Schell, China is just getting started.

"This is a real tipping point moment, of which the Chinese investments in commodities and extractive resources of Latin America is just the opening bell," he said. "Who's got the money? And it's not the United States any longer. It's China. This is the next great pool of (foreign investment) that the world is going to reckon with in myriad ways."
State, local governments set to see record job cuts, layoffs

Don't look to state and local governments to prop up the job market.

To the contrary, this cash-strapped sector is set to go on a record-breaking layoff binge when the new fiscal year starts on July 1.

State and local governments are forecast to shed up to 110,000 jobs in the third quarter, the first time the blood-letting has risen into the triple digits, according to IHS Global Insight.

"We're on a downward path," said Greg Daco, principal U.S. economist at IHS. "It's not looking good."

The bad news is that local governments are in even worse shape. Not only are they losing state aid, but they are finally feeling the fallout from the mortgage meltdown. Property tax assessments, a major funding source for municipalities, have only started to drop.

Caught in a fiscal bind, local governments will have to reduce personnel expenses since it is the costliest part of their budgets and they've already slashed their programs and services.

"We're at the tip of the iceberg," said Christiana McFarland, the National League of Cities' program director for finance and economic development. Cities "don't have many options at this point."

Teachers and school staff will bear the brunt of the layoffs this summer, as hundreds of thousands will likely be laid off around the nation. The national job numbers should reflect the hit in July and September.
Weiner did pick up support from U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat
who was censured by the House last year for ethics violations. Rangel suggested
that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.

Rangel said Weiner "wasn't going with prostitutes. He wasn't going out with
little boys."

Seems to me that immoral behavior is being allowed, condoned, defended, and/or over looked by his constituents and now defended by a scorned Charlie Rangel. I don't think I would want Rangle defending me and my immoral actions. :rolleyes:
Happy day, caught the bounce but how long to hold on with only two IFT per month?

I the USA can not keep its AAA rating will the Euro rally against the USD?

Will the EuroZone market rally?
OMG, the 2 IFT rule still continues to kill me as I hold on too long for fear of missing some gains and not being able to transfer back in the next day. Give it back to me NOW! That is all.
Amen brother. I feel the same way. I have held on all week looking for a bounce when I shoulda got out. Arggg. What I have learned is that you have to go ahead and get out when you should and forget about trying to save a IFT.

Wish I had taken my own advice this week.
Amen brother. I feel the same way. I have held on all week looking for a bounce when I shoulda got out. Arggg. What I have learned is that you have to go ahead and get out when you should and forget about trying to save a IFT.

Wish I had taken my own advice this week.

clester, right with ya.
This sort of thing is why I turned it all over to the pros when I retired. I don't need the aggravation and self-recrimination: I still remember the week a few years ago when I lost $13 grand on one trade in the I-fund. Ouch! Now, all I gotta do is cash the checks. :)
I plan to stay actively involved in managing my money as long as I'm competent - trying to hold Alzheimers back if possible. Besides, when we get those triple Dow upsides my heart beats faster.
Drill Baby Drill
- or -
Frack Baby Frack

Is that an allowed word?
Central Arkansas has problems with the Fayetteville Shale fracturing & earthquakes:
:worried: don't want stuff in my water well !!!

drilling oil:
What a day in Europe! Euro is doomed and they just need to get it over with. Thinking of dipping a toe in with my two trades.
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