Show-me Account Talk

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Thanks guys, we in the beekeeping community and known about this for years. The Europeans have sued Bayer for the same reason.

Our bureaucracy is a little slower but in fairness our beekeepers have abused their bee stock themselves by shipping them all over the Country for pollinations purposes and exposing them to a myriad of local diseases and pests and then pack them up and spread the diseases across the Country.

These beekeepers also abused these bees by not allowing them to develop naturally and build up natural stores of honey and pollen to sustain them through the winter months. This weakens a colony and makes them very susceptible to disease and pest.

All colonies have or will have the varroa mites and other diseases, strong colonies can live successfully with it. I have proved that in my own bee yards.

Honeybees are the perfect SOCIALIST, in being so they are insects of opportunity, combative, warring, isolationist, and cold hearted killers. It is instilled in the DNA of the honeybee to leave the hive and die a lonely dead if ill for the greater good. They will execute their own mother if they sense she is weak or damaged. They will execute their own fathers and brother when winter arrive in order to save stores. There are no slackers in the colony, everyone has a job or will die!!! :D
Bump: It's getting a little dusty is here, how are you doing?

Physically and mentally very well, TSP trading wise I SUCK!!!!!!

I am thinking of approaching Tom about starting my own Premium Anti-Trading Service. Way I figure it is that if you are willing to pay someone to help you make more that the market, why not pay someone with a proven track record of bad moves for the last two years. I sure some people are already watching so all I have to do is charge a nominal fee. lol :laugh:
I'm glad health wise you're still here with us, you can always make more money, but you gotta be around to spend it :D As for the money, I'll only say that I'm trying to avoid the I-Fund this year (and perhaps forever) I just hate the downside risk and the multiple positions you have to monitor with the I-Fund. Anyways, I'm glad to see you around here. :)
Physically and mentally very well, TSP trading wise I SUCK!!!!!!

I am thinking of approaching Tom about starting my own Premium Anti-Trading Service. Way I figure it is that if you are willing to pay someone to help you make more that the market, why not pay someone with a proven track record of bad moves for the last two years. I sure some people are already watching so all I have to do is charge a nominal fee. lol :laugh:

Hang in there Show! I managed to go full boat I fund the last day of February before the Japan disaster, and lost nearly 10% in a week and a that, was some sweeeet timing. I just said to hell with it and stick it out for awhile, at least until I recoup some of those losses. Things are a mess...
I can't help but speak up right now. Wake up folk, the writing has been on the wall for a while now. Remember back a few months ago when the Treasury auction made the news because the inflation protected Treasuries had a NEGATIVE YIELD FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY! Did you ask yourself why? I did. The big players are counting on massive inflation to offset the negative yield and that means MASSIVE INFLATION.

Fast forward today, Coolhand post this little nugget.

Actually, 2017 is optimistic. Uncle Sam’s creditors will soon start charging exorbitant interest rates -- like those Greece, Ireland and Portugal now face. The market’s concern with those countries’ bonds is outright default, which is unlikely in the U.S. What is likely is rising inflation as the Federal Reserve continues to print vast quantities of money to help pay the Treasury’s bills.

I generally don’t give investment advice, but Bill Gross, co-founder of PIMCO and manager of the world’s largest bond mutual fund, has it right. It’s time to your dump all but your very short-term U.S. Treasuries and other dollar-denominated bonds. A safer alternative is Treasury inflation protected securities, or TIPS.

Just say'n! I'm still buying silver. Stock up on rations too, cheap insurance for the days when Congress is forced to throw us all under the bus. A 25 lb. bag of rice is under $10 at SAM'S and will store indefinitely in a food safe storage bucket. I get mine from the deli, icing buckets they throw away. Don't laugh and the nut.;)
The big players are counting on massive inflation to offset the negative yield and that means MASSIVE INFLATION.


The bigs boys may get a big payday on the TIPS.. If the FED continues the QE series we will have inflation worse than the 70's.
Thing is the Big Boyz are hardly ever wrong because they have the inside track and the .gov/FED will reward them for their participation in the QE ponzi scheme eventually. Face fact, all the A students are working a PIMCO or Goldman and the C students work at the .gov or vying to get a job at PIMCO or Goldman. It's the natural order of things, the little people alway get eaten.
Thing is the Big Boyz are hardly ever wrong because they have the inside track and the .gov/FED will reward them for their participation in the QE ponzi scheme eventually. Face fact, all the A students are working a PIMCO or Goldman and the C students work at the .gov or vying to get a job at PIMCO or Goldman. It's the natural order of things, the little people alway get eaten.

a sad shame, it is.
Is the pull back coming? The conditions are ripe, QE2 will end in June and the big boyz will front run that. The FOMC has many decenter on board now and QE2 would require and invasion of body snatchers to pass QE3.:p Treasuries will have to stand on their own and that will be interesting to watch. I can not get this little nugget out of my mind.

Bloomberg News, Bloomberg News · Oct. 25, 2010 | Last Updated: Oct. 25, 2010 3:05 PM ET
The U.S. Treasury sold US$10-billion of five-year Treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) at a negative yield for the first time in the history of U.S. debt.

Also, any budget cut will effect the economy no matter how badly they are needed. Money flowing from the taxpayer to the employee, public or private contractor, then on to the economy. And, more budget cutting is on tap whether the incumbents like it or not.
I agree, but this bull keeps charging upward and mom and pop (and me) are wondering where can they stash their dough and not be beaten up by inflation. Looks to me like global corporations, including global bankers, pretty much rule the world as we know it. So, owning a piece of that makes sense to me. I'm in to win. And, just because I'm a 61 year old rural mail carrier, doesn't mean I can't view my investment window as 20 years out.
Is the pull back coming? The conditions are ripe, QE2 will end in June and the big boyz will front run that. The FOMC has many decenter on board now and QE2 would require and invasion of body snatchers to pass QE3.:p Treasuries will have to stand on their own and that will be interesting to watch. I can not get this little nugget out of my mind.
Bloomberg News, The U.S. Treasury sold US$10-billion of five-year Treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) at a negative yield for the first time in the history of U.S. debt.
Hey Show-me,
Forgive this novice "Bonds/F-fund watcher", but given what you have underscored for us, would it be the Yields, or the Rates, that would fall?
Another question - If they are currently selling at a negative yield, then would this affect rates (& our F-fund positively)? Just trying to figure this out, and wondering if you can explain for us further, what you think as happening as would be "interesting to watch"? ;)
VR, good buddy!

PS I agree & see that as QE2 end approaches - the market will forerun that date - and as that pain approaches - I'm wondering if even T-Bonds would be good to be in?
I agree, but this bull keeps charging upward and mom and pop (and me) are wondering where can they stash their dough and not be beaten up by inflation. Looks to me like global corporations, including global bankers, pretty much rule the world as we know it. So, owning a piece of that makes sense to me. I'm in to win. And, just because I'm a 61 year old rural mail carrier, doesn't mean I can't view my investment window as 20 years out.

I plan on working even when dead, can't afford not to if they let Social Security implode.

Global commodities should help hedge inflation. I just bought some gold on eBay. I bought some 1 gram gold pieces a few years ago for $20 and now I am paying $60 to $70 a gram. The premium is steep but the size is right for me.
I plan on working even when dead, can't afford not to if they let Social Security implode.

Global commodities should help hedge inflation. I just bought some gold on eBay. I bought some 1 gram gold pieces a few years ago for $20 and now I am paying $60 to $70 a gram. The premium is steep but the size is right for me.
I had 17 ounces given to me by my grandfather upon his death. I think he got them in the 60's. It's hard not to sell them because of the emotional ties.....but wow......

I'm not working when I'm dead....screw SS, I never will count on it anyway.
I had 17 ounces given to me by my grandfather upon his death. I think he got them in the 60's. It's hard not to sell them because of the emotional ties.....but wow......

I'm not working when I'm dead....screw SS, I never will count on it anyway.

Don't sell it, sounds like the perfect hedge if inflation takes off or pass it on to the next family member. There is less gold than oil.
Hey Show-me,
Forgive this novice "Bonds/F-fund watcher", but given what you have underscored for us, would it be the Yields, or the Rates, that would fall?
Another question - If they are currently selling at a negative yield, then would this affect rates (& our F-fund positively)? Just trying to figure this out, and wondering if you can explain for us further, what you think as happening as would be "interesting to watch"? ;)
VR, good buddy!

PS I agree & see that as QE2 end approaches - the market will forerun that date - and as that pain approaches - I'm wondering if even T-Bonds would be good to be in?

I can't even begin to understand the F fund, too many variable's. Corporate bond, municipal bonds, and Treasuries..............ewww.
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