Show-me Account Talk

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Those 3 X funds (and 2 X to a lesser degree) can be tough on you if you hold them for a while because of the way they are calculated each day.

I agree, and in reality I don't think I'd use them heavily unless we were in some very obvious major market change, i.e. long term bull to bear, and that's pretty hard to judge. Reason is, I've observed that it is really hard to get out of those in time when they start to change direction. When they go from up to down, they do it lightning fast.

I'll probably stick to my plan to ride my current ETF holdings into April-May, then start DCAing into individual stocks.

Thanks for the chart, Tom.

ps - Show-Me, you can have your thread back now. :D
Love to bike,
It's OK bike. You were leading the charge a few months ago. I think it'll start losing some steam tomorrow anyway. (seasonality chart) April looks like a good month to be in stocks.
Jumped in on Friday to try for a Monday buy back. Historically Mondays bounce back after a Friday sell off. If not then historically all hell breaks loose.
Personal update: The Cancer won't kill me but the teenage son might.

Had my cancer check up a week ago Wed. and my blood count went down AGAIN!!! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

My youngest who broke his back a year ago Christmas had a check up a week ago and has been released from almost all restrictions except football and wrestling. WHOOOHOOOO!!!!

Personal update: The Cancer won't kill me but the teenage son might.

Had my cancer check up a week ago Wed. and my blood count went down AGAIN!!! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

My youngest who broke his back a year ago Christmas had a check up a week ago and has been released from almost all restrictions except football and wrestling. WHOOOHOOOO!!!!


Great news. Thanks for sharing.
That's awesome buddy, I'm glad to hear your improving, I'd sure like to keep you around here for a very very very long time. :)
Great news Mike! What is your son up to these days without football and wrestling? Doesn't he play guitar? Sounds safer. :)

I'm also very Happy to hear your good Medical Report. I wish Good Fortune and Good Health to everyone on this MB and I mean it. :)
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