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In our opinion, inflation is evil and the sole reason why human beings have become modern-day slaves. Remember, money is supposed to be a store of value, however due to reckless central bank-sponsored inflation, it can no longer fulfill this critical role. This is precisely the reason why human beings are never satisfied with what they have because nobody knows what their savings will buy them in ten or twenty years time. So, rather than enjoy their lives, the vast majority of people continue with their never ending pursuit of acquiring even more money! Unfortunately, nobody questions the inexplicable loss of the purchasing power of their savings, thus, central banks get away with financial murder.
It is our contention that inflation distorts the economy, it brings great harm to the public and it encourages speculation and mindless risk-taking. In fact, inflation acts as a poison for retired people since they are no longer able to earn more money in order to maintain their standard of living. So, thanks to inflation, most senior citizens are unable to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Before we delve further, we want to make it absolutely clear that inflation is defined as the increase in the quantity of money and debt within an economy. And contrary to what the governments want you to believe, inflation is certainly not an increase in the general price level within an economy. Instead, an increase in the general price level within an economy is a consequence of inflation. Allow us to explain this subtle yet critical difference:
For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that America's money-supply is US$100 and this is the amount available to buy the five oranges its economy produces. Common-sense dictates that under this situation, each orange will cost US$20. Now, let us introduce a banking-cartel called the Federal Reserve, which is able to extend credit (via its debt-based fractional reserve banking system); thereby inflating the supply of money within America to US$1,000. Under this scenario, with a 10-fold increase in money available to purchase the same amount of produce, each of the five oranges will now cost a whopping US$200!
JPMorgan Chase 4th-quarter profit grows to $3.3 billion, but loan losses raise concern
The bank's credit card and retail units reflect the difficulty that consumers are having paying their debts.
The bank reported net income of $3.3 billion for the fourth quarter and $11.7 billion for 2009, or more than double what it made in 2008. The bank said profit was driven by its investment banking and private equity divisions.
But in addition to being a Wall Street player, JPMorgan Chase is also a major consumer bank, with credit card and retail banking operations, including the branch network it acquired with the collapse of Washington Mutual Inc. last year.
The bank reported fourth-quarter losses from these units, reflecting the continuing difficulty that Americans are having in paying off their credit card and mortgage debts.
The retail division, which is responsible for mortgages, lost $399 million in the quarter. In the previous quarter the division made a profit.
The credit card division lost $306 million, while the number of credit card holders making delinquent payments over 90 days increased from 2.8% to 3.6% from the third to fourth quarter of last year.
"There is a dichotomy at this time between performance in the investment bank and in the consumer side, where losses still remain high," said Shannon Stemm, a bank analyst at Edward Jones and Co. in St. Louis. "It really shows us that the short-term environment is still tough for the consumer."
JPMorgan didn't offer much hope for a quick turnaround.
"While we are seeing some stability in delinquencies, consumer credit costs remain high and weak employment and home prices persist," Chairman Jamie P. Dimon said in a statement. "Accordingly, we remain cautious."
Although its earnings overall were strong, the bank's hazy outlook for the coming year spooked investors and triggered a sell-off on Wall Street, with the Dow Jones industrial average falling 100.90 points Friday to 10,609.65. JPMorgan shares slipped $1.01, or 2.3%, to $43.68.
The market is overdue for some kind of correction and the deterioration in new highs suggest that may have begun. The preponderance of recent breadth indicator confirmations suggest any correction will be shallow and brief. I expect the major averages to be lower on Friday January 22 than they were on Friday January 15.
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The Federal Reserve has been very clear about the fact that they intend to stop the quantitative easing program at the end of March. What that means in practice is that they are going to stop buying mortgage securities. That does two things. As Bill Gross so aptly points out, those mortgage purchases helped keep mortgage rates low. But they also financed the US government fiscal deficit, albeit indirectly. It seems that funds and banks that sold the mortgage securities turned around and bought US government debt or put the cash right back at the Fed.
Foreigners bought about $300 billion of the $1.5 trillion in new government debt. The rest came from the US, courtesy of the Fed buying mortgages. But that program stops (theoretically) at the end of March. The government still plans to run yet another $1.4-trillion-dollar deficit (give or take a few hundred billion). The question is, who will buy the debt? Foreigners will kick in another $300 billion, unless they decide to stop selling us stuff, or buy other less liquid or physical assets. So far there is no sign of that.
But as I asked last year, who is going to buy the multiple trillions in government debt that the G-7 countries want to issue? Who is going to buy another $1 trillion here in just the US? That is 7% of GDP. That means that consumers and businesses will have to save an additional 7% of GDP just to finance government debt at the federal level, not counting state and local debt. As Bill Gross concludes in his recent column (
"The fact is that investors, much like national citizens, need to be vigilant, and there has been a decided lack of vigilance in recent years from both camps in the U.S. While we may not have much of a vote between political parties, in the investment world we do have a choice of airlines and some of those national planes may have elevated their bond and other asset markets on the wings of central bank check writing over the past 12 months. Downdrafts and discipline lie ahead for governments and investor portfolios alike. While my own Pollyannish advocacy of 'check-free' elections may be quixotic, the shifting of private investment dollars to more fiscally responsible government bond markets may make for a very real outcome in 2010 and beyond. Additionally, if exit strategies proceed as planned, all U.S. and U.K. asset markets may suffer from the absence of the near $2 trillion of government checks written in 2009. It seems no coincidence that stocks, high yield bonds, and other risk assets have thrived since early March, just as this 'juice' was being squeezed into financial markets. If so, then most 'carry' trades in credit, duration, and currency space may be at risk in the first half of 2010 as the markets readjust to the absence of their 'sugar daddy.'"
This is yet another uncertainty. We simply have no idea, no relevant marker, for what happens when a country goes so cold turkey, coming off a central bank bond-buying binge. And this in the midst of a massive deleveraging and with stock market valuations basically where they were in 1987 - except there was at least large earnings growth then.
This video is 30 minutes and I'm glad you thought enough to post it Show-me.
This is some serious chit people.
I've always been a STRONG DOLLAR guy, no matter what the price!:notrust: Just do it!:nuts:
The biggest risk right now with earnings season is that the outlooks are not as encouraging as conventional wisdom thinks they will be. That would presumably stoke a more concerted pullback since few people are expecting such an outcome.
God, guns, gold, gas, groceries, the big five.