TSP Elite
Not looking good for the home team on Lehman. All of the players want the same deal JPM got for buying out BSC.
My friend, this is just a vague piece of a bigger truth. JPM is seriously considering acquiring other "DEALS" at this time. They had no interest in "buying out BSC" - this was a forced deal from higher up to paint a "Quick Mask" and prevent "Panic Alarms".
The gov. is between a rock and a hard place because all of the players know they can strong arm the gov. into assuming all of the risk while the players borrow the money from the tax payers on the cheap.
That's probably a bit too pestimistic (and unrealistic). In general "the players" are all weakened; and why would anyone want LEH and the endless struggles/debt that goes with it. The gov. is largely stuck because when LEH goes under - they are the only power left to clean up the mess.
The player are just biding their time before the gov. knuckles under, if they don't they will all sit back and watch LEH implode. And, now the Germans and the EU are commenting that the U.S. gov. had better do something to stop this mess with LEH.
Then everyone (Germans and the EU) is under the same delusion or illusion. LEH is simply in the headlines (or spotlight) at the moment.
We are getting deeper and deeper into a huge black hole as a nation.
It is ONE HUGE umbrella - and as drops roll off everyone gets caught up in the bigger ones falling off (Bear Stearns, Fannie/Freddie, LEH) yet many other drops (Barclays, INDYbank...) are also falling.
Q)Where is the MONEY to restore these failed systems?
A)Mainly outside of the USA
Q)Is the WEAKNESS mainly isolated to the USA?
We are getting deeper and deeper into a huge black hole as a nation and we are taking most of the world with us. Now is the time to get out of debt because MONEY will be demaned and obtained. Businesses will fold under, Jobs will be hugely cut; and all smaller Banks will be gobbled up by 3 big ones so in the end JPM will be one of the last remaining.
You have to go DEEP - really DEEP like Luv2read does and dig out all the facts; look at the whole picture and LEH (Barclays) and the rest appear much more insignificant. It's been there all along IT IS A MIRICLE THEY'VE BEEN ABLE TO HIDE IT FOR SO LONG.